Slur removal rule discussion

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by My Dime Is Up, Jun 16, 2020.

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  1. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    my niggas and dyke friend nilz what is up
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  2. Bonk2

    Bonk2 Banned

    we should also remove guns because rdmers' use it
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  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    If I stab someone as a joke =\= murder. A joke is a joke. If I stab someone as part of a joke, unless I hate the person I stab, guess what, I didn't commit murder.

    Hey, does anyone remember the great jokes in children's books about Jews having big noses and being greedy, I believe those came out during the time Germany was controlled by the Nazis. Good times right? But they're just jokes so the definitely aren't racist or hurtful. Ha ha funny jokes.
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  4. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP

    I say the context matters. At my school we all chill. My 1st generation friend from Iraq and I joke about him being a terrorist and how I should be worried once I become a pilot and he's a passenger on my plane (and he makes these jokes himself too). Same with my Jewish friend who ran for school presidents, jokes he didn't make it because students were focused on his nose more than his mouth and words. I say you have to know the situation and the right time to make the joke. This is why I didn't rate either of your posts (@Noctorious and @Ice Bear ) agree or disagree. Because while we joke around at school I know other people won't take it too kindly which I understand. Know the people your talking with and be sure they're comfortable with it or not (You will easily be able to tell, or they will just tell you outright)
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  5. The N word was created to bring down people of color. You may not mean in in a racist way. You may use it as a joke, but the fact is it was not created for that purpose. Everyone knows that word was created to hurt people of color, and the only reason people use it to "joke" or spam, is because they know it hurts other people. It's disrespectful and the only way they could get away with it was because it was allowed as long as it wasn't directed towards anyone. However, we all know exactly why people spam that.

    Any attempt to defend players' use of the word, spamming or otherwise shows that they do not respect, nor understand the power and pain that comes with that word. You, nor anyone on this server go around shouting the N word in public, because it is disgusting, especially when there is no context. People don't go around shouting that in public in real life for the fact that is is disrespectful, hurtful and really unnecessary. There's also a good chance that they could get beat up in the event someone sensitive to that heard them because of how messed up it is.

    That rule only allowed people to display behaviors that are otherwise socially and morally unacceptable, under the reasoning that they can't be punished for their actions due to the fact that unless it's displayed, it takes a bit of work to find someone's personal info. Even then, no one is going to hunt them down anyways, because it's not worth that trouble. But it's still hurtful, and still unacceptable. If there's something that's not accepted overall in public, it's probably not acceptable to have here either.

    I feel that this concept applies to most, if not all other slurs as well.
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  6. angie

    angie VIP Silver

    I'ts all about how you use the word and who you're saying it too in my opinion since words have many meanings.

    If you're using a slur in a derogatory form and to hurt someone obviously it shouldn't be allowed, but if its used for ones self or to describe yourself than I don't see an issue with it. Of course some slurs are more drastic than others but if me (a "fag") refers to myself as one than that should be fine. If I go out and call someone a F****t than that's a different story. Same goes for people (who it applies to) throwing around the N word. It's their word they should be allowed to use it as long as it isn't harmful or direct in a derogatory form. The hard ER is, in itself, I feel offensive no matter how it's used. There's so much blood, history, and pain behind that word that I don't think it needs to be said ever.

    If anything this rule should be left for staff interpretation, if one feels the use is to excessive and pointed they can act on it.
    I don't think the ban of ALL SLURS of all forms is necessary.
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  7. AS much as I agree with a lot of what you're saying, leaving it up to staff interpretation probably opens up too many loopholes and other issues. There are biased mods here, and I know of at least 1 mod who would definitely ban me if they heard me so much as whisper a slur, while I know of a couple mods who at least tolerate me, who would let me off with a warning. There's definitely more to that, but all I'll say is that this is probably better and easier.
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  8. angie

    angie VIP Silver

    I see what you mean by biased and loophole issues but there could be a set instilled of what few minor slurs are deemed "ok" in moderation and what ones aren't.
    Most likely the slurs that are heard and used day to day that we are aware of.

    If calling myself a "fag" is gonna get me muted/punished than that in itself I find to be an issue. Like it's a word about me, made for me and the lgbtq+ community.
    Sure some people don't like it but that's why i'm not using it against them and about myself, I don't mind the word describing me. I call myself it all the time.
    I believe in the power of taking a word back and making it positive. Getting rid of the words negative connotation.
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  9. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    I was against this since day 1. I even made a suggestion to remove the stupid rule (rejected btw).
    super tiring hearing all these white people say shit like "well i don't care if i'm called a slur, so you shouldn't care either, n*gger xd". never understood it. @Grumble :rolleyes:

    All slurs do is bring negativity and trolling into a server. I see 0 benefits to allowing people to say it and I'd love to hear @Highwon's take on why he thought this was a good idea.
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  10. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    You're factually incorrect. The word originally was derived from the usage of "Ignorant" or "Stupid", however when slavery existed in the U.S., Plantation owners often referred to them using that term, not because of their color, but due to their ignorance, and stupidity. The slaves weren't educated, hence why they were labeled that. However over time it caught a derogatory meaning, and now is more well known as a racial slur. Over decades and years, words and their meanings change, like pussy was referring to someone scared or a cat, now it's slang for vagina, dick was a name, now it's known as a male penis, etc.

    Depends, nigga has been used so often by the black community it's relatively lost it's racial meaning. However the people not affected (IE other races) are the ones to tell people to take offense and make it a big deal. Some blacks however do not like it. It really depends on where you live, and how you are with them. Here in south Florida, it's used by everyone, black to white, black to hispanic, black to asian, asian to black, hispanic to black, white to black, and no one cares. Other places are like that as well, while the predominantly white areas will view it as racist, as long as it's not the racist rednecks. However the dropping the hard R is a nono, and some edgy kids tried that in my former high school and got their asses beat, honestly I never heard it used until around 2016 when edgy people decided to go racial.
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  11. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Imagine thinking its about the word and not the principle behind it.
    Sad way to interpret this entire situation
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  12. Nitro_Hunter

    Nitro_Hunter Banned VIP

    personally I think the Rule just invited more people to say slurs. I mean yeah it would happen before the rule but almost no one cared at that point, a slur would be said and then life went on. Now its a big deal when someone says a slur and the voicechat fucking goes ape shit
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  13. Imagine missing the entire point, sad way to interpret a message.
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  14. Grumble

    Grumble Banned VIP

    Firstly what do you mean by “all these white people”? Second I wouldn’t consider myself to be “white” I’m of Italian descent and have a Brown/Olive complexion. I don’t care if someone calls me a racial slur because
    I’m not emotionally inept and have the ability to control my composure. I feel that that slurs shouldn’t be banned but rather who it’s directed to. It should be treated under the harassment rule as that is targeted.

    My problem is that when words start being banned it’s a slippery slope towards more words being banned, how are staff to act in due course if they don’t know when a slur is being said on a server?
    Sure most know about the N-word a few others but when people start becoming more creative with their slurs it gets harder to regulate and punish. I guarantee that someone who says the N-word would be
    punished much quicker than someone who calls me an Italian slur, that’s not equality under the rule. But all this is moot anyway since the rule change so why are we even discussing this.
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  15. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    start? they've always been banned for good reason.
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  16. Grumble

    Grumble Banned VIP

    Great retort for a very small portion of my argument.
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  17. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    it's the topic sentence
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  18. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Gotta love pythons subtle racism
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  19. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP

    Shut up wop
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  20. Dapper Cracker

    Dapper Cracker Silver Supporter

    i still think we should do a buyable n word
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