(Conceded) Can we address the bureaucratic personality of the rules and those whom enforce them.

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by CivilProtection, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. So a situation occurred on the ttt east server, where a traitor began shooting at me in a group of people with a nighthawk, he was across the hall and I could see him plainly. I had picked up a Gauss rifle from a t who had just died and dropped it, and I used it to return fire. I shot one shot at the t and he blew up and died -great- in the doorway next to the t obscured from my view, stood an innocent who was also blown up -not as great but crossfire and a natural part of ttt- this entire event occurred in the course of like maybe a second and a half, I was being shot by the t, I was on fire, I returned fire in the most effective way possible, it was a very narrow victory. So then came the report from the dude in the doorway, "Dude wtf happened" Well I explained what happened, it was a very cut and dried situation, no I did not rdm (RANDOM DEATH MATCH) you, I did not run around the map with the Gauss rifle out shooting you because you were the first person I saw, I was simply playing the fucking game. So then Panda with a Gun grabs the report, first asking me why I killed the innocent. I explained that I did not rdm him, it was a very quick exchange of fire and he was next to the t when I shot the one and only round that I did, never did I possibly intend to kill him. "Oh so you are claiming crossfire? Not GBA? No I'm not "claiming" crossfire, that is what the fuck happened, they were both killed by the single round of Gauss aimed at the T. Surely this is pretty average fucking gameplay in a ttt server, surely an ADMIN of a ttt server would know that. "Well did you warn him before you shot?" You are asking me if, over the course of two seconds tops, while I was on fire, health dropping, being shot at by the t, and returning fire, did I type out or voice some kind of WARNING THAT I WOULD RETURN FIRE? No dude, obviously not. So Panda with this information in mind tacked on two autoslays for rdm, because apparently I also damaged someone else. I find this absolutely moronic, I was being punished for playing the game perfectly naturally and exactly as ttt is intended, as an admin, applying a blind faith to the technicalities a "victim" in this server can bitch and report about is fucking stupid. This is not the first time I have felt punished in this server for simply playing the game. I stated how I felt and then opted to leave the server and take the ban because I didn't feel like stomaching that bullshit, and so here I am, asking why these servers are moderated how they are, why should there never be any room for error in the rules, why is the definition of rdm treated as a bastardized version of itself, taken to the point where any damage to anyone is rdm, intent or not. I don't want to appeal my ban, I just want to point out what I feel is very fucking stupid.
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  2. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    • Agree Agree x 2
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  3. Is there something you are confused about that I can clarify, or are you just being flippant to try and undermine what I said.
  4. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    it's discretion my dude, every admin has it
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  5. Yes, this is a post about how Panda with a gun used his. Do you have anything to actually say about it?
  6. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    yes, all admins will use theirs in different ways. If you have an issue with it then contact their superior or have a convo with them regarding it, if all else fails then make a report my guy

    nothing will really come from a thread like this other than a generic answer
  7. That's a fair statement, I think I will

    On second thought I'm just going to leave this how it is, the issue is not with anyone breaking any rules its the technicalities created by them and the mindset which applies them, nothing that will go anywhere in a report.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    Ahh I see, the issue here is that you need to warn before firing any of our explosive weapons, jihad, gauss rifle, frag grenades, as they can damage teammates. That is why crossfire isnt enough of a reason to close the report without a slay given.

    I would probably make the same mistake as you, and id serve a slay as it is our server rules. We just gotta live with them. (y)

    I don't believe this was admin discretion. It sounds more like he was on his second offense of rdm.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    i've always wanted to be a low level government bureaucrat and staffing ttt is a form of experience.

    all jokes aside it sounds like panda did everything correctly and you are just upset because you got slain. Here let me help you out buddy cuz I am great like that.

    Here is the rules, I outline in yellow the parts relevant.

    Here is a short clip of me reading the rules to you like a father trying to teach to his son the values of life

    (please dont make fun of me for not being able to read)
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  10. I was not on my second offense of rdm, I had just logged on it was my second round, I received two slays because apparently I damaged someone else. My problem is with the rule itself given the situation, not that I'm unaware of the rule.
  11. Thanks for all your help however my issue is with the rule itself given the situation, not that I'm unaware of the rule. I think the fact that you have a video of yourself reading the rules is a testament to the mindset I have a problem with in applying them.
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I mean, yo uh didn't have to use the weapon you chose to use. You had more control of the situation than you think; it's part of the gameplay.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    The situation as you listed it is exactly the situation used in the rules. You literally said that you got someone in the crossfire with a guass rifle without warning. That's rdm. You damaged one innocent and killed another. 2 counts of rdm, 2 slay rounds. The math adds up. The rule itself is in place to make sure you don't ruin other players rounds. Do you think the person who got killed with a guass rifle (when he didn't even know to get out of the way because you didn't say anything) is not a victim? He lost a round because of you. The other guy, the one who was just damaged he also had his round messed up because now he is working at a disadvantage.

    All so you can be an action movie hero and stomp the traitor into the shadow realm. In the situation you caused more damage to your own team than you did to theirs.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    Regardless, speaking to the admin can solve everything ;) you're the pacifist you should know that
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  15. That's a very fair assessment to make, my only problem with that is that given the time frame this all occurred in everything was much more reactionary than you might think, and to mull something over like that would not naturally occur.
  16. I wouldn't have a problem with what you are saying if the hall we were in was not more confined and if it had not taken place as quickly as it did, I didn't choose to use the gauss rifle because I wanted to be an action movie hero, I did it because I needed to shoot at the traitor and very quickly, it's not that I don't feel for the innocent who died, it's that his death occurred in very typical non-malicious game play, that I don't believe warrants the title of rdm, an acronym for random death match. I did not go up to him randomly and shoot at him, I was just playing the game as it should be.
  17. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    That's understandable and it can be frustrating. Whenever this would happen to me, I would always try to learn from it and be a better player. It sucks when it happens, but it makes us better in the end.

    I personally wouldn't like it the other way around, because it would be the same for traitors. And to be on the receiving end of that schtick would make me more frustrated than having to change my playstyle a little.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. That's probably the best point to make and something I had not considered, given that I concede my position.
  19. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Excuse me you did not file the proper 1035-b form to complain about bureaucracy. I'm going to have to file a complaint against you using a 23-z form, then another form for making me type out this response with a form 69-ez. Please follow the proper channels next time. This incident has been reported.
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  20. Has nobody realized this is a bait post...?

    edit: look at his older posts, does not match the the style of writing, meaning its intentionally done to bait people
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
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