Note that I was 1 hp, proven, and right in front of a detective asking for an HP station, he just kept walking around so I figured he didnt see it. So I repeated myself. The two times I asked for a HP station was about 8-11 seconds. I was gagged and forced to type btw.
From noob up is about 16 seconds away from the next message... and the "station" message by itself is a typo correction to the first hp request.
I would agree that this is chat spam. The fact that you typed 8 consecutive lines without anyone else having said anything suggests that not THAT much time has gone by between messages. Also, the dode and lenny face are absolutely uneccesary. If this was your first offense, I'm sure he would have just asked you to please stop, but it seems like you've done it previously in the round, and this was your second offense.
Was the first chat "spam" offense" Not my fault everyone alive (only like 6) had mics and decided to use them.
This was all relevant to the game and didn't drown out any conversation. Why is this chat spam exactly?
"All relevant to the game"? Maybe by themselves they could be relevant, but put them all together in a row and you get spam. But "noob" "dode" and the face were definitely irrelevant. "w00t" "noob" "dode" and the face were definitely spam The rest(aside from first) I would also count as spam because instead of one or two informative sentences it was garbled incomprehensible words. But if they were each legitimately 15 seconds apart I wouldn't count it as spam. But unless OP can prove they were 15 seconds apart, it's uncertain.
Ah, didn't even see the face. But it seems like he was just gloating over a kill. Seems harmless. Though he likely earned it from the earlier play.
To me it looks like his first chat and w00t were consecutive(ex: 'I killed him, yay!'). Then maybe 10 seconds passed and he started asking for an HP station. From that point on I think it was consecutive until "dode", where he probably waited 10 or so seconds and was saying "dode" as if "gimme" and then did the face just as a *sigh* or something.
Pretty much hit the nail right on the head... give or take 2 seconds. But I already explained why I typed what I typed.
I'd say it was borderline spam. I think a warning was justified for first offense, but I wouldn't ban for third offense off of it.
I would probably start muting and going through the procedures if he kept on doing it deliberately even after being warned. But I wouldn't ban for a third offense unless he kept on doing it on purpose.