What's your Favorite Map?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Lemon, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    This question just came to me randomly, but here it goes. What are some of your favorite maps to play on?

    Mine are:
    Community Bowling
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    Community Bowling

    Lemon your adorable i fink i um dumm dumm plez rat muh pust
    • Creative Creative x 1
  3. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    Umm... thanks?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  4. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    I like Dolls actually (guilty pleasure) , 67thway, and Canyon. Those are all interesting maps due to the different tactics you can employ and their constant activity.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  5. Natsu | SP


    My favourite map is dolls.

    Second would have to be 67th way.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  6. Snak

    Snak Banned

    67th, hairyhouse, forest
    • Creative Creative x 1
  7. bobasawr

    bobasawr In the name of the moon, I'll punish you VIP

    canyon's my favourite :love:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  8. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    This is also my favorite map.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  9. Old Factory, Crummy Cradle, Canyon, and Community Bowling are some of my favorites.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  10. teadawg1337

    teadawg1337 SUPERNATURAL is love, SUPERNATURAL is life VIP

    de_dust2, hands down.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  11. Rooftops has always been my fav. It fits my traitoring style so well
    • Creative Creative x 1
  12. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    terrortrain :>
    • Creative Creative x 1
  13. TanMelon

    TanMelon Member

    Terrortrain or 68th way (dumb version of 67th)
    • Creative Creative x 1
  14. Rasta

    Rasta kektop VIP

    Nipper house
    Lost temple :notworthy:
    • Creative Creative x 1
  15. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    Community Bowling
    • Creative Creative x 1
  16. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    Community pool
    • Creative Creative x 1
  17. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    Community bowling, minecraft (not vanilla as much as regular), and 67th way in that order.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  18. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    I always have fun on terror train. 67thway too.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  19. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    67thway and dolls.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  20. LionDoge

    LionDoge (◕‿◕) VIP

    Rats kitchen, 67th, Datmap, Dolls, italy and dust
    • Creative Creative x 1