Possible hacking

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by looneythehorse, May 29, 2014.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player: Expert - Pro TTT player

    SteamID of Staff/Player:

    Server: West 1

    Time of Occurrence: between 2pm - 3:30 pm (UTC+8)

    Reason For Report: possible hacking

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: 1. Demo https://www.dropbox.com/s/seq8u4fbjs30aeb/expert.dem
    2. A comment on his steam page said he' hacked another server before and the DDos the server. His steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198136378763

    Please review the demo and tell me what you think. If he's hacking, you know what to do. If not then forget this. I just want to protect the server from malicious players. That is all.

    P.S. Can someone do me a solid and find his steam ID. Im too tired no. So tired.Thank you
  2. Toyotama

    Toyotama VIP Silver

    his steam id is STEAM_0:1:88056517
  3. Oe-

    Oe- VIP

    Uploaded to youtube for you.

  4. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    So let me give my input on this. From that video alone, I would normally just brush it off as demo lag or a bit of luck, however, I do see some signs of hacking. Looking up his steam ID, he has no VAC bans, however he has been banned from 3 other TTT servers for hacking this month. There is also his name to look at. I have banned a few hackers, and they usually have a username that signals that they are here to troll. Some examples I have run into are "boobtoucher66", "Boy you have a purdy mouth", "being gay is wrong". The name "expert pro TTT player" signals to me that he is probably hacking. Now onto the evidence in the video. He clearly misses too many shots to be using an aimbot, however I see a possibility of him wallhacking. Around 0:40 he starts to aim his sniper at people through walls. Then after that look at the way he headshots AlCo owns. He had his crosshair at the perfect level of his head, and headshot him immediatly as he poked his head from behind the cover. At 1:05 watch how his crosshair follows the guy with the red name through walls (quality is too bad to tell what that red name is). What I have to say is that this person is extremely suspicious, however I don't feel that this video is enough evidence to slap a 4 week ban on him. Some of what may be wallhacking may also be a radar. I will check old logs later today to see if he bought a radar that round and for any other possible evidence.

    TL;DR:confused:uspicious, but not enough for a ban imo.
  5. Oe-

    Oe- VIP

    AfroSergeant64. I don't understand why the quality in my videos is low though, I have everything maxed out.
  6. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    After checking old logs, this player did not buy a radar that round.
  7. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    I believe we should obtain more evidence before we issue a ban. We will be watching this player closely for more instances of suspicious activity. Please unlock this thread and post any further evidence when it becomes available. Any standard users may contact a staff member to unlock this thread if they have acquired further evidence on the suspect for hacking.
    Topic locked until further evidence is provided.
    Thank you for the report.
  8. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I think he might be aimbotting, but with a lazy aimbot. There are a few subtle nuances that I am noticing with the shots he is making and I would like to see more video of this guy to make sure. The shots that do hit seem a bit sporadic to me and a bit out of the ordinary. A lazy aimbot only makes the shot connect if the cursor is on the person they are aiming at. Take the kill at around 1:00 against Spyhard. It looks like he deliberately is aiming at the wall to hide it and when shoots the guy the gun kicks to the guys head as he lines the cursor up with Spyhard's chest. Also look at the kill at around 1:18 against Zander. His first shot connects when he is over Zander's legs. The next few shots miss until the last shot, which if you have quick eyes you will notice that the cursor is over Zander's shoulder and then suddenly jumps to his head and gets him.
  9. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    It does look suspicious, but lets not rule out the possibility of demo lag causing that.
  10. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Looks more like wall hack than an aimbot.
  11. Toyotama

    Toyotama VIP Silver

    looks like wallhack and maybe a soft aimbot
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