Denied Guccifer's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Guccifer, Jan 29, 2019.

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  1. Guccifer

    Guccifer New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I play on this server all the time and I never cause issues, I always try to be the peace maker and get the admin's attention when theres a rdmer. I have been banned before unjustly and was unbanned because of it after showing evidence. So apparently this is the first time I have been banned. I have not been on the server in a few days and got on today to hop on the server and it says I've been banned for 60 days im assuming since it says 55 days til im unbanned. Please lift the ban, im tired of this bs happening on the server.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Didn't even know I was banned​
  2. Teroxa

    Teroxa Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja VIP Silver

    You've been banned for RDM & leave 4th Offense.

    Tagging @Sticky Bandit to address your concerns.
  3. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Good morning, Guccifer. I have concluded my evidence collection.

    I had applied an autoslay to you because of the following report from lela.

    The trial moderator who was online at the time, The Trashman, had chatted with you. You had stated that you killed Lela for not identifying a detectives body. Seeing as there was no dead detective, and Lela was actively identifying all bodies they came across, I put an autoslay on you.

    Unfortunately, you had disconnected before the end of the round.


    Since you are a regular, I gave you until the next map to let you come back, in case you had to go get dinner with the family, or you crashed, or whatever the reason could be. However, once the map changed I saw you hadn't come back. Unfortunately, due to your history of RDM and Leave, we had to globally ban you for 8 weeks.


    Unfortunately, you did not stick out the entire round, nor did you come back. You also have a history of RDM and Leave (hence the 8 week global ban). Because of this, we will not be lifting the ban on you. Your ban will expire on March 29, 2019. When you come back, please remember to stay out the full round when you are slain for RDM.

    I'll be leaving this thread unlocked for 48 hours in case you need any clarifications on the ban.
  4. Guccifer

    Guccifer New Member

    I have to disagree, Lela, who at the time I remember very clearly.. that we were on Portals. She was in the the part of the map with the water wheel and roofs that lead to the minecraft part upstairs. She walked past an unID'd detective where you walk in the fenced in area to go up the ladder where the 2 boxes are that allow you to get on the roof. I have never been banned for RDM and leave. And if I did I wasn't made aware nor would I intentionally ever leave while I have a slay on me. I play on the server regularly and if I would've gotten a ban other than the one other time I was banned where the ban I received was unjust and untrue "RDM" hence why I was unbanned within the next hour while we were playing on the map where you're on a giant ship. Other than that I know of no other bans, and if this was "4th offence" I highly doubt it would have gone unnoticed by me since I play on the servers nearly ever day maybe with a 3-4 day break sometimes. I would love to understand why me(a fair playing, rule-following member" gets a ban like this where you have people like CancelledFish and others who are regulars yet troll the server constantly, pissing people off, rdming etc yet the admins look right past it and even Glyph said he had not found a reason to ban him yet even though the entire server begged him to leave for trolling and reverse psychology rdming and making up reasons to hide it when any person with a brain would know hes trolling and trying to get away with it. I'm using this as a prime example why the people that actually follow the rules I see get slayed and are held towards their unjust reports and even complain about it but nothing happens while people like this have never even received a slay. Please get back to me because I'd love to know what the other offenses were and the time periods in which i was banned for these reports or actions. Also I logged off the server for the day to go to the gas station and get a pack of cigarettes, and didn't plan on playing again when I got back which is why I didn't come reconnect, and wasn't aware I had received a slay or I would've just moved myself to spectate before logging. Anytime I have ever received a slay I have definitely stayed to make sure I would not get banned considering the admins on the server are constantly slaying and banning people and strongly enforce rdm and leave apparently.., however, when it is just, I understand why it's strongly enforced and appreciate it when the person that RDMs me and leaves are banned and are usually non-regulars and came on the server to troll anyways. I love this server and its the only one I even consider worth playing and to play on when getting on gmod and is the only thing I play on it. Right now my pc isn't high end enough to play many other games than CSGO which I'm burned out on. I really love TTT and the Serious TTT servers and will be the first to tell you I would never intentionally do anything to hurt the server or myself from playing on the server. I even was going to buy VIP this weekend when I get payed because I enjoy the server that much and have never invested money into a game before other than buying the game and maybe DLCs. I think you should consider my appeal and in return watch me closely when I return if yall must and if you have any more issues out of me again, then I'd be more than happy to take the 60 day ban. However, under the circumstances and being under impression that I wholeheartedly believed there wasn't any consequence to me being able to log for the day at that time, and being completely unaware I had received a slay know good and well I would've had no issue with leaving my game tabbed while I was gone to ensure I wouldn't receive a ban considering how much it means to me to be able to log onto this server when I get on and relieve my stress and anxieties, and to be able to socialize with the homies for a while. Whether you guys understand or not, this server is my replacement for self-medicating right now and it means a lot to my sobriety. I see no reason not to be 100% honest with you guys, and if you really look into it you'll see I am not a threat to this server. Thank you. -Guccifer
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
  5. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    I'm in class at the moment, and won't be home until around 8:30PM CST. I'll take a deeper look into this as soon as I possibly can. I hope to find I was wrong in issuing the ban.

    As for previous offenses: You may not realize it, but you have been banned several times before for RDM and Leave: hence the fourth offense ban. If you link your steam to your forum account (click here to do that), you will be able to check your own bans by clicking here.
  6. Guccifer

    Guccifer New Member

    Also if you look at my steam games you'll see I'm not lying. I only have Valve games, that run on their engine (Left 4 Dead 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Garry's Mod, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Fallout: New Vegas, Bioshock 1, Dead Space 1) or older games as such. All games are able to be ran on this shitty HP Desktop and thats why I don't mind and play them. I bought Skyrim and Fallout 4 and have yet to be able to play them because of the way it runs and I can't even run Fallout 4 without it crashing. Please give me the benefit of the doubt. TTT Gary's mod is all I have fun playing, and play nowadays. Moat sucks, Dinkleberg is toxic. GFL only has a 24/7 minecraft server and the rest of them are low rated, foreign or have high ping. TTT East and TTT West is all I play on. Dear God I need to at least be able to play on 1 of 2 East or West and if you can't renegotiate, rationalize, sympathize or reconsider by monitoring my play from here on out or all out instead just lift my ban on both servers, then my last request is to at least lift the ban on whichever server the ban wasn't placed on (East or West) I love the Serious TTT servers and want to try out VIP this weekend. Thank you. -Guccifer
  7. Guccifer

    Guccifer New Member

    Okay. Please do, because I know what I saw and I never kill people for not ID'ing bodies because I tend not pick up on it, even though its sus and can issue a KOS on them for it. However that was literally the only time I caught that happening and Lela was the only person in that entire area of the map at that time being, and if I didn't walk around the corner at that very second and watch her pass by the detective and then turn the corner and go up the ladder I would've never even known she walked past him and wouldn't have shot her down. Even to this day after that, I'm guilty of forgetting about that again and still have yet to kill another person for it. I'm the type that doesn't even give a shit most of the time when I get rdm'd especially when I know it was accidental, even on purpose I tend to click "This wasn't RDM" because anytime I've been slayed for rdm it was because it was accidental or there was reason for suspicious and even then after being reported and even being slayed, when their bodies were id'd they always end up being a T. However most will still go and report cause they're usually butt hurt they were caught and usually somehow tend to manage to get me slayed. Other than that I'm the last person on the to report cause I know what it feels like to have unjust bans and end have to deal with the ban because of misunderstandings or trolls that manage to remain at a good rep. Dinkleberg was one of them, I had over 500,000 credits, skins, boxes, keys, rare drops etc. and received a indefinite ban because of a mod that wasn't fond of me on the server, went an extra mile to make sure my ban was lifted or reduced, and since he had been a mod for a while the server admin respected his wishes to keep me banned. So I know what it's like and I'm not trying to have any more incidents like that because I kind of liked Dinkleberg to start with. But I ended up liking this server more.

    And for the ban history I will try to break them down from my knowledge and understanding:
    11/19/18 01:07AM1DMass RDM (x3)EastMrMunkay514Voided
    11/07/18 11:16PM4WRDM and Leave (Third Offense)WestSaturnityExpired
    11/07/18 11:15PM4WRDM and Leave (Fourth Offense)WestSaturnityVoided1
    11/02/18 03:24PM2WRDM and Leave (2nd offense)EastTeroxaExpired
    10/28/18 03:45AM5DRDM and Leave (1st offense)VanillaRyanExpired0
    8/12/17 02:40PM5DRDM and Leave (1st offense)EastDestiny BladeExpired

    As for 11/19 this was the ban I had received from my understanding which was the unjust ban that was lifted
    For 11/07 I remember this one as well. This was when I was still playing on Dinkleberg and the rdm was because the guy went and shot an ino but I didn't realize there was a KOS in chat on the guy he killed. So that I suppose was my fault, however right after my game crashes because back then I would get VAC errors due to using ccleaner but at the time I didn't know that was what caused it and by the time I restarted my comp and reconnected I had already received rdm and leave but this wasn't my favorite and only server I played on at the time so I didn't go through the stress of going on the forums to explain what happened on my end to get the ban lifted. For 11/02/18 and before, I was still drinking heavily but I didn't know going on the forum back then would've probably kept this from being a 4th offense now to this day, otherwise that would've most likely stated "Voided" and not Expired. For 11/02/18 and October I know I didn't play gmod primarily back then and when I did it was back when I was using, and apparently would get wasted, hop on games, fuck around and usually didn't have any recollection of what I did the next morning. Most would consider that toxic behavior and I'd have to agree. Times were a bit crazier for me then, but I'd like to think I handle life a bit differently now. I noticed the first ban was from 2017 rdm and leave "1st offense" and the next one was 2018 rdm and leave "1st offense" so I guess one of my questions is do you guys reset bans after a new year starts? If so why hasn't my old history reset? Either way, please get back to me when you get home. Thank you -Guccifer
  8. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Sorry about the wait, I have arrived home. I have further reviewed any deathscenes I could find, and reached a conclusion based on the information you provided me both here on the forum and in game.

    This case is RDM. You had said you killed lela over an unidentified body placed in the fence area of the map with the rooftops that lead into the upstairs minecraft area. However, there are some discrepancies that have appeared.
    1) There were no dead detectives in the round yet (But let's just say there was any unidentified bodied - it shouldn't matter as it's the same T-act)
    2) Lela was at spawn when the player in the mentioned area had died. Lela then remained at spawn until their death.

    Here's a video showcasing the relevant deathscenes, which will show the above errors. I know it's a 3 minute long video, but I feel it shows a bunch of information and helps tie together a better picture of what's going on in 2 10 second deathscenes.

    Here's the full logs up until Lela's death
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I apologize Guccifer, but this ban will not be lifted. Once again, the ban will expire on March 29, 2019. I am now going to lock this thread.
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