Denied jonnyallen3's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by jonnyallen3, May 3, 2018.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
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    Why you should be unbanned:
    Hey guys! Not the first time I was in these forums, eh?

    I'll cut to the chase: I was banned for using a "porn spray". Check the below for the link to said spray.

    The rules states:
    1. "No porn, gore or disturbing sprays/avatars/content"
    Now I'll admit that until now I've never read the extended rules specifically on this rule. However it states:

    "Porn is defined as "arousing images, videos or depicting sexual activity, or that show general nudity in them. The spray doesn't have to explicitly display these either: even if you cut out the actual part, but the spray can still be understood as one of the above things, it still falls within the rule. Sex toys/objects or sexual liquids are also included in that."

    Now my specific spray was of a big breasted anime chick, however fully clothed, not even showing cleavage, therefore no nudity, or sexual activity displayed within.

    Webster defines pornography as:

    "Definition of pornography

    : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
    : material (such as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
    3: the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction"

    My picture is not a depiction of erotic behavior, or to cause sexual excitement. I intended it for a quick laugh. (To be honest I don't like anime or even watch anime. I just know that this particular character is from an anime series.)

    Keep in mind that arousal is defined as well by Webster as:

    "to stimulate to action or to bodily readiness for activity."

    This basically means that each separate human being has different genes and hormones that can cause them sexual arousal from certain and sometimes extremely specific circumstances.

    Someone can possibly be sexually aroused by a dog. Does that mean we should ban people who use sprays of dogs? I'll let you be the judge.

    Listen, I understand that it's your guys' servers and I understand that you can run the server however you like, and I'm just a normal patron who uses your servers for my enjoyment, thereby subjecting me to follow and obey all your rules, judged by the people you deem fit to enforce those rules.

    However, the least you can do is specify in the rules that we can't use pictures of big breasted cartoon women, fully clothed. Why an organ for feeding a child is sexualized so is beyond me, but two each their own.

    Also a warning would have been nice. The moderator removed the spray and I asked why. He asked for the link to it and I complied, then I changed the spray. Therefore I heeded the warning he supposedly gave me. I think a solid warning in this situation would have been sufficient, not a two week ban for spraying a cartoon character.

    Also note that the dozens of mods who saw this spray before, some who stared straight at it and laughed, has zero complaints about it. However it does state:

    "Even if your spray does not fit neatly within these parameters, your spray may be removed if deemed inappropriate by a staff member. This is a discretionary ruling, so it may differ between staff members."

    So again, your servers, your rules. But I think the punishment here was a bit severe. It's been very rare occurrences that the staff here has admitted that they were wrong, I think I remember one or two times. I just hope this can be a learning experience for everyone. Just please update the rules for the future.

    Thanks for your time,


    EDIT: Also iGAZ makes a great point in his appeal. I was informed of the same thing. As long as there is no nipples or genitals showing then the spray is A-okay. So you guys should also brief your mods to not give false info of what is okay and what is not.

    iGAZ' Appeal:

    Evidence of Innocence:
    Link to said spray:​
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
  2. ptownslayer21

    ptownslayer21 i'm better than ryan VIP

    I have seen this and will address this after staffing!
  3. Sorry I thought I posted the link to the image. Here it is again:
  4. neutral

    neutral VIP

    I removed it. Please stop posting it.
  5. ptownslayer21

    ptownslayer21 i'm better than ryan VIP

    Let's get to this...

    So I banned for the spray that helix our lead admin has removed, twice now. It was causing concern for a regular on our servers so I checked it out and consulted and admin. Then I preceded to remove your spray and ban you. Please avoid using this spray and others like this while on our servers. I will not be accepting this appeal, but the ban is only local so feel free to play on our other 6 servers.


    Appeal: DENIED
    Thread: LOCKED
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