The great unbanning of 2021

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by iii, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    So, 7~8 hours ago @Jabba the Slut unbanned 361 steamids that were in the permaban list (a process which took about 2 hours and 50 minutes).

    I thought it a fun idea to generate a list of all the permabans of the ids that were unbanned, and interesting to have documented somewhere, however I'm pretty sure the full list of bans and reasons is more than the limit of character per post (it's over 67 thousand characters), so I'll instead just post a summary of the bans that were unbanned, and link the full thing afterwards:


    179 of the steamids unbanned had permabans for hacking (not alt or ban evasion, though it probably included some of those too):
    (60) Excessive Hacking Offenses
    (24) Multiple Hacking Offenses
    (14) Excessive Hacking Offenses (Graze)
    (08) Multiple hacking offenses
    (06) Hacking
    (04) Hacking - Multiple offenses
    (04) Hacking 2nd offense or above
    (03) Excessive Hacking offenses
    (03) Hacking (Multiple offenses)
    (03) Hacking (3rd Offense)
    (02) Excessive hacking Offenses
    (02) Multiple Hacking offenses
    (02) Hacking - Multiple Offenses
    (02) Hacking (4th Offense)
    (02) Hacking (Third offense)
    (02) Hacking (Third Offense)
    (02) Hacking (Fourth offense)
    (02) Hacking 4th
    (02) Hacking (4th offense)
    (02) Blatant Hacking
    (01) Excessive Hacking Offense
    (01) Excessive hacking offense
    (01) Excessive Hacking Offeneses
    (01) Excessive Hacking Offenses (Stanley Andrews/Maddyte Alt)
    (01) Excessive Hacking Offenses ( wink )
    (01) Excessive Hacking Offenses (6) - by Opalium
    (01) Excessive hacking offenses
    (01) Excessive Hacking Bans (for Trinity)
    (01) Excessive Hacking Offensess
    (01) Hacking (Multiple offense)
    (01) hack
    (01) Hacking 2nd Offense (Graze) (For mellow)
    (01) Hacking (third)
    (01) Hacking (third offense)
    (01) Hacking 3rd.
    (01) Hacking 3rd Offense (Graze)
    (01) Hacking (3rd offense)
    (01) Hacking 4th Offense (Graze)
    (01) Hacking 4th ( wink )
    (01) Hacking (4th - Lion)
    (01) Hacking (4th offense) - Juissi
    (01) Extensive Abusive History + Hacking - 4th Offense
    (01) Hacking - 6th Offense - DT
    (01) Hacking 6th Offense (Graze)
    (01) Hacking 9th Offense (Graze)
    (01) Hacking 10th+ Offense (Graze)
    (01) Hacking 10th+ (Graze)
    (01) Alternate Account - Hacking, Multiple Offenses
    (01) Multiple offenses of hacking & RDM, perma by event
    (01) Hacking, Mass RDM, Advertisement, Harassment, and Racism. Perma by Event

    151 of the steamids had permabans for evasion or alting (although they are probably also alts of hackers):
    (58) Alt of perma
    (35) Alt of Perma
    (31) Ban evasion of Perma
    (19) Ban Evasion
    (02) alt of perma
    (02) Perma Ban Evasion
    (01) Perma Evasion
    (01) Ban Evasion.
    (01) alt of perm
    (01) Permaban Evasion

    The last 29 of the steamids had permabans for both hacking and evading/alting:
    (10) Excessive Ban evasions & hacking offenses
    (03) Excessive ban evasions and hacking offenses
    (02) Hacking/Multiple Accounts
    (02) Excessive Hacking and Ban Evasion offenses
    (01) Excessive hacking and evasion offenses (Opalium)
    (01) Excessive Hacking/BanEvasion Offenses
    (01) Excessive Ban Evasion + Hacking Offenses
    (01) Multiple Hacking + Ban Evasion offenses
    (01) Hacking (Alt of perma)
    (01) Hacked a lot on alts
    (01) Multiple Hacking + Ban Evasion Offenses
    (01) Excessive Hacking + Ban Evasion offenses
    (01) Hacking 2nd Offense and Ban Evasion (Graze)
    (01) Hacking 2nd Offense Across Accounts (Graze)
    (01) Hacking 3rd ( Moleman ) + Alt of Perma
    (01) mass rdm + hacking 4th / multiple accounts

    The full list:

    Here is the full list of TTT permabans that got unbanned (ordered by ban date, UTC-8 because that's the date when you're not logged in and the one that Google had cache for):
    *p teknik io is just a pastebin, however it formatted the text better thank pastebin by not breaking lines.

    There's also a full list of the TTT permabans that got unbanned, but ordered by the order Jabba unbanned them from, in case you can divine something from that... perhaps he unbanned by person:

    Final notes:

    - Although 361 steamids were unbanned on TTT, 363 unbans were made when Jabba was on vanilla!
    - one of those was a repeat (STEAM_0:0:52079705 got unbanned twice)
    - the other one was a deathrun ban, that didn't immediately work as those bans are disconnected, they are also unbanned now though (STEAM_0:1:199804235).
    -- The deathrun ban had been for Hacking 2nd + Ban Evasion by Highwon on the 07/10/18 01:13PM (UTC-8).
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
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  2. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    Huh the count of the summary is wrong(like very wrong, it adds up to 435)... for some reason.
    I did it manually since I couldn't figure out how to group them by text alone, I don't have the enthusiasm to check what I got wrong right now though. :unsure:

    Edit notes: So, turns out that every specific reason I made the script count, was counting from 1... and then adding another 1 when counting the first ban with that reason :oops:.
    - Now it's at 359!! (which is ... nearly the correct 361... but I've got no idea what I missed, probably missed 1 or 2 of the ban reasons during copy and pasting, I guess)
    - Ban reasons ordered by amount (it adds up correctly, just don't know which I missed or which I miscounted when adding them up):
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
    • Like Like x 1
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  3. muh_memmose

    muh_memmose New Member

    cry about it.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 4
  4. Glad to know Jesus was a sand surfing nignog got unbanned.
    • Funny Funny x 7
  5. Titan

    Titan SGM's official music nerd Administrator VIP Bronze

    iii this is fucking amazing. Well damn done.
  6. Yellow

    Yellow VIP

    oh this is why my alt has been unbanned
  7. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    • Winner Winner x 2
  8. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Imagine seeing someone being banned for "Hacking, Mass RDM, Advertisement, Harassment, and Racism." and thinking "You know, maybe we should unban that guy :)"
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Funny Funny x 5
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. uhh idk if this question has already been answered but uhhhh
    why were these players unbanned lmao
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    to cause less lag
  11. amazing
    what's stopping SGM from being like literally every other community in existence and implementing sourcebans? how dated is this server's ban system when a couple hundred bans actually makes a difference in performance
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Titan

    Titan SGM's official music nerd Administrator VIP Bronze

    Thought the exact same thing. For most of these bans tbh...

    MEHEEZY Supporter

    alts r still permabanned :/
    • Funny Funny x 4
  14. Lunar

    Lunar 8:00PM VIP Silver

    My original alt finally got unbanned (y)
    It took 2 years and evading on this account to get it back thank you for the information (y)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    much of it likely has to do with the admin stats system, but don’t quote me on that. I do believe Highwon plans on updating the ban system to eliminate this problem, but it’s just a matter of when
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. Wojack

    Wojack Her king :3 VIP

    Better question

    who fucking cares so much about a han list for a $5 game
  17. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    So during my tenure, I was absolutely dogging the upper administration to get Highwon to implement SBans [Source Bans], why?
    • Access to web-ban users via SteamID from reports
    • Notes for each ban, alts, attempted server connections
    • Ability to modify bans on SBans, instead of having to ban the ID again with the adjusted punishment
    • Each staff member was linked to all of their bans, thus keeping a track record and how many bans a staff member has made
    • and other things I forgot about
    But when it finally came up, I was told that Highwon didn't wanna deal with mySQL connections [if I'm remembering the right name for the code] which kinda was like...really dude

    But there is a planned update to make it similar to source bans, however due to Highwon being busy, it's pretty much on the backburner, even though uh, not sure how it is with yano SGM having a dev now so..
  18. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    All the bans and their reasons are backed up, ready to be reapplied as soon as our ban system is upgraded. Keep in mind our ban system was designed in 2013 for just one or two servers. No major changes since.

    Why did I unban them all in the meantime? Call it a gamble, we're having a leadership meeting this week and maybe it'll influence Highwon to take the plan off of the back burner.
    • Like Like x 2
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  19. capri sun

    capri sun VIP

    Iii... Holy shit, nice job collecting all of that dude
  20. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    where's patrick's unban? it's a sad day
    • Agree Agree x 1
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