Conspiracy Theorists and White Nationalists/Supremacists actually count as conservatives? That would explain a lot.
Even then i would say reparations are too late. It will cause more problems than it will fix. And even then, it's not being discussed as reason. Plus how are we gonna pay people for people being racist assholes to them. How are we gonna define these reparations. Theres no good way to do this.
How about the mass demonitization and removal of WWII and WWI history videos. Everyone pulled a minor oopsie
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrr Maybe someone with a more sane mindset would realize that those users were actually removed for breaking ToS if you need an example Youtube who has strict guidelines in order to be advertiser friendly doesn't allow blasting people on videos that welcome viewers to harass, spreading conspiracy theories, promoting dangerous stunts, yadda yadda. Since Google owns Youtube they also follow those same policies and would remove their content too. Facebook is under harsh scrutiny for allowing the spread of fake news and needs to combat that and also has their own ToS similar to youtube that they need to enforce. Maybe you know... They don't do any of that in the first place then they wouldn't get removed. I suppose those who can't think like that would just consider ToS as a guise to cover up the real issue being democrats are lizard people who want to eat our young and they can't let these heroic extremists say so on video.
That’s why you find what good way to do it instead of saying no, clearly there wasn’t a “there’s no good way to do it for other situations”. Anyways I know it’s a hard thing to figure out and the Democrats are the ones jumping in front of it when we all know they were the party of slavery.
Speaking of relevant ToS breaking information Reddit killed a Trump subreddit for inciting and encouraging acts of violence. But hey first amendment so we should continue to let them exist on reddit and continue to enable each other to harm others that they wish to target right?
lol "specializes", meanwhile everything is dead, no updates,no new content, no improvements and its somehow a community that "specializes" LULW
Never said I supported trump or that he was the best president in the world, just made comment that america hasn't burned to the ground yet like everyone claimed was going to happen when he took office. I don't want him staying in office for another term. I don't like his opinions, his positions, or anything he stands for as a person and just because I stated that he managed to run the country like a business doesn't suddenly mean I think he's amazing and support him for 2020. Yes he may have caused divides and there are extremely unmoral and unethical things going on, but the country is still a power, the country is still somewhat intact ¯\_(ツ)_/¯