It depends on what I want and where I get them. Boneless are superior for ease and flavor of the sauce. But bone in are superior if you cook them yourself or go somewhere that grills them well
depends on the restaurant, bc some places just botch the regular wings, but their boneless is bomb af
I would eat bone in chicken wings if they were the bbq ones from ponderosa Spoiler: Goddess of Wings otherwise its usually boneless, the real debate should be whether people love eating chicken dry or juicy
Lol buncha pussies. Bone in is the only legal way to eat wings. Bet ya use ketchup on your steak too? Foh
You know, I used to be a boneless kind of guy, but I've started ordering bone-in whenever I get wings. With boneless you can just stab em with a fork- but that's lame. I've found bone-in to be far greater in the experience and fun department.
Agreed there is a difference. Pain in the ass since I usually wear button-downs or polo shirts, so usually I have to wear one I don't care about or a t-shirt since I don't want to risk getting a good shirt dirty but it's worth it.
Fuck bone in hate em boneless also wings are only wings cause of the fucking meat if i made a chicken nugget but with wing mean it becomes a wing
That's not true, dude. You're eating chicken breast meat. It's cheaper and easier for companies to produce chicken breast nuggets and call them wings than for them to process actual chicken wings. Breasts yield more meat. For all of adult chicken nugget eaters, you've probably never had good wings. Hell, even for some of you wing eaters, you may not even have had good wings. Check out this nice wing video:
Boneless = chicken nuggets with sauce. So sure, they're tasty, but they're a waste of money imo to call them wings. So yeah, bone-in all the time.