Why does one hack?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by stakkuu, Apr 28, 2017.

  1. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    What I find funny is that you didn't respond to any points I made. And you are deflecting with half-truths like:

    I don't think anyone ever said this. Thats just stupid.

    Im not going to reiterate my point, I think its pretty obvious.
    I would like @wink to tell us why he came to that decision though. Probably insufficient evidence as I said in my first post (Opal didn't provide the AC logs).

    Of course I cant know if you are really a cheater, im just extrapolating from the information I do have.

    Please do continue though, I find it very entertaining.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
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  2. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    this was on your appeal its not a demo and youre full of shit, go fuck yourself and fuck this thread
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  3. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    Damn that’s nutty. Maybe he’s just so good that he can predict ping and shoot where the persons hit box actually is and not where it appears to be? B)
  4. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Is it me or does it smell like fish in here. Just look at them skillz.
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  5. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I was bored and checked out some of your youtube videos rice, and i find your gameplay just odd, heres a clip that is very odd
    go to 1:03
    go to 9:19
    One is yours, the other is the closest thing i could find to compare a normal instance to, you don't stop firing, there's only certain people who keep shooting while acquiring a new target, and it's usually an aimbotter as they have the key bound to their left click. while the comparison video, the guy could keep shooting, but stops to re acquire the next target, it's what most gamers do.
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  6. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Holy shit, that clip at 1:03. He flicked to the first guy behind the door without that guy firing or showing on the minimap, while the other one was on the minimap and making noise, fishy as hell (watch the clip at 0.25 speed).
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
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  7. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    @Rice and Chicken Theres a really simple way to put this all to rest, next time you stream, open up your task manager while in game and scroll through it, all the way from the top to the bottom. and of course play a few rounds of whatever game.
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  8. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    the first guy shows on the minimap.

    (edit)He just kept firing in one long incredibly unbroken burst moving from target to target, no one had a chance to interrupt, it was really quite hypnotic
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
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  9. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Indeed you are correct after viewing it a second time.
  10. that and my little droid went to the right to shock him so I knew he was there.

    Using an LMG, never have to let go of mouse button in CoD with it. Unlike the guy in the other video who is using an AR.

    Also Roz you said something about opening up task manager and streaming. I could probably do that.

    still using 30 tic demos slowed down as evidence which has been like a major point as part of my argument: that they are not valid evidence. Source engine is bad, put that on a 30 tic recording and slow it down, congratulations you have a mess that can't be used. lol.

    Well I really couldn't respond to what you said. You admit to not looking at past evidence used and still came to the conclusion that i'm probably cheating. Maybe go back and actually look at all the evidence for and against me that was used before making a claim based off of what others have said that you read about in this thread?

    You said you've seen the anti-cheat system. Ok cool. I haven't. Can't respond to that.

    You said past bans are irrelevant on other anti cheat systems, still disagree with that logic.

    And the rest of your comment was just responding to the anti-cheat Opal had, which I really can't respond to as I don't know why it was going off on me. If they want to reveal it they can, if they don't, they don't.
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  11. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    • Do not harass/provoke other community members.
    how can you be so delusional that you argue against that clip? your shitty excuse of crosshair placement is nonexistent and completely aimed at his body while you spray and pray with the mp7 like the fucking bitch that you are, but you all of a sudden decide to snap to his head? yeah youre fucking retarded and the fact that you got unbanned is fucking idiotic. your only defense against that is "yeah i just have a flicky play style like shroud xd" and "demos arent that good" because your proposed stream means dick to me when there are cheats that are made to be streamed and there are ways for you not to show your cheats to a stream

    go fuck yourself and fuck this thread

    @wink fuck you for unbanning him too but its cool
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    To prevent this thread from getting any more off topic and flame-warish, I'm going to lock it up.

    You guys did good for a while!
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  13. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Hello Posters,

    This thread was locked due to inappropriate posts by a few members; that has now been resolved.

    I need you all to treat each other respectfully if you want to continue this conversation.

    Thank you.
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  14. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

  15. hmm? I am the latest response. Unless you meant to what you said when quoting the demo.

    Again, 30 tic source demos slowed down to 6% speeds are not proof. Nor should they really ever be proof. They show nothing. Unless someone is snapping 180 degrees constantly and even then there would be way less frames then how the quoted demo shows.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    I dunno man I’ve always been one of the people that don’t think you are cheating.
    Some people are just wayyyyy better then others. I get it I used to get accused of cheating on BF4 MW3 and BO2 all the time.
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  17. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Thing is, daniel said it wasn't a demo. And the ping at the bottom is not included in a demo (I think) might be wrong about that one though since I never fiddled around with demos all that much.
  18. ok i'll give you that, going back I do not see any demoui. Still, the net graph on the bottom right still shows its a 30 tic recording and it's slowed down. I mean it should be apparent enough that these recordings shouldn't be used as proof with the previous reasoning and the fact that blood splatters happen even after the guy I was shooting moved. Whoever posted that video should also post it at least at normal speed. It's bad footage that was cherry picked because to whoever recorded the video thought it looked sketchy. Even though it looks pretty normal even slowed down imo. Also said clip is coming from a guy who reported me for shooting at a hidden because they do not understand the source engine:

    https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2SggZP14O_IwTt0BQUkPPObukOZYXu6b (I made a playlist of all the videos[on a yt acc I forgot the password to when I got a new comp] that I could find on youtube/was posted as part of my original ban. Could lead to more discussion.)

    Which does bring up another thought I posted in either my ban appeal or the report I did.

    cl_cmdrate 100
    cl_updaterate 100
    rate 100000

    all in console while in the server, bumps one's rates to the server's rates. aka 66 tic rate for this community's server.cfg file.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Zuko

    Zuko VIP Bronze

    I agree with @Zanedeer (Masochist Ver.), and if your client triggered Opal's AC system, your client has most likely been tempered with.
    And I will comment on @Rice and Chicken's argument, which states: "A 3o tic demo, or a slowed down 3o tic demo, isn't conclusive
    enough". Opalium probably has way more evidence, something I swear he wrote sometime ago.

    But the same arguments keep coming back, so we will just have to wait for a response from @;), or maybe even Helix and Opal themselves
    (I'm not going to tag them).
  20. Spooky Manbaby

    Spooky Manbaby VIP Bronze

    lol he just good accept it and you guys need to calm down
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