Denied Kzman1212's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Kzman1212, Jun 27, 2019.

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  1. Kzman1212

    Kzman1212 VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I Don't believe that i mass rdmed on the server i had been shot at and killed the person that shot at me and then i had tried to kill a Jihading t with a made and missed​
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Tagging @Irish. Please be patient while they gather their evidence.
  3. Kzman1212

    Kzman1212 VIP

    Also there was a man on there that killed 4 pepole with a discombob and i think that he may of made a mistake
  4. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Seeing as I was the trial on at the time, I will be handling this appeal alongside Irish. Give me time to gather my evidence.
  5. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Lets get right into it, shall we?

    Today on TeenRoom, I got an alert for a report against you. This is that report.


    I looked through the logs for that round to see if you damaged anyone else with that nade. This is the screenshot for the round damagelogs.

    I gave the verdict of the report to Irish, saying I did not see you warn in chat or hear you warn in voice chat, but he wanted to ask you anyway. I do not know if you responded to him or not, since he did not tell me. Since he banned you, I want to assume you did not warn for the nade.

    After giving the verdict for this report, I remembered seeing your name in the last round so I double checked the damagelogs. This is the damagelogs of the previous round.


    With all the damage/deaths caused in the 2 rounds, Irish banned you for Mass RDM. Thank you for appealing, @Irish will be the one to conclude this appeal. Have a nice evening, and best of luck in the process.

    Edit: For future reference, you are required to warn for any harm that may come to your team, regardless if you are T/D/Inno, when you are using nades or traps. Id recommend creating a bind that says you are throwing a nade and one that says you are using a trap to avoid instances like this one. Also, for future reference, its best to have a good time delay between your callout and when you actually use the nade/trap. 5 seconds is ideal but longer is awesome.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019
  6. Kzman1212

    Kzman1212 VIP

    Killing prozac was because he had shot at me, if prozakk had made a report for rdm then i would think it would be rdm. The nade that i tossed was a paniked move when i relized that a jihad was going off it was a split scecond dicison for the moment and i would like to say sorry for it it.
  7. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    Okay, thanks to @Elvis for his evidence and what not and thanks for your patience I was at a wedding all of today so I've been quite the busy boy!
    Yes, I banned you for Mass RDM 4+ as you damaged and killed up to 5 players with an incendiary and much more unreported team damage throughout the rounds.
    you were trying to kill a traitor who was jihading with a frag, which was a terrible idea as the jihad timer is a whole lot shorter than that of a frag also you had no binds set up for this meaning you didn't warn for that nade which is a must regardless of the situation which is stated in the extended rules if I'm not correct, given you have extensive history wether karma bans, mass rdm bans or rdm and leave bans I decided id too add to that and ban list! Elvis provided most if not all of the evidence needed and I'm afraid I'm going to leave it at that. I'm going to deny this appeal but if you feel you need to discuss this further shoot me a message on discord - Irish#4799 or here on the forums.
    thanks for your patience sorry for the outcome!
    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
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