haha lol so what's funny is there's still no nbbhop serverf tnow that is kinda of zs(str)strange... umhmmmm..... yeah that's kinda odd)) ??
We only ever have two TTT servers full Either get rid of EU2 or merge NA servers and replace them with a Bhop that has custom skins and emotes or something. i get that bhop is less profitable as death run or TTT with donations but I mean at least the server has a chance to be active? We always have 3 totally dead TTT servers at all times plus I just really want to bhop again so please okay thanks +1
deathrun isn't profitable at all with no players. if bhop existed and had a ton of maps (300+), i'd donate. usually bhop servers' perks for donations are one-color names, or fully customizable by the letter. colored chat, models would be cool, but with bhop it's kinda unnecessary and lags the server. also, since bhop servers have ranks, another perk could be changing your rank to whatever you want it to say, and any color you want. without a doubt, bhop would be more active than deathrun.
add bhop and let a few select players set the start and end zone timers for each map. i'd be willing to help out.
I'm not sure what bhop is. I'm assuming that it is just like DR without the traps? I am woefully uneducated.