Answered T Weapon vs. T

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Fritos® Chicken Enchilada, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. I understand that having a T weapon is traitous, but it is considered traitous if you use the T weapon to kill a T?
  2. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Traitorous: Shooting at other players (regardless of context)
    Traitorous: Having traitor weapons (regardless of context)

    Based on my best educational guess, I'd say it's traitorous.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. I would like to note that I did ID the body to show it was a traitor.
  4. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Were you killed right away (within 5 seconds) or awhile after you left the scene?

    Additionally, if someone sees you kill someone with a traitor-only weapon, they might not think to check the upper left to check whether you killed a traitor or not, as it is quite rare for innocents to grab hold of traitor weapons and then kill another traitor with it. In times like that, I have shouted through the mic "Hang on!! I killed a traitor don't shoot me!" and it saved me from getting killed.
  5. All I'm wondering is if the act of killing someone who kills a T with a T weapon is slayable after the body is IDed
  6. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    Having a T weapon is traitorous. It might not be in the best interest of the player to kill you but no it is not slay-able if they saw you using a T weapon.
  7. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Just shooting at someone in general is traitorous, regardless of weapon's..

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Well not only is brandishing the T weapon traitorous, it's also traitorous to shoot at another player. Granted, a player could be very well-known as a traitor one round and be recognized as such by the majority of players, you could still be shot to death if you shoot at another player. It's just how the game flows.
  9. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    Let me give my explanation on why both of them are traitorous. Keep in mind that when a player commits a traitorous act it in no way requires you to kill them, it just means that it won't be RDM if you do. You have to combine your own judgement with the current situation and make the best decisions on who to kill.

    If somebody is shooting at a traitor, there is a good reason that this is traitorous. Let's say you are inno A, and you pick up a DNA scanner. You scan another inno's dead body, and get the DNA that leads to a traitor. You see him, and immediately start shooting at him. However, inno B sees this. Now think for a second, what would inno B's first reaction be when he sees someone start shooting someone randomly, because he likely has no idea that inno A had DNA. He would probably shoot inno A, and then probably get shot by the traitor. Even if the traitor had been called out, or was killed for a reason other than DNA, it isn't hard to miss those parts of the game, and someone may not realize the situation and pick the wrong side of the gunfight.

    The situation with having traitor weapons is very similar. If you see someone randomly pull out an MP7 with no explanation, then chances are your first instinct is to attack. However, if you know that somebody is proven/picked it up from a dead traitor, then it's a good idea to not shoot them. It's all about situation, and you need to know when a traitorous act is committed by an inno and when you should shoot for a traitorous act. Someone may constantly say over the mic that they have a traitor weapon that they picked up from a dead body, but another inno may not believe them and kill them for it, which is perfectly reasonable.

    Overall, it's all about knowing what traitorous acts to kill for and which ones to let slide. Committing either of those acts in no way forces you to kill them, it just means you should use your judgement to decide if he is a traitor or not and that killing them will not be RDM.