Mod abusing twice...

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Extreme, May 7, 2014.

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  1. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    So I did buy a harpoon. Great! Sorry, @Extreme, I didn't have much memory on this.
  2. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I'd also like to add, as many experienced players know, it is way easier to get away with false kosing someone than it is to kill them yourself. Many players will kos other people who are nowhere near them to save their own skin. I immediately suspected extreme of false kosing because he was not trying to shoot Lego, but kept calling a kos on him. That made me think that Lego was traitorous and fleeing. I took the chance and killed him for what I believed was false kosing. Legos body was confirmed as a traitor about 30 seconds to a minute after I had already killed extreme, and I realized I made a bad call. It was a bad call, but not rdm.
  3. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Actually, you CANNOT kill someone for kosing someone else UNLESS you KNOW the kosed person is innocent.

    You watched legoguy go into T tester and he's proven/you watched him kill a traitor or call a KOS on a traitor (who dies and is IDed as such), then another player KOSes legoguy. You are then allowed to kos this player.

    Someone calls a KOS on a detective. You are allowed to kos this player, but we tend not to since they're deliberately trolling/having a giggle.

    Someone calls a KOS on legoguy, legoguy dies, is IDed as innocent. You are allowed to kos the player.

    Someone calls a KOS on legoguy, legoguy is NOT proven, nor is he dead and IDed as innocent. You are not allowed to kos said player until either:
    a)he shoots at lego, at which point he's committing a traitorous act
    b)lego dies and is ided as innocent
    c)lego gets proven either via test or calling out/killing a traitor
  4. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    Id like to hear that from an admin or someone higher ranked than a mod. What guilty is saying is directly contradicting what you're saying. I've always been under the impression that kosing a player is the same as shooting them, since you are causing their death. If I see a player shooting someone who I think is inno, I'll kill that player. If I see someone kosing someone I think is inno, I'll kill them. Plus I was near both players in this situation and I didn't see Lego do anything traitorous when extreme called him out. Then it is fair to conclude extreme is false kosing and I can kill him. That's how guilty sees it and most other mods on tho server.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    This is how I see it, as well. Why would he kill someone if he is with the them when the KOS is called and he hasn't witnessed anything traitorous; especially early in the round. Was Silent supposed to go, "Well, I haven't seen you do anything traitorous since we've been together, but I will kill you now."
  6. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    No, I'm not saying that Silent should have killed Lego because a kos was called on him. I'm saying that Silent shouldn't have automatically assumed he can then kill the player who called the kos on Lego. Just because lego was with you and wasn't doing anything traitorous when the KOS was called doesn't mean it's not a valid KOS. You can choose to ignore the KOS at your discretion, but I'm pretty sure you can't then just go kill whoever called the KOS in the first place.
  7. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    I used to think this was true but it is not. I was corrected by Angelx when I attempted to false KOS her and I was immediately killed because everyone thought I was lying (I was). She then informed me that this is not RDM.

    If you call a KOS you risk being killed yourself.
  8. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    So basically, I can go around killing anyone that calls a KOS on anyone else, and it's not RDM...???

    This can so be abused.
  9. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Um... This has gotten a bit off-topic.. What is the report status?
  10. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    There are many loopholes in rules. Rdm someone, say they walked by a unid. Word vs word. Can't find the unid body? Traitor must have moved it. Someone calls a kos, you can kill them just for kosing someone. Someone says "kos everyone" or "you're the last inno" or "we're all traitors", you can kill everyone you see and the person who called the kos is the one who's responsible. See someone spray a c4 spray, kill them and get away with it for "t-baiting". Someone is moving props around, kill them and say they threw it near you at high speeds. See someone shooting boxes or props, kill them and say they were shooting towards you. Logs can't show where the player is shooting and it becomes word vs word. This is why I ask so many questions and argue with the staff so much. So many loopholes, those are just the ones off the top of my head.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  11. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If you have been with the player rage majority if the time and you never saw them commit traitorous acts, explicitly while in your presence, when they get a KOS called on them, you can kill the KOSer or the KOSee. It is your judgement; but remember the caveat about being with them when it is called and witnessing no traitorous acts.

    However, I can see your point as to how this may be killing on the suspicion of a false KOS, though. TTT is a difficult game that has a fine line between some legit kills and RDM.
  12. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    This small report has gotten out of control in the end. Lol
  13. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    This is not first time i have had such isues with a mod. The problem here from my point is that a detective killed me for doing a kos without trying to let me defend myself.. I might be a suspect for doing a kos so quick in a round but come on who would start their round as a traitor doing a false kos..? I usually am among the best so that would be such a waist. I understand if i become a suspect but you CANT kill someone just by suspecting him, am i right?
    When the detective can walk away with killing innocent that round, why does a detective get slayed another just for dealing 15 damage to a guy who did a kos(probably a false one at someone using a horn where i translated it to an innocent who get killed) Rebel actually killed the innocent and said there was already a kos on him so it could only be the guy i dealt 15 damage to from the chat logs from what i remember. So i deal the damage and he explains himself and i we depart from each others. Then i get slayed without getting a chance to explain myself even when there is no report in this situation. When i reported the detective the other round it was not enough to slay???? I think the lines are quit blurred here.. But still think the Rebel should have been slayed since he did not even let me explain myself and he could have killed me afterwards if my kos was false.
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    What you think and the actual results are two different things in the end. You can't expect things to always go your direction. Just an FYI about it.
  15. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    The scenario I'm seeing here is this:

    Traitor kills an inno early in the round, runs away. He then joins up with some other innos, who all see him with them, not doing anything.

    Some time later another inno finds the guy the traitor killed. He either a) got a DNA scanner off of a D or b) checked the body and it had "last words were 'player A' is a traitor!".

    This inno calls a kos on the traitor, but since for the last say 30-40 seconds that said traitors been observed by a group as not doing anything traitorous, everyone assumes the inno is false KOSing and kills him.

    Honestly unless you were literally with a player as soon as the round starts and NEVER had him leave your sight, you can't know he didn't do sth traitorous (unless of course he's proven, but that's not the contention here).

    In this specific case, legoguy obviously WAS a traitor, so he DID so sth traitorous to get the KOS called on him.
  16. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Well in this case, there were no unID's and no one had died; not even a detective that was slain.
  17. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Oh okay didn't know that. Yeah then it would honestly look like a false KOS.
  18. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    From what i remember i was with him from the start of the round. I did not notice him kill anyone, only pull out a harpoon by mistake which he tried to hide. I Could not shoot him so i ran away in order to make the KOS without getting killed by him. I said he had a harpon. Several people where talking but i said he had one because i noticed people did not shoot him right away.. Then suddenly i get shoot from behind and it was not the traitor.
    If people traitorbait or throw granades it would be natural to do the kos in the begining. If i know the guy is proven or the reason is not good enough i migh hold back and the let guy explain. Sometimes things makes sense when people tell me what is going on. I said KOS Lego, he had a harpon. What else does people need to? You dont get the highest score ingame (sometime almost the double of the second best) by doing false KOS from the beginning. Not in my experience.
  19. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Actually, you couldn't have been with Lego from the beginning because he purchased a harpoon, threw it, and shot a guy, damaging him, with his double barrel.
  20. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Here is the first event that occurred on Office. I selected the damage logs from the point Lego used his harpoon and shot 26un22; he purchased the Harpoon earlier in the round; around 10 seconds or so. If you look at the damageinfos from the event of Silent Rebel shooting him, there is no shots fired by Extreme.
    Here is the only other event that I could find, which is what I believe to be the second event on Vessel. As you can see, the player that Extreme shot was DrunkenTiger; not whom he originally stated, ThornSniper, who had already been killed by Silent Rebel; this may not have been the event, but this is the only one that I could find for that time on that map.
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
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