Sticky The Faces of SGM v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Darktooth, May 19, 2015.

  1. Takin' a pic with the protestors :)

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  2. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    why are you posting Xpros pics :(
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  3. What cause are you out there protesting, might I ask?
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  4. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Damn you're really out here tryna make us fail no nut nov like this :oops::mad:
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  5. I wasn't protesting.

    President was in town doing diplomatic duty because of the shooting that happened five minutes away from where I am. From what I read from the poorly constructed signs, it seems like he's not welcome here.

    These people were standing here for at least three hours. I had a class at 4 p.m., walked past them, and around 7 p.m. I came back and saw them still there. That was when I took the picture.
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  6. Ah, good to know. Knowing those lot, you're lucky you weren't pepper sprayed and beat down, or worse, for taking pictures of them. Carry on.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
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  7. jshore

    jshore VIP

    You can't be serious.

    You gotta watch alot of Fox News to be this delusional and think that just because they are protesting Trump, that they are going to pepper spray and beat up random people for walking on the sidewalk.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
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  8. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    i agree, but you gotta admit if youre gonna get pepper sprayed and beat up, a protest is the place to do it
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    The border is gonna be fuckin lit soon.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  10. In order to get beaten up at a protest, you have to be a pretty big dickhead. I wasn't running through chanting "Trump has big pp", but if I was, I'd get punched, mainly because I was being annoying.

    On that note, faces :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    in like 3 months lmao
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    Naaaaa fam, wayyyyy sooner than that. Just you wait :)
  13. Robyn

    Robyn Floof Moderator VIP Silver

    On topic please.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
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  14. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    only my comrads, antifa, do this. :cool:
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  15. Robyn

    Robyn Floof Moderator VIP Silver

    My hair has gotten quite long.
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  16. MrMunkay514™

    MrMunkay514™ better than ryan (especially at payday) VIP

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  17. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

    Have my babies
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  18. And you would be hard pressed to find an instance of these so called "progressives" not being uncivil, abusive, or outright violent. That is exactly what they do, children in adults bodies who never grew up and want to get there way in the big league even when they are wrong. Of all the political factions, they are the ones most often resorting to violence and the real hatred they pretend to decry. You are the delusional one, my friend.
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  19. jshore

    jshore VIP

    You really don't help your argument by linking a news organization with multiple stories of faking news and ties to the GOP.

    Also seems like right-wingers are always are great at killing others as let's not forget Cesar Soyac, who sent a bunch of bombs from his Trump stickered van, synagogue shooting from an anti-semite, and the Kroger shooting where a man was targeting African Americans which all happened in a week. These people are mostly set-off from Trump's comments and more of these right-wing terrorist are sure to come considering it's on the rise and are a problem in America.

    But yeah get back to me when left-wingers are commiting terrorist attacks or commiting mass shootings because of their political views. Last time I checked left-wingers don't harbour people who are racists, anti-Semitic, or homophobic.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
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