Hot-wire slum - Horrible map, rounds delay, not fun to play Cs_Italy - no t traps, boring map Forest - Prop damage with Car, small, always RTV'd.
Hotwireslum: I say keep it. It's a well designed map. You just need to learn the ins and outs of it and then it's and OK map to play CS_Italy: If we remove it then we need to remove de_dust2 as well since that's another stock CS map with no T-traps forest_final: I say keep it it's often played and if I've ever seen it get successfully RTV'd then it must have only been once or twice.
Slum: Only seen it get rtv'd off today, and only today. It's different, that's for sure. Italy: A classic map should really stay. It'd be like the proposal of removing dolls, or 67th way. forest: This's not really THAT bad, but I can see why it's disliked.
Slum: It's okay, but there are a ton of delays Italy: Boring map. But I say we should keep dust2 since more people seem to enjoy it Forest: I actually enjoy this map, I would like to see it stay EDIT: A lot of people seem to camp in hotwireslums, it's annoying
LetMeRemoveTheCar,ForestIsTheOnlyMapI'llPlayAnythingElseAndIWIllLeave. I'llAddTrapsToCSItaly WHATTHEFUCKISHOT-WIRESLUM?!
Slum- It's really confusing for player and the rounds the forever. Italy- It's a classic, but it is boring Forest- Pretty sure we could remove the car and then we would be good
Hot wire slum is a slightly different map, but I wouldn't miss it if it's removed. Ditto with Forest, it's just a boring map. On the other hand I love Italy so -1.
Stay list: Italy, slums Leave: Forest Why: The forest is a boring map and tends to lag me out due to the props and the amount of textures every god damn time. Otherwise i find it disinteresting.