I managed to host a few successful game nights , so I'm thinking making this a weekly thing (Friday's and Sunday's)
I actually have suggested doing an "achievement farm" CSGO session where we help people get achievements that are hard to earn. This could even be applied to other games.
I will host Among Us on 9/19/20 at 13:00 ( 1:00 pm ) CST. 19:00 ( 7:00 pm ) for ya Brits If enough people join we could have two separate games running.
I really want more than 20 people on Deathrun Deathrun repop ultra max 2,000 at Saturday, 4:00 - 7:00 pm CST. BE THERE AND PLAY DEATHRUN. IF YOU DON'T JOIN YOU ARE SUBJECT TO SERVER WIDE KOSes
I want to have a Tabletop Simulator game night sometime either this coming weekend or next, at around 6-7 CST. Idk what games y'all would want to play so heres a poll (vote 1-3 you'd be interested in): http://www.strawpoll.me/21172279/r
Oct 31st at 7pm CST (or somewhere around that, I might start a but earlier or a bit later depending on circumstances) I'm going to try hosting a Tabletop Simulator gamenight. We'll be playing Joking Hazard or Cards Against Humanity (or other games, depending on popular opinion, no Huniepop though ) if this goes well I'll do it more often