Completed Report against Aspiringsun

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Aluf, May 2, 2019.

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  1. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    All of them
    Which Round:
    A ton of different rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    Past week or so
    Reason For Report:
    This player has a weird fetish for neckbeards.

    He constantly PM's and micspams in his mic about "my" "neckbeard" (which I'm not sure where he got this from because I don't have a neckbeard lmao). I was fine with it for a while until he started yelling in his mic and has more excessively been repeating the same stuff over and over again for the past week or so.

    The evidence I've collected is literally just from the past couple days, and he's been doing this for a while.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This was his reaction, quite awesome isn't it?
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  2. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    he says i have welfare and am a drug attic
  3. acx100

    acx100 VIP

    Hi Aluf, i thought we were friends just joking around. I didn't know you'd go as far as to report me, if you had just asked me to stop I would've stopped, but you didn't. Now as for me killing you in the video that was me getting payback for when you rdmed me on my T round last night as you can ask @Cupcake Mayhem and @Kythol because i had asked Kythol over 2 maps about your slay for attempting to rdm me. Also i don't rdm for unless you rdm me and loop hole out of it or deserve it. Also for the moat screenshot it didn't happen today, as it happened when you had "moat" in your steam name which was days ago. Although there's no proof which day i said it i still said it so I'll take action for that. I apologize if me calling you a neck beard hurt your feelings.
  4. acx100

    acx100 VIP

    Also someone sent me a picture claiming this was you, and i asked you, which you said it was in fact NOT you.
  5. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    It was pretty funny at first, then it became obsessively toxic. As for asking you to stop - I believe I did on many occasions. It seems the situation got worse when I did ask you to stop. Interesting how reporting someone changes their tone real quick..

    I don't really remember this situation. But it sounds like it was a valid kill so the two mods didn't do anything about it. So you, being agitated by this incident, decided to RDM me for it. Kythol and Cupcake can respond to this if they'd like to confirm anything.

    That is true. I removed that portion as I don't really care lol. But the rest of the evidence is quite new.

    I wouldn't say it hurt my feelings, as I don't have a neckbeard lol. The problem is is that this neckbeard thing became an obsession with you that shot way out of proportion (as evident by the evidence I provided). It got extremely annoying when the PM's and micspam towards me became more and more frequent. It caused me to start collecting evidence myself, which I really haven't done since I was a staff member. And might I say that I've NEVER reported someone for anything else except hacking and micspam, so this is new to me and I really hate reporting people in general.

    But today was the last straw, sorry man.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  6. RileyFudge

    RileyFudge Member

    I was on the server at the time of this incident. Aspiring is always being obnoxious and hateful. One time he literally killed me every round for like an hour until a mod came on. He mic spams all the time and acts like a bully on the server. I don't think there has ever been a time I have been on the server and Aspiring not rdm and be hateful. As for for this incident, he was extremely obnoxious and rude to Aluf. This went on for a good couple of hours. In the video where is shows Aspiring kill, this is what it is like all the time. If he doesn't kill, he just shoots you once so you will get damage and cause a riot. I am fully with Aluf on this and I'm tired of his behavior as well. It needs to come to an end
  7. sam(antha)

    sam(antha) Salty Spittoon VIP

    From personal experience I've known AspiringSun to be pretty abrasive. He is almost always stirring up some kind of trouble when I see him online and has sent me similarly vulgar private messages that could be taken as sexual harassment. Personally they don't bother me so I don't make it a point to keep screenshots of them but I just wanted to add that this kind of behavior isn't out of the ordinary for him.

  8. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    You can claim it came from this all you want (I don't even know who this person is), but there is quite a popular slang meaning to the word "neckbeard" which is popular on sites such as 4chan (which you mention in the video at 0:19).
    By the way you use the word neckbeard against me, it's pretty evident that you are trying make the word come off as the more slang definition. This version is more demeaning and you know it, that's why you excessively use it against me in-game, shoutbox, or on discord.

    You sound like a saint! Is this kill made by you while I was AFK making this report also something that I "deserved" or that you needed to get at me for "loopholing" around a kill against you?

    I'm sure there's a lot of staff members that can confirm that you can be very toxic. Constantly yelling in your mic (or getting extremely close on purpose) to get gagged or hassle others is normal to you. Telling someone to kill himself for finally reporting you for your toxicity, that continued even after telling you to stop (evident in 0:16 of video #1 located in the original report evidence) also seems to be second nature to you.
  9. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    As something of value to this report,

    I recall Aspiringsuns history being riddled with toxicity left and right, whether it be blunt harassment or blatant loopholing. Even under the old rulesets, I had to ban to issue a ban(26 weeks) two years ago during my first admin tenure for some blatant loopholing involving detective-unided body fuckery.

    basically this homie is bad mojo and this behavior is common place with him
  10. acx100

    acx100 VIP

    "It was pretty funny at first, then it became obsessively toxic. As for asking you to stop - I believe I did on many occasions. It seems the situation got worse when I did ask you to stop. Interesting how reporting someone changes their tone real quick.."

    You didn't ask me to stop. If you had i would've also why didn't you tell a staff member to ask me, every time staff asks me to stop between another person i do stop. Also this is a report so the scenarios different buddy.

    "I'm don't really remember this situation. But it sounds like it was a valid kill so the two mods didn't do anything about it. So you, being agitated by this incident, decided to RDM me for it. Kythol and Cupcake can respond to this if they'd like to confirm anything."

    Of course you don't. Also you should try to not type loop holed messages as rdm responses.

    "That is true. I removed that portion as I don't really care lol. But the rest of the evidence is quite new."

    Try not to lie on that "portion" as ex-staff you really shouldn't say something happened "today" as it happened as you said "days ago".

    "You can claim it came from this all you want (I don't even know who this person is), but there is quite a popular slang meaning to the word "neckbeard" which is popular on sites such as 4chan (which you mention in the video at 0:19)."

    So i was using neck beard in a friendly manner, trying to banter. Although you called me a " bitch boy, trans queer drag queen, special needs, 'suck my dick, and threatened to ban me". Which was directed towards me with full intention as you meant it to try to provoke me.


    Yep, memelord is my boy i joke around with him like that. Pretty much joke around with everyone like that.

    Yes this is true, although i have changed and try to have fun with the players that are regulars.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  11. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    You really are feeling desperate, aren't you?

    You haven't even attempted to defend yourself against my evidence. Instead, you are trying to attack me when there's already a report you've made against me. What is your point with providing those messages here? The title says "Report against Aspiringsun," not "Report against Report against Aluf." I've already explained the situation around the discord messages, and this stuff isn't going to help your case at all.

    I am near convinced that my 3rd message that you screenshotted there is factual.

    What if I said my messages were used in a friendly manner, too? I've provided evidence that your harassment was more than just "friendly banter," why can't you do the same?

    I like to joke, too. But I don't spam "jokes" constantly to get my point across.

    I can't believe you have the audacity to say that with all this evidence against you. You are just as toxic as you were before, and you know it. It's not hard to go around and find people/staff that think you are toxic as well.

    It's just too bad you have been messing with the wrong guy, and now you are cornered. Interested in seeing what other dry fodder you have to throw at me.

    Good luck!
    ~King Aluf
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  12. acx100

    acx100 VIP

    Oh the irony.


    Yeah my style is unorthodox, but don't call people toxic when you're also toxic. Anyways this is my last reply to this thing.

    Good luck buddy.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  13. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze


    In the meantime, the next person to go at each other is going to get issued a warning point. Stop the back and forth, please.
  14. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    I just realized you edited in the rest of your response, I will just respond real quick.

    I did quite a bit. Here is one example that:
    I also asked you to stop and at 0:16 was your response.
    Why does it even matter if you said the f slur "today" or couple days ago. The fact of the matter is that you still said it. I made a simple mistake lmao.

    Last response.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  15. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Seeing as a bold soul took on this report, I do want to specifically request that deletion discord logs are looked into for potential context manipulation on aspiring suns side. I’m aware it may of been part of the plan anyways, but stating it for the record.

  16. RileyFudge

    RileyFudge Member

    Aspiring you do know that all of those messages Aluf sent you were after you called him neckbeard over and over and being extremely rude right? Aluf is not the toxic person here, you are. Also I do not have any physical evidence of anything that Aspiring has done but from now on I will be recording when he is on the server so I can have more evidence of his toxic behavior. Aluf did ask you a lot to stop and you kept it going so don't lie saying that he didn't do anything about it. You got worse and worse with it as the game progressed. The things that Aluf said in those messages are very minor compared to the things you say to everyone else. You said they know its a joke when it is obviously not. Also one thing that needs to be noted here is that Aspiring's behavior in these post on this report are not like him at all. If this was anywhere else he would be toxic and threatening. He is trying to act all nice so he won't get banned.
  17. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    I'm working on getting this cleared up. Gonna lock this in the meantime while I wait for a couple things.
  18. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    I've now spoke with both Aluf and AspiringSun in DMs.

    Both parties are equally guilty here. AspiringSun started it, but Aluf should not have contributed to harassing AspiringSun back. Instead, he should have asked Aspiring to stop, AND told a staff member if the behavior continued.

    Both parties understand that should this continue, harsh punishment will follow.
    I expect to see both of them getting along in game, and in the forums/discord.

    Should one party decide to keep this harassment up, they will be punished, harshly. If the other party retorts with anything beyond asking them to stop, such as more harassment, both parties will be punished harshly. Please tell a staff member ASAP if this behavior continues.

    Aluf and Aspiring, I hope to see you two getting along better in the future. If either of you have any questions, please DM me or any staff member and we will help you immediately.

    EDIT: Aluf reminded me I forgot about the micspam. Yeah, there was a lot in this report and I failed to address it. So, I'll be issuing a ban on East to finish that.
    Last edited: May 4, 2019
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