Denied trollster5's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by trollster5, Jul 5, 2019.

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  1. trollster5

    trollster5 Banned

    Your In Game Nickname:
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    Why you should be unbanned:
    Syn claims I was loopholing slurs
    This is simply not the case. I used Nagger to describe someone who was nagging me during the round over something. Nagger is a legitimate word in the dictionary and is used to describe someone who nags or constantly finding fault. Nagger is a legitimate word that in context was used correctly.

    As well syn claims that Aigger Bigger Cigger Digger Eigger Figger Gigger Higger Iigger Jigger Kigger Ligger Migger is also loopholing a slur. This again is not the case because I did not say it. This string of words contains multiple words that have legitimate meaning. I used this string of words to showcase to syn that just because it sounds like the N word it does not mean it is the N word.
    Aigger is not a word.
    Bigger is.
    Cigger is slang.
    Digger obviously.
    Eigger is not.
    Figger is the plural of figure.
    Gigger describes one that uses a gig specifically.
    Higger is a landmark in Dark Peak in Peak District National Park. Iigger obviously is nothing.
    Jigger describes someone who jigs or who dances a jig. Jig means either a dance or a repeated motion. Ie jigging for cod is just pulling the hook up and down. If I am jigging for cod then I can be described as a Jigger because I am jigging.
    Kigger once again is slang.
    Ligger is swedish for is located
    Migger is a name of african origin and means gift of god.

    As well prior to the ban I asked numerous times for a legitimate explanation of how the word nagger is a slur and got no answer. All i got was "you know what youre doing". Clearly I did not understand this because I used the word nagger in proper context. Sk something (I cannot remember full name) was repeatedly calling me out over something I think it was my shit aim so I called him a nagger for nagging me over that. As well later after much persistence I got an explanation of "using replacement words for slurs is a loophole" which is a ridiculous explanation. To demonstrate this I used the word clown. Clowns have a shared history with black face circuses that utilized african american stereotypes to put down the african american community. As such I claimed that due to the historical context of the word clown that this word is on the same level as Nagger using syns logic.

    As well during the course of my argument with syn he ignored numerous people dropping the n word and did nothing. As well players where saying November India Golf Golf Echo Romeo. All of which are much more direct then using the word Nagger which once again I must emphasize was used correctly in context.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Ask syn for screenshots​
  2. trollster5

    trollster5 Banned

    As well syn banned me right after I said if Nagger is a loophole of a slur then Clown should be a slur in of itself due to the historical context of that word
  3. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    You were banned by @Syn for Loopholing slurs after warnings, please be patient while they collect their evidence.
  4. Syn

    Syn VIP

    I'm currently at work and won't be home for a while. I will briefly explain my side though. Trollster you were warned numerous times to drop the topic and dont use specific words because they are considered loopholing. You took this and challenged me and instead of listening to my warning and just dropping it you started constantly talking about it in chat and talking about it to other players. This continued for well over a map and after getting some help on how to handle this I gave you another warning on the next map rotation which you also ignored and went back to asking the same questions I had answered and continuing to talk about it.
  5. Syn

    Syn VIP

    I will respond further with evidence of this when I am home
  6. trollster5

    trollster5 Banned

    You did not explain your reasoning or what I was doing wrong before I was kicked though. How could I possible know what I was doing wrong before being kicked if all you say is "you know what you're doing". I asked numerous times for an explanation of how using nagger was loop holing and received no answer nor did you ever state which words I was using was considered a loophole. As well you let numerous other players legitimately get away with using slurs and did nothing. Players where repeatedly saying November India Golf Golf Echo Romeo in chat and you did nothing. Numerous players dropped the n word voice and again you did nothing.
  7. Syn

    Syn VIP

    I banned another person for slurs, and warned the othe. The difference is they stopped when asked, you on the other hand did the exact opposite and used my replies to fuel your trolling. After telling you numerous times I stopped acknowledging your repetitive questions that I had already answered previously
  8. trollster5

    trollster5 Banned

    You never stated to me which word I was using constituted a loophole of a slur though? I asked that question numerous times and never received a solid answer
  9. Syn

    Syn VIP

    You quoted the word repeatedly in your above arguements... that clearly shows you knew what you were doing and the words you weren't supposed to say. "I asked numerous times for an explanation of how using nagger was loop holing and received no answer"
  10. trollster5

    trollster5 Banned

    See look you still refuse to state which word is the word that is considered a loophole. And yet again I used the word nagger in proper context in a way that was not a loophole whatever the hell you mean by that. During the game last night you never stated to me what so ever what words are loopholes and what where not. You kicked me without even stating to me what word was a loophole. I had to guess in this report which word you consider a loophole because still even in this report you have not stated if nagger is a loophole or not. You have not stated anything. All you have said is that "you know what you are doing" when clearly there is nothing to demonstrate that I know what I am doing wrong. I have asked numerous times what exactly I was doing wrong and again and again I got unclear answers of just "you know what you are doing". Not a single time have you stated that using nagger is a loophole of a slur
  11. Syn

    Syn VIP

  12. trollster5

    trollster5 Banned

    Your video only shows you finally explaining what I was doing wrong exactly just before the kick. Seriously it took you 15 minutes to actually tell me that using Nagger is what you considered to be loopholing of slurs. There was no explanation before the kick and it took you 15 minutes to actually state that nagger was indeed the word in question. As well I used nagger in context properly. Just because the word sounds like the N word does not mean its the n word. The reason why I kept going on is because of how ridiculous it was. By your logic Digger is also a loophole of a slur and Jigger and so on because they all sound similar to the N word.
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