TEMPLAR Me personally cant get a feel off of these 3 images but will play around on it and upload it to youtube in the morning 9-10 am (east coast time) Features: Traitor Traps Easter Egg: Hint, bring the baby to the altar Plenty of weapons and ammo Tight corners and hiding places
I'm afraid that this map cannot be added due to it being illuminat. I've done some extensive research on this map and what I have found is quite horrifying. Take a look at this for example: Spoiler: Illuminati proof This is truly quite horrifying. I actually really like the map, please add. +1
Map has been Declined. Easter Eggs spawns a creature that attacks players, T and Inno, with no real purpose.
Well what about the T trap on 67th way? The trap releases a roller mine that will still attack Traitors....
That would be a lot of work. He would have to remove all the steps required to get the easter egg. Then, whatever else he does.