Rejected Revert the Rule Allowing the Use of Slurs

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Python~, Aug 25, 2019.


Revert the rule?

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  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    So it's been over a month now and I figure it's a good time to suggest this, as things have settled slightly.
    Here are a few reasons why I don't think the the use of slurs is necessary in a TTT GMod community:

    1. Creates a Toxic Environment
    • Allowing slurs is a good way to alienate minorities, especially with commonly-used slurs like faggot and nigger, unless they have decently thick skin.
    • Not only that, I would hope that most intelligent white, straight people disagree with the use of these words as well.
    2. Most servers, and multiplayer games in general, don't allow it
    • In nearly every major GMod server, saying slurs would be a bannable offense, or at the very least a warning.
    • Even competitive games outside of GMod have ways of dealing with slurs being used on their servers, normally bans from competitive or even account suspension (e.g. Overwatch, R6, CS:GO, League, and dozens more)
    3. It's Annoying
    • Players spamming slurs in game chat and/or voice. Most they will get is a warning for micspam, or maybe an 8 hour ban.
    • Edge lords who barely know how to pronounce nigger screaming it over their mic, or calling people it in reports.
    4. Kids play on these servers
    • I was 14 when I started playing on the server, and many players are younger.
    • As well, kids are more likely to regurgitate words without understanding the meaning, and the slur-cycle continues.
    5. Encourages Toxicity and Harassment
    • This isn't a hard one to figure out. Allowing slurs on the servers obviously increases the amount of people willing to say it. Prior, less than 1% of players would say it. That number has skyrocketed recently.
    • This also creates a safehaven for racists, xenophobes, and other varieties of bigots to complain, because, of course, "it's not harassment if it's not directed at someone" /s
    6. Unnecessary
    • @tz- put it well, "...these words rarely have any use in actual conversations, whether it has to do with people just talking or people playing ttt"
    • Basically, players just say it now "because they can"
    In fairness, I also compiled a list of the best arguments that the "other side" has to offer:
    "faggot is just a word used for a bundle of sticks" faggot hasn't been used in that way for at least half a century, and nigger wasn't used for anything other than to insult black people
    "why are you getting upset on someone else's behalf?" because I'm not a completely toxic piece of shit.
    "it's free speech" even "free speech" has it's limitations, you're also not owed "free speech" on a GMod community
    "it's funny" it's not
    "we're not racist, we're just being edgy" you may not be racist, but you sure aren't being any less so. you're also ignorant and unfunny if you think saying the n word for no reason is cool
    "use the word enough and it'll lose it's meaning" you really think the best jumping off point is a GMod server?
    "gmod is an 18+ game" it actually isn't

    I don't expect much to come out of this suggestion, but these are my complaints listed in full, as well as some I found on this thread. I figure this is easier than repeating myself to death.

    I formerly urge upper administration to reconsider their decision. @Highwon @Pacifist @scuffed water
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  2. Salem

    Salem VIP

    Yes please, I dont understand why this was ever allowed in the first place. i've watched a semi calm server go straight to toxic and unwelcoming because people start dropping slurs to either 1) look cool or 2) to troll (and ive not even been back on the servers for long at all)

    +10 make this change please
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    im tired of constantly seeing and hearing people say nigger please change the rules guys
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    This so much, it's pretty shitty that you can't even report it if you're offended at the use of the word/racist-statement unless it was targeted at you because if you did staff will just tell you that slurs are allowed.

    I've been given the impression that it is racism in general that is allowed, as long as it is not targeted at anyone, statements like "no n-words allowed" and maybe even "n-words should die" seem to be allowed, and if there is a line then it really should be more obvious.

    Also I'll tag @Highwon @Pacifist @scuffed water again for the OP because supposedly it doesn't always work on the first post.
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  5. Nathan776

    Nathan776 Administrator Administrator VIP Silver

    I feel like I understand where the upper administration was coming from with such a change but I openly disagreed with such a change being needed. My biggest gripe was with how the change was introduced to the staff team and that such a change was implemented with no feedback from either the community or moderation team.

    I disagree with the idea of use cases for slurs being a reason to enable them fully as well. Anybody with a brain was able to differentiate the rare time there was actually a use case from the times it's just spammed etc. Also the idea of we don't know them all so we can't ban any is just flawed in general.

    The lines between specific instances are also somewhat blurred to the community and leave a lot of people confused. Harassment is still harassment, as Spam is still spam. Just because slurs are not against the rules doesn't change this. There could be an argument that slurs can enable more instances of harassment to take place I guess but really I wouldn't have the facts to back a point like that up.

    The most common situation I find myself in as a player is, just somebody saying a slur - Other person gets offended - "Don't worry man, it's allowed" - Everyone just starts spamming slurs. It all just becomes a cluster fuck from then on.

    I fully support this change and give it +1 however, I'd like to further the point that if this does get accepted the community (or at least the mod team) should be involved in decisions which are significant. The rules constantly flip-flopping around isn't a good thing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Bubonic

    Bubonic Burning heretics since M31 VIP

    I agree on all points. We've established the harm it continues to do to the servers, so my question for @Highwon and those who disagree is simple: What good has this change done for the server? How have player's experiences improved? What benefit do we gain by allowing the continued use of these slurs?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    Idk the only people I've really seen use slurs since the unban are people who get banned for spam/group trolling and @MemeDaddy so I'm neutral on this
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
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  8. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Maybe that's just because you only play for an hour a week :oops:
    • Winner Winner x 5
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  9. Saturnity

    Saturnity SGMs Personal Planet VIP

    tbh I don't care about people saying it but why the fuck was it even allowed lmao like what??

    "Hey lets make it okay for all members to say random slurs! Epic gamer moment" what was even the point of letting it be allowed.

    Like yeah I get cursing when you die like "ah shit" "fucking shit" "dammit" "fuck"

    but i've never heard someone wanting to yell out the N word after dying LMAO

    +1 because theres not really a point of keeping it
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  10. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    Yeah I joined a server just for the fuck of it and i heard nigger like 30x in 10min, like cmon faggot is so much better, why is everyone spamming nigger. shit was cancer like it's pretty bad guys
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2019
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  11. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

    I can see where the administration was coming from with the implementation of this rule as I am a big proponent of free speech; however, nobody needs to be hearing this while they play. Yeah, kids play on here (sometimes), but my thinking behind it is that it's not the real world where it's "free speech." We're a Garry's Mod server. SGM is a business and people coming in yelling and spamming slurs is not good for business and is completely unnecessary regardless.

    Change it back +1.
    • Winner Winner x 4
  12. food

    food VIP

    I've used slurs in game before and even I don't understand why this change was even made. i know that people only really say these words to be annoying or troll, they aren't actual Nazis or racists or anything, but spam is still spam, and usually it interferes with the game, so I'd give a +1 to revert the rule.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Hashira

    Hashira VIP

    People who go the "lol just have thick skin its just a word bro" approach are usually lacking in empathy.

    Socially aware people are not comfortable with the usage of slurs and do not use them generally.

    They contribute nothing positive to the game enviroment, the only usage ive seen is people being toxic or spamming with it.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  14. Peter

    Peter VIP

    what a non-issue
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
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    • Confusing Confusing x 1
  15. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

    the change its self triggers me sure , what triggers me more is this change came from @Highwon and I don't think there was much communication about it, not even with leads, but hey im not a mind reader. and its his server and iirc these words used to be allowed and its respectable that he wants to take sgm back to be a more chill place like it used to be

    I really don't see why we need these words in this community, I will always argue that people shouldn't get offended by words, I mean nigger shouldn't be as offensive as it is, it had an offensive past, but that's just it, its the past. however I also understand that that's not how everyone thinks and people do just use it to be cunts to other people, I mean that's literally the only use of the word is to be offensive, you don't hear things like I niggered down to the shop today

    same with faggot, although I really dont think people should get offended by it I understand that some people would even though I have been to known to throw the word around a few times (@Nathan776 @Fiz ) but hey im brit and here faggot is a food so take it as a compliment :shrug:

    unfrotunatly as this change came pretty much from highwon I cant see it changing
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
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  16. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    LMFAOO!! Hey man I gotta do something to keep the server rowdy.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
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  17. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    What a no brainer decision it's amazing that this is defended so heavily by some people, but hey I'm not an actual libtard getting triggered " " for others " " but someone with a sense of decency and morality. You stay away from stuff like this it really has no regular use in one's daily life other than to evoke negative reactions or in more unfortunate cases degrade people. We get it some white people love having the n-word pass hehe haha, but if you're gonna do it here I wanna watch videos of you using it in public and watch the room of people around you for a good bit and I'll grab some popcorn. Y'all were perfectly fucking fine without having this be commonplace and I'm baffled you think this adds to the environment positively by allowing it because free fucking speech bruh come on brothers KKonaW Hell yea take back america from this social justice bullshit we just gotta trigger as many people as possible in order to prove petty libtards are just scum. I dont give a fuck if memedaddy or rozboon get bent out of shape over their favorite words being silenced again they can bitch and moan into degeneracy if they love it so much.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
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  18. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    bruh you're a white male please get out of this thread
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  19. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    youre a white male
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  20. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    I've already made my stance on use of slurs and such on the servers known already so I really don't think there is anything more I need to say. +1
    • Useful Useful x 1
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