Denied Liquid Thorium's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Liquid Thorium, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Ichy Balls
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I never hurt a player as the prop.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    No evidence. I was flying in between player routes on the pony room map (The name escapes me.) I was slain for two rounds for "attempted propkill/push." When in reality I wasn't trying to push/kill anybody, I was simply acting as a nuance and blocked pathways.

    I never damaged a single player as that shelf prop (because you can't damage them anyway, Angel claims the anti-propkill plugin "Is not full proof," but I've never been able to harm another player as a single prop before. (Granted there are some props that have other props constrained to them, and if the constrained prop is not possessed by another player it can kill people, but the prop I was possessing was a single solid prop making it nearly impossible to hurt a player let alone kill them)

    Anyway, the first slay was given for trying to give a player in the larger shelf cover(I do this occasionally, The prop is tipped to its side so he/she can hide behind me.)

    I guess the last straw was when I put the prop in the vents. Angel pulled out her magneto stick and attempted to pull me out, she was low on hp and sniped in the process of it. I was banned for "Attempted propkill/push" shortly after. I didn't damage her for even 1 hit point.

    (Not like this report is going to do anything. I might as well have just dropped it...)​
  2. Jake

    Jake Brother of megaboy (RIP) VIP

    You were banned by @Angelx for "Prop killing & pushing as spec". She will reply at her earliest convenience.
  3. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    Appeal denied.
  4. Spitefulvenom

    Spitefulvenom So long TTT! Administrator VIP

    It is against the rules to interfere in spec with a prop which you yourself have just admitted to and as mango tango said in the chat box is slayable
  5. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    You're lying when you say that. I've witnessed you kill people with the shelf prop a couple of times. You wait for them to stand on it, and then you spam your punchometer to make them fall to their death. Like I said, I witnessed it, and you constantly like to brag about how you do it all the time and get away with it. If you lied with the statement I quoted you on, then there's no telling what else you've lied about in this appeal. I second Angel's decision to deny this appeal.
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