TSU, abusing mod again.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Mightofpeen, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. Mightofpeen

    Mightofpeen New Member

    Slays me twice for killing him on his T round. I was a detective, he was with two T buddies. I had dna on one and I killed all three of them for being in a room with yet another Innocent. He slays me twice for being butthurt for killing him. He said he was afk and he would have been killed by the two other traitors if he was inno... Seriously... Just take away his mod stats again. Such a little bitch when he gets killed and when he RDM's people he never slays himself nor gives a reason why he killed the person.
  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Okay im going to comment because i was in the game.

    You yourself had DNA on 1 T.
    Noone else in the server knew this so anyone in the server could have been walking with the T you had DNA on.

    And Guilt by association only works if you are seen with a T who is commit-ing a T act not just by being in the Vacinity of one.

    However @Tsu will respond at his earliest convenience
  3. Mightofpeen

    Mightofpeen New Member

    Message Changed as it is breaking forum rule of Harassment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  4. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Hey Hey might!

    So here's what went down.

    The first slay, you had dna on 1 guy, and killed him PLUS the guy he was next to. Can't do that bro. Being next to someone that has dna on them isn't traitorous in any sense.

    The second slay, I was afk, T's shot some ppl around me, you then killed me cause they didn't shoot me. I confirmed with two admins (Oiramax and Sailor Neptune), I believe Carned consulted Krys, and all 3 admins said you can't kos for that. So slay number 2.

    Please watch your language/tone when filing reports, and try to be objective. Calling people bitches isn't going to help your case.
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Im Buddies with Every mod. And i dont understand the inno part? He said "they started shooting" you never said this in your report. Im allowed to comment on a report that i witness and was involved in.

    And i blow as a mod, thanks for being the first to tell me, if you have a problem with my moderating, i urge you to message my admin, @POPSTAR

    You should explain your report answers better.
  6. Mightofpeen

    Mightofpeen New Member

    Message has been deleted Due to Breaking the Harassment Forum rule.
  7. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Actually, no. you can only kill the one you had DNA on. You can't then kill everyone around him.

    I have no reason to be butthurt. You rdmed, I issued the appropriate punishment. You're the one filing a report.
  8. SolidDiamondz

    SolidDiamondz Just being fabulous as always. Child of Megatron. VIP

    Although I didn't witness the specific event, I witnessed the event where Tsu just put the slays on. You started disrespecting the staff in-game and you also disrespected the staff in the last comment you put however it was deleted due to breaking the harassment forum rule.
  9. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    He has subject to post on the report if he was there. Please don't harass staff, because that won't help your situation.
    Irrelevant to the report. Stay on topic and stop harassing.

    From what i'm hearing you killed someone because they were WITH someone that you had DNA on. That's not a reason to kill... He could have been plotting to kill the player, not working with him.

    Tsu's slay on you was valid.

    Report Denied,
    Topic Locked.
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