I had an idea where whenever someone was reported, something would pop up in the corner of their screen. They could then click this pop up and see the pending reports they have. This would eliminate the problem with people accidentally hitting space at the end of a round or just accidentally closing it. Just a thought. Let me know if you see any cons or pros in this. Also just for clarification, it wouldn't show logs so you couldn't ghost. It would just be like forcing the report on yourself. @Zikeji @Highwon @ComPeter @Angelx
This is a very interesting suggestion. Considering it might be a pain to stop playing, enable the mouse and go over to click-- I figure it could look/work something like the TF2 trade notification. I couldn't find an actual picture of the TF2 trade notification for whatever reason, but this works just as-well for reference. Code: Press [F5] to respond to your report. Press [F6] to dismiss this notification.
In addition to your original suggestion, can we have it that we can go back to the reports we submit and then respond to the response given by the other player? I think that would be benficially due to the fact that we could truely see whats happening instead of a he said/she said.
I've thought about this. I was wondering if it would be possible to see your report and what the reported player responds with. I am spammed daily with "Can you tell me his response?" and I think it would be good for them to be able to VIEW it. I don't think they should be able to reply to the response because it could start fights and just petty things that aren't needed. It would be pointless to respond anyways.
+1, sometime when i played and finished a round, i clicked send report on accident, in the end i have to explain everything to staff via @, by implementing this if possible would really be a great help.
A task tab for reports. That would optimize communciations between players being reported, players doing the reporting and moderators. It leads to clearer communication since it doesn't envolve the entire server wide chat, and may lead to reports being closed quicker and without complications. Also if possible a log system of some sort that can be used as evidence in forum reports. +1 In that case.
+1 ~Results should be included also. so that way if you report someone you can check to see if anything resulted from your report with an inluded reason as to why it resulted in that way.
Well that would just be the tab that's on the side of the reports. You haven't seen it since you aren't staff but we have a button that we can mark reports with either waiting, in progress, or finished. You would be able to see if it was finished and they hadn't been slain, it wasn't RDM.