Double Barrel Suggestion.

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by My Name is Alex, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. make it a D weapon
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  2. well if other players rely on a weapon to be effective in the game, then that's the wrong way to play the game. Honestly if you have to rely on the double barrel to be good at the game then what is the point of allowing that behaviour to continue? Why not take it away from them, and force them to use other weapons to get better with other weapons. And if you switch the Jackhammer and the Double barrel, then it makes the double barrel one of the detectives greatest assests. Making the DB a D weapon would also give detectives a greater chance of surviving later in the rounds. We've all seen the power of the DB and I feel that the weapon would give them the edge they need to survive. Like I said, This is just my opinion, I'm tired of people complaining about getting killed by the "OP" or "Unfair" gun, I see this as a solution to the complaints.
  3. Tom Hanks

    Tom Hanks Active Member

    Yes but then the community would simply ask for it back, saying that it was one of the greatest guns to ever bless any server in the history of mankind, or that it should just be nerfed again and given back. In the end its what would benefit the most players, and taking it away from them would do more harm than good. Sometimes, you just have to let something that's OP be OP. There are ALOT of other guns that I could say are OP, but lets leave it at that.
  4. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    +1 The DB is a one shot body kill, the only weapon in the server that's able to do so. Although it has a very slow reload, its 1hitkobodyshot far outweighs it. The problem also is that its 1hitkobodyshot can happen at such a far distance, that the person can back around a corner, reload, and do it again even though he's against a group of people. Nerf it by making its spread huge, lowering the damage so it can only be 1hit at a close distance, or make it a D weapon.
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  5. The legendary ant appears
    With wise words
    • Funny Funny x 1