Tsu Rdmed me at least 4 times this week and keeps kicking, me muting me ang gaging me.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Viktor, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Viktor

    Viktor Member

    Name of Staff: Tsu{CoEW}
    Server: TTT-West
    Time of Occurrence: so many times
    at the first, round started i was a tritor and stuck in the gun store some1 shot through the glass murderd an innocent ,after about 2secs tsu ran in and killed me directly .then i reported him , nothing happend to him , i reported again then he kicked me out of server. that evening, i was a traitor and i was playing with turtles then tsu ran in killed me said u r gonna kill people by blowng the turtle. then i bought "traitor" the next round , round started
    tsu killed me and called kos on all my teamates as a ninnocent and kicked again for harassment and racism

    Just now, i was a traitor i bought a death station and throwdit downstairs 10 secs later , tsu shot the death station abot 5 secs later he killed and said i put dat station. then i reported him and ask him " why dafuq did u kill me " then he gag muted me.
    thats it ,he wont stop it

    FYI: last time i 'rdmed' 3 traitorsn , modder banned me for 24hrs .
  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Id like to point out, i was there for the Turtle incident, and you CAN be killed for carrying around the turtles towards detectives as they are treated as explosive Barrels.
  3. Viktor

    Viktor Member

    ok then wat about the rest of those

    and im still gaged muted and he tried to slay me nextround by now
  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    @Tsu will respond with the reasoning.
  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    The first one sounds like you were near an unid in the gunstore. That one seems like a legit kill. The turtle one is also legit, and the 3rd situation, Tsu saw you place the death station so thats why he killed you.
  6. Viktor

    Viktor Member

    it was about 2 secs , no1 couldve checked the body , he didn ask nor check and killed me directly and ran away. and the death station,i was wif him i looked at me then shot the station abot 5 secs ago he killed me .
  7. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    He can still kill you for it - Being near an unID'd body is KOS.
  8. Viktor

    Viktor Member

    really? one day i was a detective i heard gun shot and exblosive in a tiny room i ran in the room saw 2 guys and a death body ,one of em checked the body in less than 1sec before i open the door , then they ran away and came back i killed one of them whose name on the dead body , traitor. then i killed another 1 , traitor . then 2 rdms addon another rdm i got banned for 24 hrs
    then tsu killed me twice wif i didn even do anything and kosed all traitors gag me kick me mute me slay me for no reason , he was doing great? not breaknrules at all
    FYI im still gagged and muted becoz i reported him and said 'wadafuq' .
  9. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Hey Viktor!

    So let's break this down one by one.

    The first time I killed you, I walked into the gunstore on 67th way, you were in the glass case, there was an unided body directly next to you. You can't really claim you didn't see it, since it was directly next to you in an enclosed space you literally have to crouch to fit in.

    You then proceeded to spam the report AFTER I explained it to you and warned you not to spam the same report, something like 5-6 times, with various text like "fuck you tsu" "fuck off" etc, so I kicked you for a combination of false reports and harassment.

    Then, on Datmap, you took one of the exlposive turtles and directly approached 2 detectives after the round started. I killed you for approaching innocents with an explosive device. Carned explained as much to you. You started arguing with both of us, then said, I quote,

    "Are you fucking Chinese tsu?"
    "ching chong wong kong Tsu?"
    "chinese ching chink chong?"

    At which point I kicked you for harassment and racism.

    Note, the whole bit about you buying T and me killing you immediately and calling KOS on all your teammates is entirely made up. Carned was there. You were kicked directly after your racist comments after I killed you for the turtle.

    Today, on 67th way, you proceeded to drop a death station and walk away. I shot the station, then shot you. You immediately started going "fuck you tsu" in voice chat, I gagged you, you then typed "fuck you tsu" in text chat, so I muted you.

    I'm assuming you decided it'd be cool to take matters into your own hands, since the very next round you shot at me as soon as I walked by you, which is why I issued a slay.
  10. Viktor

    Viktor Member

    1st even itwas enclosed space u can still shoot throught the glass ,and thats how u killed me , shot me directly throught the window while im stuck there and saying "any1 help me im stuck " and i was pretty sure u saw the traitor wif the weapon made the sounds u heard ran away .

    then dat turtle map i said "r u fucking chinese tus " and sam1 asked "r u ,viktor?" Isaid "yah" he typed "ching chong " then i typed " ching chong ding dong YAOMing " to him .after dat i got kicked , r u yaoming? i met yaoming once so i doubt dat.and i was not even talking to you

    i reported at most 3 times in 3 mins dat time ,coz no1 was responding me no a single .
    andu did called kos on all of my Tmates and i asked carned "will tsu be stopped?" not a single report at all.

    then 67th map
    did u see i drop a death staton? and i didn walk away i went downstairs and lookd at u , u destroyed the station and killed me . i said fuck you,gaged . typed fuq u , muted.

    next round . gun shooting , i saw YOU passed by an uid body and i dmgd u about 40 hp, 5 secs later u slayed me next round .

    and i cant believet as a man u can never admit wat uve done and made up dos bullshit
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
  11. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    If you cannot provide photo evidence of Tsu saying these things, I'm afraid all the reasons he killed you for were valid & arguing about this topic would be pointless. Tsu I suggest a lock seeing you are not in the wrong.
  12. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Here's a sampling of some of the things you've said victor:


    Also, when you rdmed me, there was no unided body. We were all on the street, with like 4 other people. The 5 of you were standing around, I walked over, as soon as you saw my name you started shooting me. I didn't even need to shoot back, the 4 other players immediately shot you for your traitorous acts.

    Please, stop making up facts to try to make yourself seem innocent or me guilty. Falsifying facts is gonna get you punished further.
  13. Viktor

    Viktor Member

    tsu didn say it , he did it
    then the photo :https://www.dropbox.com/sc/m14knibko68p78l/gCfqyakBy3
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
  14. Viktor

    Viktor Member

    r dos photos evidences?,and i admitted i said "r u fucking chinese"and "chingchongdingdong" except i forgot about "president jiang ", im sorry if u er president jiang or his friend.

    even i said all of dos ching chong ding dong tsu, u cant rdm and kick me
    and i was not rdming u there was an unid body i don care abot rest of 5 people , like wat u did to me ,ignore the murderer .

    and i forgot dat u killed me ,called kos on my teamates and kicked me and left the server , apparently you broke the rule .
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
  15. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Since you have provided no further evidence, and we've both provided our sides of the story, I'm going to lock this for now. Admin+, feel free to unlock/provide input/judgement when appropriate.
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