There needs to be a Ban List (NVM there is one ;P)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by The Nerf Doctor, Jul 8, 2014.


Should this community have a ban list?

  1. Add a ban list

  2. Dont add a ban list

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  1. Every good server/community has a ban list, needless to say this community needs one. If I get banned I want a list that shows why I was banned when I was banned and how long the ban lasts. I hope they add one :)

    EDIT: I didn't see one, there is no way of searching for one. Thank you for telling me that one exsists. Now idiots like me can find the ban list ;) Oh and thanks for calling me dumb ;)
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  2. Sleeping Dawg

    Sleeping Dawg c o o l b o y s VIP

  3. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    As the user above me linked, there is already an existing one, it just isn't tied to the forums yet, although Highwon might be working on that.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    If you are banned, then make an appeal on the forums. When you press the appeal button in the ban appeals section, you will find a link (that was shown by @Sleeping Dawg) at the very top that links you to the banlist. From there, a simple ctrl+f with your Steam name during the ban or your Steam ID will show you when you were banned, who banned you, which server you were banned from, and how long your ban lasts. Hope this helped.
  5. Considering it's on SeriousTTT it's tied to the forums. It may not be integrated to the point where a normal user can find it, though.
  6. well now theres a link so when someone searches ban list, BAM that will come up lol.
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