I must say, I play Halo CE and even builded my Mark VI from Halo 4 for Halloween, I want to buy the MMC.... but my pc is a 32 bit and the requirements says it should be 64 bit.... someone can relate to this? ;_;
Me and my brother made paintball in halo 3 by buffing the plasma pistol to insta kill. Kind of fun I guess.
As a Playstation/PC pleb my whole life, my only Halo game was the CE, when it first came out. And it was fucking LIT I've been waiting my whole life for the full port to PC, and with the bonus of it being released on Steam, I am stoked. Y'all better watch the fuck out on Blood Gulch.
Apparently the games are in one big collection on Steam, I was hoping that I'd be able to buy the games individually and play through them one at a time just to get a feel for the franchise but that doesn't seem to be a possibility at this time.