Invalid Report against Aluf

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Spooky [Inactive], Sep 6, 2018.

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  1. Spooky [Inactive]

    Spooky [Inactive] New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    not sure
    Which Round:
    not sure
    Time of Occurence:
    9 PM MST
    Reason For Report:
    I was witness to Aluf abusing powers and definitely jumping the gun with punishments laid out to people. One guy went from gagged to banned within the span of 2 minutes for nothing other than being a harmless comedian (no racism, micspam, or anything otherwise disruptive).

    My personal issue with this guy is that I was banned for micspamming. When I joined the server, I hit it off with a few players and talked in a 'loli voice'. Some people liked it, some didn't, but before I could even stop, I was gagged for a round by Aluf. No biggie, I completely understand how that can be seen as micspam. Once my gag expired, I became entirely serious and started playing the game. 0 micspamming, no loli voice, no shouting - just occasional conversation with players as the round progressed. Next thing I knew, I was banned for 8 hours out of the blue by Aluf.

    I believe people such as this shouldn't be given power, as low-requirement positions such as that in video game servers tend to draw people with power complexes. From observing Aluf's behavior both on myself and other players, it became very obvious that he is one of the people whom take pleasure in doling out their own version of justice. Having been an admin on many servers myself, I believe the position requires fair and selfless justice, to perform rational and calculated decisions. None of what I witnessed tonight of Aluf fell under that criteria. I would sincerely reevaluate your decision to hire him as a staff member, even if my ban is decided to not be appealed. Thank you for your time :)
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    The 25-something players online at the time.​
  2. PixeL

    PixeL Man märker andras fel och glömmer sina egna Banned VIP Silver

    Tagging @Aluf and his admin @olivia
    Please be patient for their responses.
  3. dylan klebold

    dylan klebold New Member

    • Posting in irrelevant reports/ban appeals
    I completely support this report. I witnessed the event, and Spooky did nothing wrong leading up to the ban. He was gagged - how could he mic spam if he was gagged?
    Clarification: the map was like a modern office, idk the name tho :(
  4. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    Hey there, I'll respond when I have the evidence ready. Staffing a server as of now so may take a bit.
  5. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    Hello there!

    So just to start this out, I'm sorry that you feel that I gag micspammers too fast. It's my job to gag those who micspam, as it really aches everyones ears and people need those ears to have fun on our servers. It was a hectic night, so I made sure that I was keeping the server under control and not letting it get out of hand on my watch.

    Now to start off with your case, I did indeed gag you twice for your high pitched "loli" voice changer or whatever it was that you mentioned:

    Here is our rules that clarify that type of micspam as being, well, micspam (TTT Extended Rules):

    These are the first two gags you received:

    Soon after being ungagged from your round gag, you started singing in your mic (not like a loli):

    You had two warnings, and decided to ignore both of them. Instead you decided to micspam once more, which was the final straw and I whipped out that 8 hour ban.

    Thanks for reading and have a good day my man.
    Tagging @olivia to finish this report.
  6. Spooky [Inactive]

    Spooky [Inactive] New Member

    I fail how to see that as micspam. That's neither excessively using the mic nor using loud volumes.
  7. olivia

    olivia queen of dankness VIP

    Hello there,

    My moderator followed the protocol in the manner that is expected of him. As per the picture Aluf posted from our rules, we do not allow the use of voice changers on our servers, it is always considered mic spam and is treated as such. You received two warnings- in the form of a gag and a round gag. You then proceeded to sing into your mic, which is also considered mic spam, hence the 8 hour ban. This report is invalid. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to start a conversation with me here on the forums.
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