Approved LegoGuineaPig's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by LegoGuineaPig, May 26, 2020.

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  1. LegoGuineaPig

    LegoGuineaPig Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was afk until around 19:55 GMT for nearly 2 hours, upon returning and disabling my spectator only mode I was banned for 28 days - no reason has been given​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Considering that I have no idea why I was banned, I can't really provide any evidence regarding what I have allegedly done wrong​
  2. j3kawesome

    j3kawesome "mestimate" - Indy226 Administrator VIP Silver

    Your SteamID is actually STEAM_0:1:104895251
    And you were banned by @RhazhBash for Toxic Gameplay
  3. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    I've seen this. Give me a bit to gather all the relevant evidence.
  4. LegoGuineaPig

    LegoGuineaPig Member

    Considering I was AFK for nearly 2 hours prior, I cannot see how this is Toxic Gameplay? And since I have literally just come back from a 2 week ban for Toxic Gameplay by repeatedly forcing people to goomba stomp me, do you really think I would do the same thing again?
  5. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    Ok so first of all you were banned for something that happened before you went AFK. @Logan2 came to me seeking admin discretion because what you were doing technically wasn't against the rules, but was clearly a way to ruin the experience for others. The reason it took so long for you to get banned was because I was eating when Logan sent me the evidence.

    Now before I talk about your offense today I'm going to bring up your history. In the past month you've gotten two other bans for toxic gameplay.

    For the first one I apologize as the evidence has been lost. The video was sent to me on steam where messages aren't logged. Anyways, what happened was that you were on minecraft dolls and another player threw an incend. When you saw the fire, you intentionally ran into it then reported the player who threw it. Yes innos shouldn't be throwing random incends, but what you did is unacceptable. You took advantage of the situation to set another player up to be punished for RDM.

    For your other bans I have proof of what you did.

    You were standing at the bottom of a pit waiting for people to stomp you so you could kill them. Baiting other people into T acts so you can kill them has its place, but it's a strategy that should be used on players you suspect but have no valid reason to kill. What you were doing is a blatant attempt to kill whoever you want without being punished for RDM, and had no strategic benefit for your team. After doing that you made this report on the player you killed.

    This report shows that you want to get other players punished whenever you can. Just like what you did by running into that incend.

    And let's not forget all the other instances of you standing at the bottom of pits so you can kill people who fall on you. While none of these show you killing a player for stomping you they make it clear that this is a strategy you regularly used.

    Now onto the ban I gave you today. Logan came to me with this video.

    While the video doesn't show fire the fact that your health went down at that rate can only be explained by an incend, as gunshots would be shown and no other weapon on vanilla can drain your health like that. You knew the fire was there, and you walked into it on purpose so you could report the player who threw it.

    On top of that, I was also sent a video of you attempting the same thing during another round.

    You did all of this 3 days after getting off another toxic gameplay ban. While nothing you did is technically against the rules, it's clear that your intention is to ruin the experience for others. You want to kill random people without getting punished for RDM, and you want to get other people punished for RDM. Taking advantage of the rules to ruin the experience for others is generally considered a much more severe offense than breaking them outright, and because this is your third ban for an offense like this in the past month I felt 4 weeks off of the server was appropriate.

    Do you have anything to say for yourself?
  6. LegoGuineaPig

    LegoGuineaPig Member

    In reference to my history, I accept that that was in fact toxic gameplay, and considering I had been given countless warnings from both moderators and Lordy themselves to stop forcing people into goomba-ing me, it was perfectly reasonable to ban me for toxic gameplay in that respect.

    Addressing the first video you have used as evidence against me - yes I ran into the fire. I did this assuming it was a traitor, in the hopes the detective could get DNA from my body since the detectives and other players were all literally within viewing distance of me dying. However upon finding it was an innocent player whom had thrown the grenade, I reported them for a random nade killing me - just has occurred to myself in the past. If this was false, then I do not believe this is taking advantage of the rules, nor does that come under your toxic gameplay rules. If anything, this would come under making a false report/harassment.

    As your rules state, false reporting has a punishment of a warning as first offense - which at this point, at most I false reported - I did not toxic gameplay, which as your rules state:

    I played the game as it is meant to be played - I ran around as an innocent player, and jumped into a fire as a personal choice - in what way did this ruin the fairness, or enjoyment of the game, considering my actions (which were deemed toxic) only affected myself?

    And finally moving onto your last point of me "attempting the same thing during another round" - where in this video you submitted did I run into fire?
    Your video just shows a detective sat on the wall, and my player model in the background dying - how is this taking advantage of the rules to ruin the experience for others?

    I would also like to address the fact that you have accused me of "[wanting] to kill random people without getting punished for RDM, and [wanting] to get other people punished for RDM". Where in these videos you have submitted as evidence and justification for banning me for 28 days do I want, or even attempt to kill random people without getting punished for RDM?
    As we have already clarified, my "history" as you have put it, has already been dealt with 2 weeks ago by Jabba the Slut - which was a toxic gameplay ban. This ban was (as explained) due to myself forcing other players to goomba myself. How is this any similar to me running into incendiary flames and then reporting in the offchance the fire was from an innocent player?

    One other thing I would like to say - Surely it would only be "toxic gameplay" if I used the incendiary grenade *damaging* me as justification to RDM other players (which I did't do)? Not purposefully suiciding myself for DNA samples?
  7. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I'm gonna get involved because reasons
    That is not possible
    DNA can only come from harpoons, knives, close quarter killings etc. TTT follows logic, obviously it's not possible to do this.

    Now personally in game I do not have a found opinion of you,

    ^^This is a video from almost two months ago of you micspamming an earrape of the Thomas the tank engine theme song.
    This is the only one I've caught on recording but you've done this more than once and it's not fun to listen to someone bleed my ears just to annoy people.
  8. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    Incends don't leave DNA. I find it hard to believe that someone with 1200 hours on gmod and 200 hours on our servers alone hasn't checked a body that recently died to fire. Since you've done this plenty of times, don't you think someone would have pointed that out to you? Wouldn't you have noticed that the strategy never works? And yet you keep doing it.

    The intent is what's important. Yes you didn't actually get someone slain by walking into the fire on purpose, but it's clear that you were trying to set someone up to be slain for RDM.

    I'll admit I didn't fully notice it the first time I viewed that video, but at the start of the video damagelogs are shown proving that you died to fire. While the full deathscene isn't shown, it proves that you weren't AFK when you were in the fire. If you weren't trying to die to the fire on purpose, you would have run out of it, but the logs prove that you stayed in it to commit suicide. It may not have a report with it, but I posted that because it helped show that you use that tactic regularly. I've already stated that I don't believe that you do it strategically,

    I was referring to your second ban when I said that. Sorry for not clarifying.

    The bans don't need to be similar. If you had come back from Jabba's ban and played normally without breaking rules then that ban would be behind you. If you're going to keep attempting to ruin the game for others right after you get off your last ban then it'll be taken into account when deciding how long to ban you for your next offense.

    Everything above was written before Indy replied. That video is just another example of you trying to ruin the game for others, and it's icing on the cake after everything else you've been shown to do.

    I'm sorry but I don't believe someone can play this much TTT without realizing incends don't leave DNA. Your 5 day ban was for the same reason as this ban, so why didn't you mention that when you were banned then?
  9. LegoGuineaPig

    LegoGuineaPig Member

    Everything Below is in response to Indy

    Ok, well I apologise for mistakenly believing that DNA could be left by an incendiary grenade - as has been stated to me many times, I am not a "gamer" and do not have all the mechanisms of this gamemode perfectly memorised.

    Regarding your second point, I would like to ask in what way is this video of me "micspamming" (which I'm pretty sure I have been punished before in the past) at all relevent to the current predicament I find myself in having been Banned for "Toxic Gameplay" despite the only rules I broke being false reports at most (although random nade throwing without warning is in itself a breach of gameplay rules - but we can just gloss over that can't we?)

    And I accept your final point - yes it is not fun to listen to someone bleed your ears - hence why this has not occurred since "almost two months ago"

    Everything below is in response to Rhaz

    As I mentioned in my reply to Indy - I am unaware of the fact that incendiaries do not leave DNA traces - otherwise I wouldn't be purposefully suiciding myself for DNA. I did not notice that this unorthodox strategy does not work - however now that it has been pointed out to me that this is how the mechanism works, I will know for future.

    Forgive me for getting confused, however you have now contradicted yourself - have I broken rules, or have I not broken rules?

    The above quote is from your server's extended rules. I have highlighted the part of the rules which I believe applies to me. I did in fact *allow* a player to damage me - I have explained my reasoning, it is clearly your discretion whether that is to be believed or not. However your rules do explicitly say "even if" the RDMed player allows them to - me choosing to stand in fire is in fact allowing players to RDM me - thus causing the player who damaged me to have broken the "No RDM" rule.

    Which ban are you referring to? I do not recall getting a 5 day ban for Toxic Gameplay - and even if I did, 5 days is a reasonable ban to wait out, hence why I have waited out most of my bans.

    If you are in fact referring to the 5 day harassment/false report bans I may have on my record - those were all due to arguments and grudges I had against other players at the time of the ban being issued, and have been handled.

    I would also like to refer to my previous ban by Jabba (thoroughly deserved might I add) where I used a part of the map on 67thway I believe (not 100% sure) to force players to have to damage me via goomba in order to kill them - resulting in a ban for toxic gameplay, wherein the players in question had no option but to damage me (and in some cases kill me).

    How does allowing other players to RDM me via incendiaries they choose to throw toxic gameplay, when at worst all I have done is killed myself (which I believe I cannot report myself for?) and false reported a player (despite them breaking the "No RDM" rule)?
    And if this is the case, I assume any other players which are found to die to incendiary grenades thrown by innocents will be investigated and potentially banned for toxic gameplay as well?
  10. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    So this ban is almost entirely dependent on whether or not your claim that you walked into incend fire as a strategy is true. After some consideration, I've come to the conclusion that if you were going to lie about your intentions, your story wouldn't have such an obvious hole in it. Keep in mind that no staff member would assume you were using that strategy while walking into incend fire, which is why our first assumption was that you were setting up players to be slain for RDM.

    I'll accept this appeal, however due to your history I won't void the ban. You'll be monitored closely, and if you even think about exploiting the rules the way you did when Jabba banned you then I won't hesitate to ban you for 8 weeks.
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