Some of you may remember me from earlier last year, I disappeared for a while but I've made my return... He's a picture of my face to remind you all of how beautiful I am. You're welcome. Spoiler
Spoiler: spoiler I look awful and this thing makes the pic way too bloody big but yolo here u go make sure to zoom the fuck out before clicking
A. Make sure to take care of the skin on your face before it gets worse B. Wear clothes that you feel confident in C. Hair might need some work, asking a barber EDIT: since you're all retarded as usual. I think floof looks good and could do a lot better, I used to look like this.
Jesus that man went in on Floof, dont be doing that to my little floof ball you disgusting man. Floof is literal perfection and is so adorable.
This is sound advice. Floof doesn't look very confident in this photograph, and he's pretty young and easily able to change himself if he wants to even take this advice. This isn't rude or anything, either. Honestly good advice, would done me a world of good to hear many years ago.