Scary shit that’s happened to you

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Elvis, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Bacon Bombs

    Bacon Bombs Matthew 1:25 New Testament VIP Bronze

    I have two stories. One was a year ago, and the other was just a couple weeks ago.
    The one about a year ago was at Chik Fil A. I had just gotten food for my sister and I from the drive through and we were about to turn onto a busy street in a large city. A car had their blinker on and I thought it was to turn farther down so I waited. But it turned out they were turning into chik fil a where I was and so they did. A car behind them had their blinker on and I thought they were turning into chik fil a so I floored it only for them to not turn and T-Bone my side of the car. No one was hurt thank God. I now have an extreme fear turning left onto busy roads.

    My second story that was only around a week and a half ago is about a girl and I. We've known each other for three years, dated for almost one, then got back together for another four months, and lastly we had been together for most of 2020's March and beginning of April. We had been doing adult things and she had been spending days and nights at the home I live at, giving me the idea we were dating. One night she got black out drunk with her mom and her mom's friends, and I was worried about her and what might happen, but I knew they would take care of her since I was not with them. After that night she became so distant it was scary, and when I asked her "why" she said we'd talk about it two days later when she came to stay at my home for the day. And we talked about it. It turned out she had made out with a guy that night and began dating that guy and as of now they are still dating and moving in together, and I am still to this day, even as I am writing this...just absolutely crushed. My heart is broken, just completely shattered. I miss her more than anything in the world. I'm turning to religion and I keep praying to God. I promised myself I would read the whole bible if she ever decided to come back to me. I'm even trying to find a therapist because I am so sad, and my chest feels so heavy it's hard to actually breathe. Even though neither of us confirmed with the other that we were in fact together, it still feels like she cheated. And I really hope I get over this overwhelming sadness soon because I don't enjoy it. I mean...who would? You know? Anyways...if anyone has advice on how to get over this pain...please tell me. Thank you.
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  2. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Man fuck that bitch high fucking key. I know you loved her and shit but thats not someone you need in your life. Black out drunk or not actions have consequences man. I'd honestly tell you to try to get over her. You shouldnt want someone like that in your life, let alone be your partner.
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  3. AndrewB

    AndrewB VIP

    There are more fish in the sea buddy. You’ve emotionally invested yourself into a relationship with this girl and it is so hard to let go of her and move on because you’re attached to this girl. What I like to say is a guy should get out early before getting attached to a girl who also has a lot of red flags. Also, I’m noticing a lot of red flags with her based on what you said. Usually your girlfriend shouldn’t go out and get drunk and make out with other guys it doesn’t make sense why she would come back to you too. She’s a stupid girl who can’t fathom what commitment is and she’s toying with your feelings. Get over it already and find someone else. Good luck.
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  4. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    in my opinion. If anyone is willing to let down somebody without telling them face to face; she can go die in a hole
    I'd probably not turn to religion but to myself ( not blame urself ) . Maybe she isn't the right one
    and if she went that far you're gonna have to move on
    I could go out on a boat and catch 100 fish
    But only one fish is the trophy
    Keep looking bro, there will be the trophy somewhere someday
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