Trump 2020 - MAGA

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Aluf, Jun 25, 2019.


trump winning again?

  1. Yes

    29 vote(s)
  2. No

    32 vote(s)
  1. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    better that than liberals getting rid of free speech
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  2. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    So go trump? or NO, TRUMP!
  3. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    And then the last thing you'll hear is TAPS after your remains are brought home in a coffin.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Trump is the one trying to suppress free speech btw his war against the media never ends and his suppression of criticism is undying. If you're talking about how social media sites are removing political commentators like gay frog guy it's because of misinformation, conspiracy theories, danger to society, etc. Getting rid of extremist content. Not all right winged commentators are extremists that's why they aren't all removed.

    Trump is getting dumped.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Dodley27

    Dodley27 Dolfin VIP Bronze

    It's ww3 time
  6. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    That's because his skin is thinner than the wings of a bat.
    Don't jinx it.
    I hope you don't mind if I scavenge around your home for food and munitions once I come out of my nuclear bunker.
  7. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    atleast i died without purple hair
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  8. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    mate literally the only people demanding censorship is leftwing reporters / 'journalists' / media producers.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    You actually have hair?
    What would they possibly want to censor? I mean if it's something like censoring white nationalists/supremacists and/or other right-wing extremists so they aren't legitimized by the public then they can go ahead and do so. Also, the right-wing isn't any better when it comes to censorship. I mean doesn't anyone know how many times Fox News has cut off someone's microphones when their guests are about to say something they don't like?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    So I dont know if you are for or against reparations or just bashing them for not proposing a reparation that makes more sense than slavery reparations.

    Even then, I dont think reparations are a good idea 70 years after the event. Or over 100. Qnd if there should be reparations it shouldn't be over some petty(compared to other stuff that actually deserves reparations if it were done in a proper time for reparations) shit like for LGBT because you didnt get to have the tax benefits and were not respected or whatever you want to say. Otherwise every 4 years some stupid reparations would need to be done cause snowflakes on both sides will be "oppressed".

    The idea of reparations only works when you dont do it for just political party points to get elected decades after the issue done, but to do it when it was needed.

    So miss me with that reparations shit. The only good reparations that can be done right now is if ISIS falls and other terrorist groups are minimized and the US through funds and programs and stuff like tha not in stating shit help out the middle east.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  11. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    You must've not been around for the last 2.5 years where Trump is trying to silence media outlets for 'Fake News?' He stopped press briefings at the white house with Sarah Sanders because rarely were questions or comments given that didn't straight up praise the President and what was once an outlet for the public to receive information about what the President was doing has now been closed which silences the media from 'spreading fake news.' The literal second FOX says something negative about Trump he starts calling out FOX for allowing this to appear on screen and questions the hosts credibility.

    Those people you're pointing out which you're excluding people with any shed of human decency are attacking literal fake news, expunging it from social media to prevent it from spreading, and trying to keep the facts relevant and not lost.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    Also all of yall saying one side or the other censors more. Shut the fuck up, they all do. There is a large group of right winged people that oppose left media and etc. The left do the same, the definition of an extremist has changed to include a large majority of right winged opinions, that should not be considered extreme.

    And then both have an issue of censoring out that there are issue throughout the world. *coughs* Sudan *coughs*

    Both sides have there ups and downs, but right now both sides are nasty fucking disgusting creatures fueled by greed and a growing lack of disrespect between parties.

    The founding fathers were scared this shit would happen, and look what happened.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  13. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    Now that is something I can definitely agree with! I mean, I'm currently undecided about reparations for descendants of slaves and/or the LGBTQ community at the moment because it has been nearly a century or more since the US put an end to slavery. That being said though, I'm all for funding programs to help countries in the Middle East because we did have a hand in doing some damage in the region so we should try to help fix it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Not saying both sides are innocent.

    Some people in here clearly think Trump can do no wrong though and to that I say give me their kids and let me cage them so I too can be like Trump. Shouldn't be a problem if I don't give them some food, water, soap, toothpaste every other day for a few weeks. I'm just doing the god's work. Sometimes I gotta clean up their shit in the corner and force them to sleep outside for a night or two no big deal they're 5 years old and can handle it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    Don't remind me. I mean the evangelicals are throwing their money and votes behind a narcissistic, greedy, sexual deviant whose been married multiple times. That is completely opposite of what it means to be Christian, so I'd like to hear their excuses as to why they're supporting him while at the same time rallying against abortion and/or LGBTQ rights. Doesn't it sound hypocritical?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Dodley27

    Dodley27 Dolfin VIP Bronze

    Oh don't bother I'm not american, you won't find any weapons
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    I respect that, because trump has done tons wrong. I personally dont want him as president again, but I have very few options that agree with my morals, and i guess my views on how shit should be done and what should be done.

    I would totally vote for a Democrat if they didnt all jump on the "the goal of this election year is to beat trump."

    Absolutely idiotic, tells me nothing on what you're gonna do in office, and proves that this isnt to help the country it's whiteknighting on a fucking national level.

    This, this makes me so sad. As a catholic I was taught not to judge people by their sins, that isnt my job that is God's. Christians/Catholics have gotten stuck on marriage is a sacred thing only the church can do. And that well. They forget they let other religions do marriage too. But the moment LGBT do it, the sirens blare.

    Christianity and in turn Catholosism is turning to a bad way of "life"
    I think the church needs to cut losses if it wants to do anything impactful on the world today. My suggestion being stop yelling at everyone birth control bad, but stay stubborn on not allowing abortions.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    whoa hold up now i cant read that fast im from louisiana
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    Imagine dumb rating @Vent Xekart because he tells you the fact that trumpy can’t change amendments. Only the legislative branch has the power and authority to change it. But of course you want a king that has ultimate power, what ever happened to the limited government republicans of old.

    @Hongo you realize that slavery wasn’t the end of the strife that blacks have faced right? Jim Crow only ended in 1964! With the civil rights act passage. So please stop the stupid bullshit that slavery was the end and blacks were equal citizens. Even when they brought wealth to themselves and we’re quite successful (black Wall Street) it was burned down by a WHITE MOB. I know dozens of people who’s family are from that era. Jesus open a book and learn some history before you spew your nonsense. Like your angel Ben Shapiro says “the facts don’t care about your feelings”.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  20. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    have you not been following the mass deplatforming happening on youtube / google / facebook right now solely because of left-wing lobbyists and financial threats? theyre basically blackmailing media platforms to silence conservatives