A Suggestion For Staff

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Senpai Vesper, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Today, I was unimaginably harassed, along with everyone on west 2. This is not a report, simply a suggestion to staff. When staff came on, this guy was still harassing people, yet the staff did nothing about it. I was awfully suprised about this. This guy kept harassing people and got muted and gaged once.
    Just ONCE.
    I was awfully pissed off about this because they dont want to deal with the fucking minge that was on. I hope staff take more consideration into forcing the harassment. Im am awfully discourged to play SeriousTTT because of this. I would suggest the staff would enforce this to gain more players.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    All staff members should follow the same protocol for when a player is harassing others. If you are being harassed, or the harassment is publicized by global chat and microphone, something should be done. I know that when someone sends a message in admin chat saying "I'm being harassed by x" I would then pm x and tell them to tone it down.

    Regardless, we have protocol to follow. Warn, Kick, Ban. If you feel a staff member isn't doing their job to your liking, please report them on the forums.

    I'm sorry you have been let down by this, and I can assure you that we work every day to make sure your time here is enjoyable.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Problem is, I did. 3 fucking times I did.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    I agree, staff seem to let a lot of harrassment and disrespect slip by, and honestly it is unacceptable, staff shouldn't be so lenient with it.
    I also personally have an issue whenever uses homophobic slurs to harrass other players, and when I personally get called a homophobic slur, or I hear someone get called one, my blood boils when the mods just act like nothing ever happened. I had this problem happen to me last night and when I got upset because of previous events I suddenly get turned on, but the person who was harrassing me had nothing done to him. The people who were there last night with me should now who they are and I would like to formally apologize for anything I did wrong, however it is not acceptable just because one person is breaking a rule, does not mean that a different player gets to break rules also, also I will not say any names, but you know who you are and, again, I do apologize for my actions.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  5. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Again, I can't stress enough that something should be done, if there was actual harassment involved. I am not accusing you of not speaking up about your problems, and I hope you don't see my words as that.

    Harassment is a very serious issue that we encounter almost daily, and many staff members deal with the situations in different ways. Although, we wouldn't be in our position if we didn't know how to handle harassment. If you speak up, it will be taken care of. If nothing is being taken care of, please report it. And not just the harassment, the staff member who has done nothing about it as well. If you feel uncomfortable reporting them on the forums, contact the administrator that put them in power. But, again, I'm confident in my team's abilities to handle harassment issues, and there might have been a miscommunication error.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. There wasnt just 1 is the problem. I doubt it was a "miscommunication" because he did it right infront of the staff.
  7. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    The thing is, we (the players) shouldn't have to tell a moderator to follow their protocol, or essentially, do their job. They should learn how to listen for harrassment and disrespect without the player telling them that they were harrassed, because what if the player is scared to say anything because I have seen more than once when a player gets in trouble for harrassing another player, the person that was punished usually starts to harrass even more.
    We shouldn't have to say anything, moderators should listen and help players, not be told to help players. (Not trying to be offensive in any way.)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    When I meant for players to tell moderators is when they're being harassed over !p. Usually, general targeting of other players and insulting comments doesn't go unpunished (or at least it shouldn't). If someone directly starts flaming someone to get a reaction, they should get a warning. If they continue, they should be kicked. If they come back and do it again, they should be banned. And it's very obvious when someone is going out of their way to attempt to harm someone emotionally. But, sometimes people don't see certain things as harassment. Some definitions for harassment are fairly loose and sometimes people don't really take offense to certain things. In these cases, however, if someone speaks up about being hurt, then it's harassment.
  9. This is true he was doing it for a couple hours and still nothing was really done :/
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. That's the exact issue, Darktooth. The staff didn't do anything at all the second time.
  11. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hello Senpai! Hope you're having a fantastic day!

    Unfortunately, moderators also have to deal with reports and there will be times where some harassment will slip by under our noses. We strive to keep the high quality standards that make up the Serious TTT servers today, but even then, there will unfortunately be times where some hints of harassment will pass by. Unfortunately, we also have a protocol that we must follow and because of that, we do not ban people outright for one instance of harassment. As Darktooth has mentioned, the moderators ban based on a set protocol of warn>kick>24 hour ban if it continues after he returns. I apologize if this doesn't suit your liking, but not everyone will always get what they want.

    IF there are staff who aren't doing anything to stop the harassing, then kindly message them through PM or admin chat and if they didn't do anything by then, then you should report them. After all, the Serious TTT staff are staff first and players second. Harassment is not tolerated here and if someone is feeling upset about a player's words, then that player should be told to stop and have the problem stop before it festers and gets worse. While I understand that you're upset about the whole ordeal, taking measures by making a thread and indirectly attacking the staff member who did not help you is not the way to go about the whole thing either. If harassment has been occurring and nothing was done, I suggest that you record or take screenshots of the incident and then make a report about it. With that being done, then the staff will get involved and deal with the report in a swift and timely manner.
  12. Hey guilty, I get it that you're giving the standard explaination of why the mods may not give punishments blah blah blah, but the person we are talking about has done it for atleast half of the day. Referring to my post in this thread: http://www.seriousttt.com/threads/report-against-choogler.10864/ You see that choogler says a lot of things that are meant to offend other people, and he has been for several map rotations that i've witnessed along with other reports of him doing it earlier. I'm not saying the staff didn't do ANYTHING, but they only issued a gag.

    On harpoon wars, Sinz warned him twice to stop camping, and he was gagged at the time. He got teleported out and was pooned, and then ungagged. He then started shouting 'HOW DO I REPORT ADMIN ABUSE' in full caps. It'd actually be a great pleasure to see him banned, as he clearly is just here to troll.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    The thing about trolls is this: they don't last long in the community.

    If someone is trolling excessively, then the staff should know what to do when it reaches breaking point. And the entire point of that report was to report choogler for possible hacking, which he was found not guilty for. It wasn't for the harassment portion.
  14. Before another post saying 'report them' comes in let me say this, I DO NOT HAVE VIDEO/PICTURE PROOF OF THIS, THIS THREAD IS PURPOSELY MADE TO ENCOURAGE STAFF TO NOT LET HARASSSMENT BY. Now, I dont beileve staff should be staff if they let harassment get by. And if it is not tolerated, why was everyone on west 2 harassed?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. He was mingeing, as mentioned.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    This isn't a case of harassment. Choogler, at the time was merely causing disruption - Spamming. As a result he received the appropriate punishment for that offense, a mute plus a warning, when he persisted he was muted for a round.

    If in that report any harassment evidence was given, he would have received the appropriate punishment for harassment. Since nothing was provided nothing could be done. I was not present for the previous map rotations, so I did not witness any other harassment he might have done. Staff cannot go based on the words of other players, they need proof, reason for what they're doing. We cannot punishment players randomly.
  17. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    That's what I explained in my first post. Unfortunately, there will be times when staff are dealing with tons of reports (this happens a lot on the servers that are filled). Also, the staff do not go off of one's words while this happens. We have to focus on the whole picture and not just a small part of it. If we focused on one part, then we will end up encouraging bias, which is something staff are not supposed to do to begin with.
  18. Wouldn't witnesses give you proof? Because there were witnesses. You didnt care whatsoever about witnesses of harassment.
  19. He wasnt during the time you got on but previously he was it was earlier this morning. Then he was claiming to have "Traitor finder hacks."
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