Double Barrel poll.

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by Classical, Apr 12, 2014.


Your thoughts on Double Barrel shotgun?

  1. Remove it.

  2. Nerf it.

  3. Leave it alone.

  4. Don't care.(null vote)

  5. Change to D weapon

  6. Change to T weapon

  1. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Because I haven't been using it enough or haven't had enough experience being killed by it?

    True my opinion might change in the future, but I doubt it. I have alot of experience finding problems in games in general, the points and solutions I made in this thread I think are valid.
    It seems im not the only one who thinks this, so it warrants discussion.
  2. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Well I use it, and the way I use it is like, *pop**pop*(watching mothafuckas drop), hide behind a corner, reload, the D ID's a body, I stop the reload at 1 bullet in the clip, shoot the D, hide behind the corner again, reload for 2 full ammo, repeat. It kills people so quickly, and if you run by a single inno, you just have to shoot once, reload, and be on your way again.
  3. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    Just like most of the guns, it's op if used correctly.

    I will however agree that double barrel causes a lot more damage if used correctly.

    There were times where people just come 1 - 2 at a time and all you have to do is walk up close and act like nothing is happening and than BAM! Reload and repeat, and if hitbox doesn't screw up on you... easy 10+ kills

    It all depends on how you use it, but yea it could be a bit more op than other guns.
  4. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Overpowered means that it is more powerful than comparable guns. The DB is the only gun I can see that can be considered overpowered on the server currently.
    Of course what I point out is only if the gun is used correctly, that goes without saying (you know not shooting at the floor and actually shooting at someone within 20ft or so).
  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    The HK SL8 is a rapid fire oneshot gun. If used correctly, it is deadlier than the Double Barrel. The only difference is that you need godly sniper skills instead of godly shot-timing skills.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  6. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Are you seriously trying to compare landing shots generally anywhere in the direction of a player with sniping a target in the head? Thats not even remotely on the same skill level.
    It doesn't take "godly shot-timing skills" to land shots with a DB, it takes a brain and some very basic gaming skill.

    +1 for a good joke post I guess?
  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    If you dont time your shots exactly with the DB, you're screwed.
  8. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Yes indeed. But aiming your shots on target shouldn't even be mentioned because of the points I wrote about earlier.
    With innos or detectives it can be a factor (if you are terrible I guess), but as a traitor you usually have all the time in the world to aim your shots properly, unless of course you are KOS.
    It leaves no chance of retaliation since it is not a traitor weapon and is a one shot kill, leaving no chance to any inno or detective in the process.

    Aiming a sniper "correctly" and aiming the DB on a target cannot be compared, one takes a fair amount of skill while the other takes almost none.
    You really are going to argue that aiming anywhere on a target and firing takes skill? Thats basic stuff if you want to play any FPS.
    Since when is TTT a spray and pray game?
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  9. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    All I'm saying is that the DB isn't and instant win button for whatever team you're on. If you don't get a kill on your first shot, you're going to die unless you can think fast and get that second shot in to get the kill.
  10. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Sure I agree with you.
    But your considering this only IF you don't hit which isn't hard to do at all.
    It isn't a sniper, smg etc, its a shotgun, all you need to do is have someone in your crosshairs, fire and you have a kill. Plus just in case you didn't hit because your aim was off (you have to be really unlucky or just bad at the game to not hit within 20 ft), there's another shell ready to go a second later.

    Being able to aim properly with a shotgun of all things isn't a factor in whether its overpowered or not.
    It isn't a laser guided missile that kills across the map nor is it a magical gun that you can shoot next to someone and kill them.

    No it isn't an instant win weapon. But it should be considered overpowered compared to other guns.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  11. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    I don't think this is an OP weapon.
    While the two rounds are incredibly powerful and make headshots easy, the reload time is long and leaves you incredibly vulnerable.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  12. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    the reload time is less than 5 seconds, and a quick duck behind a pillar or corner does the trick to reload. Also, you can interrupt reloading at 1 ammo in the clip.
  13. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    I like the idea of the DB becoming a traitor weapon, it would stop random players from prop killing haha. . . .
  14. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    This weapon doesn't need headshots to be effective or to one shot kill. And as for the reload time:
  15. I think it should be nerfed by lowering the damage, but it shouldn't be a T only weapon, the Ds have a jack hammer, but the Ts have a MP7 to compensate for it, and accounting for the horrendous reload on the double barrel, I don't think its all that over powered, because if you miss, your fucked.
  16. Only reason ur saying this is because you like it. @TheTrueCatMan you know it is op as hell. You just dont want it to be nerfed cuz it is your most favorite op gun.
  17. Phoenix Nelson

    Phoenix Nelson Burn in the flames VIP

    I was wondering what could be done about the double barrel shot gun if anything could be done really. I've noticed that when traitors use them they plow through innocents, and when innocents have them jihads are a joke. Also the fact that you can shoot from a far distance and deal a substantial amount of damage is ridiculous (both in a funny and a bad way). What do you think? Should anything be done to the double barrel shot gun? Go easy on me now >,> it's my first post but be honest :D. I look forward to peoples thoughts.
  18. Phoenix Nelson

    Phoenix Nelson Burn in the flames VIP

    XD I just posted something up about the double barrel shot gun as well :p...
  19. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Nerf again. I don't even know why people kid themselves that it is not op.

    One shot, to any part of a ragdolls body, is a guaranteed kill, as long as all the pellets hit the person. It's even more OP than the harpoon, which sometimes leave people injured and is a lot harder to aim. You have 2 rounds in your clip, which can kill 2-4 people (Yes, it happened one time that I hit 2 people with 1 shot of a db and they both died. BOTH of them) Reload time is negligible, I don't know why people say it "takes forever" to reload. Reload time is about 5 seconds, and you can interrupt the reload time at 1 round in the clip, for a quickie kill. The pellet cone is so tight, that I have, in experience, used it to snipe people at "Badly Wounded" and "Near Death". The damage is incredibly high, the force of the pellets is incredibly high. Some people say that it's a close range shotgun, and that it's meant to have extremely high damage or it will be useless. Well, like I said, the cone of the pellets is extremely tight, that I have been able to snipe with it. Sniping with a shotgun, yes.

    Overall Verdict (for me): NERF
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
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  20. NinjaTigers

    NinjaTigers New Member

    It is overpowered, but I think the only nerf needed would be the range. It is a double barreled shotgun so it should be strong by default, but the range on it is to far. And if you don't want to shorten the range then the damage should be reduced slightly. Overall I think it is okay the way it is because of reload time, but it can be frustrating.
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