Ok guys, we all know birds aren’t real but what if that was just a distraction to keep us from realizing giraffes are not real. Think about it, an autonomous robot giraffe drone would be a whole lot easier to make an autonomous flying bird drone, also a giraffe’s cameras (eyes), are at the same height as some birds, making the giraffe more efficient and easier to make. Since giraffes do not fly and birds do, some of the “giraffes” could just be statues and still be drones, I mean look at giraffes, you really think they can stand that still for that long? I don’t think so. “Poachers” are also just government workers taking the “giraffes” in for repair, and there same goes for “zookeepers”. With giraffes a being a staple in most zoos, the government is able to spy on an entire city’s population at once. Also the giraffes in the “wild” are just drones spying on Africa looking for Wakanda. Now some of you may say, well “How come if giraffes aren’t real how come they have been documented years before drone technology?”, well, the U.S. has has a government for almost 250 years but you know what has been around since 1698, that’s right, the steam engine, and back then they would be a person piloting the giraffe, kind of like a robot suit and they would preform reconnaissance by drawing or writing down what they saw until the camera was invented in 1816. The pilots were used until 1954 when the first programmable robot was made. “What about records of giraffes from before the U.S. existed?” some of you may ask, well ever hear of revisionist history? Those records were meddled with by the U.S government to fool us into thinking giraffes were real, this evidence leads me and any of you readers to without a doubt that giraffes aren’t real.
Birds? Giraffes? I don't think we should be concerned about them as much as we should be worried about llamas. I feel like a single llama is capable of ending the world.
Yeah I mean look at that show where the llama killed a man, like that could be the end of us if enough llamas got the idea
Wrong Carl friend. Spoiler: Correct Carl https://i.imgur.com/SJaLoOE_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium No clue if link works, don't rlly care tho