Banned for citing my case...

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Tyrone Niggums, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. I was rdmed by the mod Solid Diamondz because apparently sasuke said in chat to kos me. I scrolled up in the chat to find the kos and there was none, so i filed a report which kythol looked at but obviously didnt look to far into or else he would have saw it was rdm. So i told asked him why diamondz doesnt get slain and diamondz changes his story to "oh it was said in voice chat, im a mod i only slay myself when neccessary. So i told them i might aswell be a mod because they are trash at doing there job which is when i was banned by carned i wasnt the only person in the game to argue my case but sense it was me Vs. a mod i guess they are always right no matter what and everyone else is wrong.
  2. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    Tyrone, I warned you TWICE to NOT HARASS. You even stooped to using the word "n****r" (staring it as it's extremely racist). Even if it was to yourself, it was over voice chat and is extremely racist and should NEVER be tolerated. I warned everyone on the server to STOP HARASSING. @Carned will respond at his earliest convenience. Even so, I highly request that Tyrone is not unbanned as players like him, mtndew (another person banned for harassment) and Cow_Shot (the person who started it all, also banned) brought me to almost using !mute */!gag * and I would only use those in extreme situations.
  3. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    Also, you endlessly harassed me, Solid Diamondz, other mods/admins, and the rest of the players. As I said before, I feel it would be in the best interest of the community for him to not be unbanned as it's only 8 hours.
  4. SolidDiamondz

    SolidDiamondz Just being fabulous as always. Child of Megatron. VIP

    As for what I said "I am a mod, I slay myself when necessary" I was saying that I'm a mod, not a rule breaker. I was also saying that I will take responsibility for my action meaning I would slay myself if I rdmed. As for the KOS, two koses were called at the same time. One was in normal chat (Sasuke KOSed "Not an admin") and I heard another kos on you. I got the two mixed up considering they were called at the same time and after I realized the one on you was from voice chat. Kythol was giving you multiple warnings to stop harassing me as the case had been solved. You did not stop so Carned banned you for harassment.
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Tyrone, i was called to West 2 by one of our more experienced moderators @Kythol because he was getting very irritated by yours and others Harassment towards him and other players.

    I come on to see you arguing with Kythol and for a mod like him to get stressed and not be able to handle harassment surprised me so i stayed a couple rounds.

    As soon as you noticed me in the server you stopped for a bit then you continued to argue with Kythol.

    So taking into consideration what you had done before i got there i prompted to give you and mtdew and 8 hour ban on West 2 and Cow_Shot a global 24 hour ban due to it being his second offence.

    Maybe you should work on your attitude during these 8 hours.
  6. First of i said nigga not towards any player, which isnt racist in the slightest bit ecspecially because i am black but that had nothing to do with my ban you said harassment is why and that was the only time i did anything close to harassing someone other than calling you Methyol instead of kythol.
  7. The only time i started to argue again was when i saw him look at my report and do nothing if it was any other "normal" player they would have been slayed but no it was a mod so it was disregarded.
  8. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    Tyrone, explain how you and other players were calling Cow_Shot "CowShit" and it not being harassment? I also SPECIFICALLY know that on the final round of Dolls when I first got on you said the word "nigger" (I hate having to do this, but it is necessary) with a HARD R. Not the "nigga" that is constantly used in rap music, but the one with a hard R.

    P.S. Sorry if my racial language offended anyone. It must be stated, however, so that the extremity of this is seen. Yes, Tyrone may be black but it is not right to use that language.
  9. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    During the time i was on the server you were rude and disrupitve, i have no evidence other than what i hear, i dont record every game and im sure Kythol doesn't either but i was told of your harassing by him anyway, you doing it in front of me initiated your ban.
  10. Kythol i wasnt even one of the players messing with cowshot so dont say that the only thing i did toword him was question what he was randomly shooting at other than that everything else toward cow shot was not me. But i understand im not a mod so everything i say is a lie and irrelavant, also you had no idea who said what you were threatning to gag/mute Blankey for a solid 5min because you thought he said it, "Blankey i know your voice thats was you." So how are you gonna say that you heard me say it.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  11. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    Tyrone, no one ever said that you lie/are irrelevant. I ASKED Carned to come on to West 2 and he saw first hand you harassing me and multiple other people.
  12. You didnt say it but you might as well because when someone other than a mod or admin says something to yall you either blow it off or make a big fuss about how yall didnt rdm someone you when youu clearly did. Yall have eachothers backs even when you know you did wrong thats all im saying yall are never wrong always right.
  13. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I'd like to point out I also banned Cow_Shot for his harassment to you also so this statement is far from true.
  14. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    We are wrong a lot of the times Tyrone. That's why some people are demoted, warned, and other things like that. There was a KOS on you so he killed you. I slay myself all the time when I RDM. You can ask any player that I slay myself when I deserve it.
  15. There was no kos on me he said sasuke typed it in chat and argued it for a good 3 mins with me then i said go look and slay yourself once you do and then all of a sudden oh no it was sasuke it was someone in voice chat and idk their name, sounds like a lie to me because ive never confused voice chat with game chat...
  16. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    There was no KOS in text chat, i checked the chatlog's, if need be Solid will serve a slay, however during a word vs word situation slays tend not to be issued, i will message some of the player too see if they remember.

    However this doesn't excuse your behaviour and harassment before this happened.
  17. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Do either of the sides have any hard evidence? If not, this is getting to the point of word vs word.
  18. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    No "hard" evidence. But you can ask @SolidDiamondz, @Carned, and @The Seventh. They were ALL there to witness the harassing.
  19. idk what chatlogs you views they must be made up cause it was never said
  20. hmmm why call all the mods or evidence when they are a ton of other players who witnessed it
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