Approved Dr Pepper | {DUBSTEP}'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Dr Pepper | {DUBSTEP}, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Dr Pepper | {is addictive}
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    i would just like to know why im banned. its probably for rdm but i try not to kill anyone without some kind of reasoning. if someone could just tell me why then i would explain the situation but atm i do not know what happened. i dont even know who banned me o_O
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. AlCo owns

    AlCo owns The one and only VIP Emerald

    Hello Dr Pepper! You were banned by @Opii for RDM & Leave 1st Offense. He will respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    Dr Pepper | {is addictive},

    Thank you for making a ban appeal as it shows you do care about playing on the Serious TTT servers. I had banned you for RDM & Leave 1st Offense for having killed another player at the beginning of the round on ttt_67thway_v7, failing to reply to his report, and leaving. I have no proof of you leaving and after looking over the logs, I discovered that that the other player had been shooting and possibly t-baiting which would explain why you would kill him.


    I take full responsibility for this mistake and apologize if this may have caused you any trouble and
    deterred you from playing on our servers. I can only recommend that you ask any staff online if you have any reports filed against you before leaving the server. I will talk to my Admin @Sinz about this mistake. My apologies.

    Due to my lack of evidence, a probable and legitimate cause for killing another player, and your clean record, your ban appeal has been approved.
  4. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Just a reminder, do not forget to add a note to his record saying the ban is void.
  5. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Hello Dr Pepper, sorry about the inconvenience that is this ban appeal, but it seems I never got the chance to provide my input here.

    If you have ever heard of a word vs word scenario where a staff member is given two player responses that contradict each other, the victim files a report saying something like "He killed me for no reason, I was shooting the sky." and the reported player responds saying "No you were shooting at other players and myself." this is not one. In a word vs word scenario you have two player's responses, in this case you left leaving your "word" absent, as a result you cannot prove your side when the victim alleges you of RDM. We have logs to prove that the victim was shooting, but we do not have complex and intricate logs that determine whether or not the victim was shooting towards you. Since the victim reported you this shows that he believes he was killed falsely and since you left you (and staff members) cannot prove that differently.
    If my moderator Opii were to have evidence of the report in question and of you leaving this ban would be completely justified, for now I urge him to always gather evidence before issuing a ban.

    In the near future when playing on our servers, please be sure to contact a staff member online that you must leave. This allows you to freely leave our servers without having being banned in the back of your mind.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
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