RKS III Refusing to Do Job.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Husky, Jul 5, 2014.

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  1. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player: @Rks III

    SteamID of Staff/Player: STEAM_0:0:41021800

    Server: Serious TTT East

    Time of Occurrence: About 6:30 P.M EST

    Reason For Report: Okay before I go into what he did; I have nothing against the moderator being reported, I just want to have some justice towards this unfairness. So a player by the name of "Mic Spam" (STEAM_0:0:51766430) had a problem with me, and decided to go by it by saying I was very fucking annoying. @LegoGamerGuy defends me like the friend he is, and Mic spam replies: "SUCK MY BALLS." This is clear harassment. Every time I would talk, Mic Spam would make moans and groans, so I ask: "What is his problem?" He says: "I am sick of the little kids talking on the mic." He says rude things to me, and I am forced to defend myself. @Rks III steps in and gags only me, and Mic Spam gets no form of punishment. @LegoGamerGuy send a picture of the chat logs showing the harassment Mic Spam committed, and it is basically brushed off by Rks. I then send the picture, asking why I was gagged and not him. He then explains that his actions were wrong in the situation. Lego then shows that Rks replies to the picture in voice chat: "Yeah I understand," implying that he understand why I am "annoying." So when I get no answer from Rks, until very late next map. I believe that is very unfair and disrespectful towards me, and was not handled correctly. I am tagging his admin for further inspection. @The Paw
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: @LegoGamerGuy is my witness and sent most of the pictures to myself for use, and to Rks as evidence.
    Photo of Mic Spam's Harassment: http://i.imgur.com/z7pgdd3.jpg
    Photo of Rks admitting he should not have handled it this way and that Lego also sent him that photo: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dorks/screenshot/80253141987688345
    Photo of myself asking the 3 staff on (@The Paw @Darth West @Rks III) on the situation: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=281731296
    *Note: All except Rks was AFK half way into the round.)

    I thank you for your time.

  2. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

  3. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    Often times when there is an argument or something going on, we are dealing with so many other things at the same time. Often, we will mistake who is the aggressor and the person being harassed, not out of malice or anything, just because we hear two people arguing, and weren't there for the whole thing. It is easier to just gag/warn both in most cases.
  4. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    He should know that/should have ben taught that. It is one of the most common cases while staffing the servers. Two people get into an argument, it gets out of hands, both are gagged unless proven otherwise in which one player is gagged instead. I will admit that I was apart of the problem, and I was defending myself in the face of a problem, and he should have been gagged as well.
  5. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Mic Spam was not once gagged nor muted. Rks says; "I warned both of them, reguardless of who started it, it went to far. " Yes, you warned both of them but you didn't bother showing Micspam what happens when you harass. (You get gagged or muted, Even banned depending on the offense) Now, I wouldn't say that is a big problem but Mic Spam said to another player with a high voice "How about you shut the fuck up" then he moans at king husky when he says "Hey, micspam, why are you picking on us?" As king husky said "I am tired of 9 year old's talking on the mic" King husky replies with action "Okay, I am only going to tell you once, so listen. Press "TAB" Now find my name, find the mute button and mute me" A huge conflict happens, I didn't get much because people were talking over each other.

    I'd take a recording on my console, Micspam was NOT punished. Here's an imgur album. http://imgur.com/iz2LekG,3jPIYX3,UYUTSFv

    Honestly with as many people that mic spam harassed, he needs a ban. (Most of it was on the mic, sadly. But the mod was dead and most likely in reports, I'm sure he could hear it.\

    EDIT: I'd like to note Rks said to me "I understand" once I explained micspam needs a punishment as well. (This was via voice chat)
  6. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    So, is it entirely unreasonable to assume that perhaps he just heard you arguing with someone, and you just happened to get the gag for it? This kind of thing happens man.
  7. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    We were both clear as day. Ask @LegoGamerGuy , we even got people commenting on it during the incident. He admitted he was wrong, meaning he knew what the situation was, just not handling it correctly. I will hear from him, though.
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The other player still should have gotten a gag/kick for harassment.
  9. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    This could have been true but it isn't the case.RKS said he understood that micspam needed to be punished as well but he only warned him with a friendly talk, no gag nor mute. (Like I said, He needed a ban for 4th offense of harassment.)
  10. Rks III

    Rks III Not the I, Nor the II, but the III VIP

    Well almost everything about that is true.
    The only portion that isn't is
    I had said "Yeah I understand" as in, yes he did say that.

    I have talked to The Law about this already, I know I could have handled the whole situation differently.
    I would like to point out that the first messages were in chat and honestly I hadn't seen them until it was too late. Also Lego could have been a little less rude, which had escalated the situation.
    Then when the map had changed it turned to arguing in the mic, and from what I heard it was mostly Husky, so my immediate reaction was to gag the one currently talking. I should have gagged both of you but the situation died as soon as the first gag was given. Thus I didn't feel I had to make the extra gag, so I then ungagged you. The argument died and it was okay until you and Lego continued to message me. Now we are here.

    I could explain how I should have handled this situation but that's pointless typing. As I already know I should've gagged Mic, but I wasn't going to gag him after the situation had settled just because I messed up.

    Edit: It's easy for everyone to sit here and tell what I should've done, but in the moment it's different.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  11. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    Rks ignore myself and Lego's reports to him. Like I said, he admitted he was wrong, and STILL no punishment was given.
  12. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Now hold on.. rude? uh the only way I was rude is "Fuck off micspam" Now, that's clearly just defending a pal. I'd like to know how I was being rude
  13. Rks III

    Rks III Not the I, Nor the II, but the III VIP

    As a former moderator you should know that, using foul language never solves anything. Especially telling someone something like that, even if you are defending a friend, it is no excuse.

    I don't want this to become a he said she said, back and forth so if I don't reply that's why. I will reply when I feel it is necessary to further this report.
  14. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Previously, Micspam was harassing other players, I was fed up with it. I see what you mean, though. But if someone wants to make someone else feel bad, they should feel it too.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  15. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

  16. Rks III

    Rks III Not the I, Nor the II, but the III VIP

    I understand you're wanting to get this report over with, but I would prefer to have ThePaw make a decision on this as he was present during the situation and got both sides of the coin.

    Edit: I talked with him, he said he would respond when he had time.
  17. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    Okay, that is fine. That is the best course of action.
  18. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    This situation between King Husky and "MicSpam" was not entirely all heard on my side, as I was either playing while you were spectating, or I was busy responding to questions over steam. However, I did catch the bit where King Husky broke down and started yelling at "MicSpam", at which point he was gagged and the situation calmed down. RKS did his best to resolve the situation by warning MicSpam to stop harassing via PM. He then took another necessary step and gagged King Husky for mic spam. If "MicSpam" had continued harassing, then he would have been kicked from the game. Here is a picture of our rules for clarification on the punishments for spamming and Harassment cases:

    RKS did his job by warning the harassing player to stop, and gagging the mic spammer. After these protocols were used, the situation calmed down, and the server was at peace once again.

    Another option that could have been used to warn "MicSpam" for harassing was by gagging/ muting him. RKS and I have both agreed that perhaps that would have been the best option in that situation. This situation can be used as another learning experience for RKS as he continues to be tested with new situations and how he learns to handle them more efficiently. The situation was handled sufficiently enough to get peace back on the server, but both I and RKS agree that the situation could have been better neutralized by gagging both players.

    This report has been solved.
    Thank you for the report.

    ~The Law
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