With the summer sale around the corner instead of playing for points we're playing for game(s) adding up to 30$ or the rank of VIP+. Rules and Clarifications: -One winner per contest however you may win multiple ones and stack the prizes as you wish. -Absolutely no truces. You may ask T buddies to help but no 'lemme kill you for a contest'. I will personally throatpunch you if you do. -No RDMing. -Challenges must be completed in one round. -No singing Katy Perry songs while doing the tasks. The Challenges: 1. Get 10 silent pistol headshot kill. No AFK kills. You must be a Traitor and this must be recorded. Winner: Shinigami v2. get 5 silent pistol headshots for half the prize. No AFK kills. Video or damage logs will be accepted. Prize - 15$ game(s) of your choosing. Winner: LegoGamerGuy 2. Kill seven people with tripwires. No pushing AFKs into them either. You must be a traitor, and you must prove it with damage logs. Guns aren't allowed either so I hope you're good with props. ; ) Winner: doublerainbow 3. Get 4 harpoon kills. Triple harpoons are not allowed, must be recorded, and you must be a traitor. T buddy kills do not count. Winner: YesyesNena : P v.2 No luck with harpoons? Why not jihad? Take out 10 folks and show damage logs for proof, throw in a video for giggles for a half prize. 15$ game(s) of your choosing. Be sure to warn your T buddies first or else. ; ) Winner: YesyesNena : P This portion has ended. <3 And, thanks to a suggestion from @Henrysaur I will award a grand prize. Mass Shooter Contest: Courtesy of @Rambo you will receive a game, or games, that add to up to the worth of $10. Winner: doublerainbow How to win: You must get 15 innocent kills as a traitor and post a screenshot with proof. Video will also work. Traitor kills do not count. You must accomplish this in 1 round. You cannot use old screenshots Bonus Contest: Most Staff Kills Using Only the H.U.G.E: This portion is be decided by points. They will be calculated the following way: Trials: 1 per per kill. Moderators: 3 points per kill. Admins: 5 points per kill. Lead Admins: 10 points per kill. The mythical unicorn of a developer Zikeji: 15 points per kill. Owner: 20 points for kill. (This section was proudly stolen from @Carned) Rules: Absolutely no RDM. If it is RDM it doesn't count. You must provide damage logs or recordings with the date. No staff v staff killing on empty severs. You will be disqualified. START DATE: 19 June END DATE: Officially ended. Prize: Any game or bundle of your choose. Leaderboards: Mmmaaattt94 - 66 points TheTrueCatMan - 29 points Carned - 117 points Turquoise - 8 points NeverEnding - 6 points Jesus Carlos - 3 points Mr.Catz - 11 points This is ultimately player responsibility. Keep up with your points as well since I am getting logs in waves. Thank you. Grand Prize Winner - Unknown - Still Calculating. Questions: Can staff participate in the bonus contest? Absolutely. The more, the merrier. What do you mean for half a prize for the silent pistol kills? Instead of 30$ of goodies you get 15$ ; ) So the prizes are separate...? Yes. If you do 1 and 3 then you can get VIP+ and 30$ if you so choose. WHY IS THIS SO HARD?! For Science. What about shitbox hits? Do those count? After some thought, and since shitboxes aren't your fault, I will accept them as nonmisses if it is an obvious hit. If a staff member suicides before I can get the last kill does it count? Sorry, no. This isn't meant to be easy. ;D Does killing AFK, or temporary AFK, staff count? As long as they don't have AFK in their name then yes. Good luck and ask if you have questions <3
Great now I'm gonna be targeted whenever I get on... Did you guys ask the staff about this before making it?
But obviously the killing of Mods is only okay if you are a T and it is with a huge after all. @CDriscoll
Run up to a group of people and lay down a trip mine on the ground, then walk away. Works on smaller maps like magma, terror train, and datmap.
I can see myself manipulating the Detective and innocents to go somewhere but I would think you're limited to credits :/ I'm gonna win the grand prize. I'm just gonna stare at ComPeter & Angelx's status in my friends list......
All seperate. First set is worth 90$ total if anyone can pull it off and the staff killing winner gets to pick what ever they want. I just added a better prize with a fun spin. We did not. I will make changes to that section now <3
I believe I just did the silenced pistol challenge. ^^^I^^^AM^^^^AWEFUL^^^^^THIS^^^^^IS^^^NOT^^^^REAL^^^
WOW you did the challenge with grace and style joking ofc the video was really funny by the way! @TheTrueCatMan