What did meheezy to get perma and then start alting

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Adrian Shephard, Jun 18, 2020.

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  1. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    I just really think it's silly when you think about it to label him a CP alt.

    Ban the kid all you want for evading his punishment, but when you ban him for "CP ALT" for retaliating via a free VPN you should have a paper IP trail that should help you reconsider:

    He used his home IP address before he was a bad boy who got good girls. There should records (if it hasn't been too long) that he used a consistent, staticish IP address for the majority of his unbanned time within the community. Connecting to the forums with his gamer phone might add a little variance into this.

    Looking up and checking out the problematic IP address: https://prnt.sc/t2c8an

    Owned by Proton, and used by at least 25 devices, after looking around this website for awhile, this is where the "devices" connected caps out.

    Other websites (stopforumspam) cite that IP has been used for spamming activities since August 2019, long before Meheezy became a problem.

    End of the day, what it comes down to is: You, I, and even Meheezy can connect to this IP at any point in time thanks to our friends at Proton VPN. You and I and even Meehezy have no history in dabbling in posting illicit imagery on jerry's mod servers. Meheezy did earn his ban via his actions, he didn't earn his ban via someone else's actions (someone who did something illegal.). Let the reasoning reflect his actions, not someone else's.

    If a random alt connected with no established history? Sure get rid of them under that reasoning. But Meheezy, someone who has a pretty established gamer history, and that alt that was proven to be his should at least be labeled something else.
    • Agree Agree x 9
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  2. Adminツ

    Adminツ VIP

    sorry one of the alts was me

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  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I think I've come to agree with Wink, after reading through the thread. MEHEEZY deserves his perma ban, but unless he himself posted cp while he was connected to the IP while trying to alt I think there's enough doubt to remove the CP mark from the ban reason. As deserving as he is of the perma ban, I don't think we should potentially permanently ruin parts of his life outside the game when there is any doubt in our minds that he committed the actual act. And removing the two letters won't change the ban length.
  4. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Wink brings up a point, about five months ago I was doxxed on Vanilla past what I've revealed to SGM ( my parents' names/jobs, places I've worked at, their phone numbers, even my then recent school suspension ) What if I wanted to use a VPN to prevent something like this happening again and I somehow got linked to a perma'd account? Would I be insta banned for that link?
  5. Twitch.youtube.com.ttv/AAAAAAA911

    Twitch.youtube.com.ttv/AAAAAAA911 Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    Bro you literally doxx yourself I could probably pinpoint a location on you if I did enough digging lmao.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. Nathan776

    Nathan776 Administrator Administrator VIP Silver

    Depends who you are linked to etc. If its something extremely serious we ban users and have them reviewed later. Say you got linked to a residual perma for excessive hacking offenses, we'd review the accounts and likely determine that you are not linked to the account.

    Regarding the actual reason given in Meheezys ban. A couple of us are pushing for it to be changed to just a Conflict of interest ban. We agree that it can be damaging to a player to keep the reason as cp alt when we don't think there is definitive evidence to link the two accounts together in the capacity. This wouldn't have any change in length though.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    not the stuff that person revealed
  8. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    ...two and a half pages later...
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  9. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    I agree with wink. But we are not the only gaming society that does it. All of them that i know would ban if you link to a banned ip. I even got banned for being on a army base wifi that was linked to a perma. Not one time, but multiple times.

    They always responded that if you appeal and prove, it will be lifted. But on the moment when you make contact you will be banned.
  10. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Holy fuck, I actually agree with wink :(

    Anyways, I said this to jabba and to lordy earlier, but Meheezy probably didn't post CP. Even saying he was a "CP ALT" is hella misleading. He didn't post the CP, and if he did you can't prove it.

    I would recommend drafting a new protocol for VPN's. I would recommend compiling a list of VPN addresses, and then either do one of two things:
    1) Monitor the suspected Alt and try to determine if they are on the server for malicious reasons (i.e., are they breaking rules?) and if they are, or at least, if it can be established that this person is likely an alt of someone else, ban them from the server immediately.
    2) Blanket ban VPN's entirely. Any account associated with a VPN would then need to be banned. (I don't think this would be a good idea, but it is an option)

    At the very least, can yall remove the CP part of Meheezy's ban? It just looks really fucking unprofessional because I know for a fact you guys have no proof that he was the one who actually posted the CP. You can honestly just keep the instigating drama and ban evasions as the purpose for his ban. This isn't really that hard. To be this hardheaded about something that most of the community seems to agree on is just dumb.

    also you can hire me as an admin for $3 and a snickers bar
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  11. WARBeatler

    WARBeatler Member

    I think the whole ban on MEHEEZY is very petty and unnecessary. We all know MEEHEZY as a likeable troll who just wants to have some fun and likes to make people laugh. He did alt with 2 accounts at once and as stupid as that was, he only did it to troll a little bit. I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished for it but 4 weeks is just ridiculous. He likes the server community and most people on it like him. He is probably just gonna keep alting with other accounts anyway so why not just lift the ban, give the poor man one more last chance and just perma ban him if ever alts again. I know some mods are eager to just keep stacking the bans on his official account for constantly ban evading but he isn't a malicious player trying to ruin the server or pick fights with the mods. He just wants to play on the server he has played on for a long time, with the community he has known for many months. Can the mods please reconsider to lift the ban and give him just 1 more chance?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  12. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I feel like this is a terrible argument. Like the rest of your post is fine, but that argument isn't great.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. WARBeatler

    WARBeatler Member

    I mean sure that's not a valid argument on it's own when it's put like that but it just shows how dedicated MEEHEZY is to keep coming back to the server instead of finding another one.
    I'm not saying "Unban him because he is gonna alt anyway so you are just wasting your time on him" what I meant by it was "He loves the server and he is gonna keep coming back to it. Give him a last chance so he can finally stop alting and prove he can behave."

    Meheezy's original ban was 4 weeks. It has been a few months since then. The mods can pardon his ban evasion attempts and allow him to become part of the community again with a condition where if he ever does it again he gets perma banned with no chance of returning . I feel like alting behind alts is not great and he has fullfilled a lot of his punishment. The community misses him. I think they should just offer him a ban date that he has to respect and not alt for, may it be a few weeks/months. I believe he won't fuck around on an alt anymore with the chance of getting unbanned at his table. He will have learnt his lesson about messing with the administration and hopefully come back a fresh man.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
  14. cynder

    cynder ice queen VIP

    It's nice of you to defend meheezy, I really want to as well. And even tho it's extremely clear how dedicated to the server he is, he still broke the rules. He lied several times to the admins even when given a chance to have it reduced. It's understandable why he lied, of course, but he still did it. 4 weeks isn't long enough to cover that.

    My personal opinion is a permaban is excessive. Yes he broke the rules multiple times, but all he did was alt. He didn't hack or dox anyone. He just wanted to play TTT. He should've served his first ban out definitely but he didn't, so yes he should get something more severe than normal, but I don't think that should mean he's banished from the community forever.
    EDIT: I'm talking like a 5m-6m ban. The drama he "instigated" he claims was only a joke. And people talk about unbanning people all the time. there's even a thread out now literally about that same thing. And the CP is the only thing that calls for a perma and we've already talked about how that's ridiculous to accuse him of.

    I just think they need to at least reconsider their choices made against meheezy. it's entirely up to them to do so, sadly.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
  15. Nathan776

    Nathan776 Administrator Administrator VIP Silver

    Just to keep Ya'll updated the ban was changed to Conflict of Interest.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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  16. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    we did it reddit meheezy died for our sins
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  17. Now onto the next topic.

    • Funny Funny x 3
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  18. Moleman

    Moleman Dr Pepper Enthusiast VIP

    reduce his ban length to half of what it is now
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  19. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    half a perma lol
    • Old Old x 1
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  20. Moleman

    Moleman Dr Pepper Enthusiast VIP

    yes sir that was the joke
    • Funny Funny x 1
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