Invalid Report against Ted

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by WARBeatler, Apr 19, 2020.

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  1. WARBeatler

    WARBeatler Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    around 9:30AM
    Reason For Report:
    Killing me just on suspicion alone.

    I was T that round. There were only 4 people left that round including me. 1 detective and 2 innocents (Ted was innocent). Ted on his own without any KOS on me from anyone,. killed me just cause he THOUGHT I was T without having any proof or reason to do so.

    The thing is when I usually play with facts and logic in TTT I always get slayed saying "you cant rdm even if you know 100% that person is T, you ALWAYS need a reason". But Ted who is a Moderator can just do it anytime he wants and get away with this?​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  2. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Seen this, I'll respond shortly.

    Also @Fear☠ my admin
  3. Fear☠

    Fear☠ The Dark Lord VIP

    I have seen this and waiting for Ted to present his evidence^^
  4. WARBeatler

    WARBeatler Member

    *Correction: I think it was 5th round not 3rd. I just discovered there are 6 rounds per game and the one Ted killed me on was pre last so 5th.
  5. Tea♥

    Tea♥ VIP

    Hey there. I was the one who killed you along with ted. Apart from Ted's "mathematics" I can confirm I was proven, and at the time I also instructed Ted to kill you, as it came down to me, you, Ted, and the detective. I was proven and ted knew that. So naturally he would have killed you even without knowing the whole gun situation that went down earlier. Thanks.
  6. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Hey there Warbeatler,

    Thank you for the report as this is a learning process for me and maybe others in the future. I hope we can both learn something from this situation and that we can move forward after this.

    I tried to explain my math in game to you in voice chat (while hunting you) and in chat as well as in the report. But clearly that made you either confused or you did not want to get the math to my conclusion of Commen sense kill.

    This is almost true as there were 5 people when i started to math everything together;
    • 1 D
    • 3 Inno's (including me)
    Alex (who just got kos'ed by a T and killed that traitor, making them proven)
    Goku (who killed himself quite soon after you killed ole)
    I (For some reason i knew i was innocent)​
    • 1 traitor (you walking around somewhere)

    Now I got here the picture of the report and here a little video of the situation itself. While i do the math again. if the sound is low just turn the volume up.
    If you got any more question or want to see more of the killing dial now 0800 - Tedcuddles or send me a DM here.

    @Fear☠ to give a conclusion on this report.

    I hope you will understand the situation now better.
    Kind regards,

    Ted the cuddly :bear:
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  7. Fear☠

    Fear☠ The Dark Lord VIP

    Let's first take a look at our common sense rule.
    As it clearly states, if you know someone is a T or did a T act with 100% certainty, you can kill that player.

    Ted already explained and provided a video of his pov, where we can confirm that Ted knew you killed that player with 100% certainty.

    Report: Invalid

    If you have any questions feel free to DM me on discord or forums.
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