Completed Report against Streamer

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by LBPotatoes, Jun 25, 2020.

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  1. LBPotatoes

    LBPotatoes That’s so crunchy VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Around 7 pst idk
    Reason For Report:
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Intentionally getting me karma banned and following a kos that was called right when the round started.

    @degolfer222 has the recording of the whole thing

    @slaps has him spamming it I think​
  2. [MZK]Lightning

    [MZK]Lightning I've Been ... Thunderstruck!!! VIP Silver

  3. Streamer

    Streamer VIP

    Someone kosed you and I was just joking by saying I'm t baiting when I was actually gonna kill you because you were kosed at the start of the round in vc
  4. LBPotatoes

    LBPotatoes That’s so crunchy VIP

    My guy you shot me down to 7 health so I would kill you and when I got karma banned you were bragging about it the entire time until I got back.
  5. Streamer

    Streamer VIP

    So then therefore the most is still valid even if the round just started it is still a valid kos so I had the right to kill you and I was joking with the whole i got lb banned thing in cjat
  6. Streamer

    Streamer VIP

    I was going to kill you and the whole i got lb banned thing was a joke I was actually trying to kill you and like I said before I was joking with the whole woah I'm t baiting thing I was trying to kill you because of the kos that took place at the start of the round and since it just started and they stated the kos it was a valid kos and when you fighting back after I lowered you to 7 hp you said ya know what I dont care and chose to shoot me when you could of let me kill you so it was your decision to shoot me knowing you were kosed
  7. LBPotatoes

    LBPotatoes That’s so crunchy VIP

    My guy it’s toxic to follow a kill when you know the round just started and they couldn’t have done anything. Also your intention was still to get me karma’d ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Streamer

    Streamer VIP

    My intentions were to follow the kos doesnt matter if it is toxic because they had called the kos and my intentions were to kill you then you could get the person who kosed you slayed because it doesn't matter if the round just started as I just stated in my other response it is a valid kos even if it is toxic its a kos so therefore I had the right to kill you and you chose to fight back and if I would of killed you this would of never happened you knew what would happen if you shot me and you still did so
  9. Streamer

    Streamer VIP

    You aren't involved in this don't post on this forum post
  10. Adlactor Nell

    Adlactor Nell Advertiser Friendly, Right out of the box! VIP

    I am going to be handling this report once the evidence has been posted.
  11. slaps

    slaps VIP

    this is a clip of right after LBPotatoes gets karma banned [:( ]. u can hear him say, multiple times "I t baited LB" almost too proudly, once he sees that LB had been karma banned

    I also have a screenshot of streamer on the second or third round of the next map boasting about how hes the reason LB is karma banned
    also, although i have no clips of the actual fight between streamer and LB, i obviously was online while it was happening and, after figuring out that LBPotatoes had 690 karma, i remember streamer going up to him, randomly damaging him and saying "i just shot you LB what are you gonna do about it", which is just more evidence to show that streamer fully intended to get LB karmad. thats all i remember about the actual kill that got LB karma'd so i have nothing else to say about it

    all of this evidence shows streamer obviously had the intention of getting LBPotatoes karma banned. then after he "succeeded" in doing that, he bragged about it in chat and on mic for a very sad amount of time. now in this report, when faced with real consequences for his actions, instead of taking any accountability at all, he tries to loophole himself out of it. this is clearly toxic gameplay and i hope it is punished as such

    p.s. streamer is also just getting off of a mass rdm ban. im not involved with that situation whatsoever but from just looking at the forums thread you can see A. the kills were toxic and intentional and B. he tried to lie and loophole himself out of the ban, like hes doing here
  12. Nuno

    Nuno Nothing is better than Tesco's own brand gin Administrator VIP Silver

    I would also like to tag @MrUnknownShadow™ as the staff online at the time as seen on Slaps clip.
  13. degolfer222

    degolfer222 I finally changed my title VIP

    From this recording (please excuse the music, I always listen to music while I play and I have yet to find a way to not have it show up in my recordings) Project.mp4?dl=0

    you can hear streamer and mr. butters talking pre round about tbaiting and getting LBPotatoes Karma banned, and then a few seconds after the round starts, Mr butters calls a KOS on LB, which Streamer uses as an excuse to shoot LB, and then proceeds to taunt LB about shooting him.

    Here are the logs from the round showing the damage done to LB, and that both Butters and Streamer were innocents that round.

    upload_2020-6-26_11-45-18.png upload_2020-6-26_11-37-20.png

    Thats all the evidence I have, i'll let the mods finish this up now.
  14. Shadow™

    Shadow™ What it do Shortyyyy™ VIP

    Heyo, I was on at the time so was Moleman but I think he was handling an issue. So basically I heard Butters KOS Lb at the beginning as stated in Slap's video, I Basically have the same thing but also him saying "I T-baited lb" in chat also. I wasn't here for them arguing or fighting so I cannot provide the evidence for that. To me it sounds like a toxic KOS and kill by Butters and Streamer, since he was only KOS 'd and damaged because of his karma in the beginning.
  15. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    There's plenty of evidence against Butters and Streamer. Their reactions to lb saying he had 690 karma confirms that both of them did what they did with malicious intent. I can't think of any legitimate reason Butters could have for calling a KOS at the start of the round, and from the videos provided Streamer clearly wanted to help him out. They both knew exactly what they were doing, and because of that both are going to receive a 5 day global ban for toxic gameplay.

    This report is Valid
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