Completed Report against DexRusky

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by nigel benn, Mar 9, 2018.

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  1. nigel benn

    nigel benn VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    3 days ago
    Reason For Report:
    DexRusky wrongfully banned Big Rigs (STEAM_0:1:106357185) for "Sensitive Topics/Harrasment"

    BigRigs (STEAM_0:1:106357185), nilz and a few other players on the server were having a civilized, polite conversation regarding transgender and the state of race in society.

    Then Dex whips out his massive throbbing cock and kicks BigRigs (STEAM_0:1:106357185) out of the server with no proper warning.

    BigRigs (STEAM_0:1:106357185) joins back, questioning the kick then is wrongfully banned even AFTER he stopped talking about it.

    Nothing BigRigs (STEAM_0:1:106357185) did was worthy of a ban and It's obvious that Dex was white-knighting, trying to show off his massive cock to nochillfam.

    He claims that nochillfam felt "uncomfortable" and "harassed" by their conversation, but the conversation didn't involve nochillfam at all so I don't see how that would be considered harassment.

    This was a blatant abuse of mod powers and Dex should be punished for wrongfully banning this innocent man.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

  3. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

  4. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    I have seen this and will wait for my moderator's response.

    In the mean time
    Please be civil during this report. Let's keep immature jokes out of this.
  5. Dexter

    Dexter SGM's Resident Former Rage Mod VIP Emerald

    Alrighty then, lets get things started.

    I want to comment first before posting videos of our time on the server, I don't have the best connection to upload to youtube and I'm not the best at editting videos so you'll have to bare with me.

    From my personal view, I don't have a problem with serious discussions being discussed in game, and I didn't have a problem with SOME of the topics he began to chat about, some being a keyword. What concerned me was with how far he had begun taking it when he started discussing matters on 'race/racism', 'women', and about 'Gay people'. These are very sensitive topics that 75% of the time, it ends on a bad note. I asked him to take things easy as to not offend anyone that didn't like it, however he didn't and both @nochillfam and @NachoGril messaged me about how increasingly uncomfortable they were getting. I formally warned BigRigs and after not heeding it I kicked him for it as per protocol. In the end, I had to ban him after it was obvious that he wasn't going to stop.
  6. nochillfam

    nochillfam VIP Iron

    First of all, when I was on the server at this time, it was clear that DexRusky warned him countless times. And Big Rigs continued to say some negative comments not only regarding gender but also race. He called both nachogril and I out so DexRusky, doing his job, addressed that he was harassing us.

    Big Rigs disregarded all of his warnings and continued to mention his topics. Continued to mention that his topics are interesting and pushed his biased opinions on many of the players who were just trying to have a good time playing the game.
  7. NachoGril

    NachoGril VIP

    I do want to chime in and say that I asked Big Rigs politely to stop in chat and to which he responded over voice chat and said "you're probably a tranny and you should just leave" and then continued to make uncalled for comments about Trans, Gay, Coloured, and Women.
  8. nigel benn

    nigel benn VIP Silver

    who gives a shit if they're uncomfortable? it's a gmod server, not a safe space. he didnt offend anyone and nothing he said was against the rules. he wasnt trying to intentionally make them uncomfortable. you cant just kick someone because theyre making you uncomfortable.
  9. nigel benn

    nigel benn VIP Silver

    he never said anything derogatory or negative, he was having a civilized conversation
  10. Dexter

    Dexter SGM's Resident Former Rage Mod VIP Emerald

    Sorry for the wait.

    nigel, let me show you a little snip of the rules regarding Harassment.


    Harassment can be seen in several different lights. It takes a lot for things to make me feel uncomfortable, while I did not like the topics that he talked about. I personally asked him to tone things down so as not to offend anyone that might not like it or feel uncomfortable. There is a time and place for discussions, and in-game really wasn't the best place to do it. Nochill and Nachogril did not like what he was talking about, they felt uncomfortable and they messaged me their concerns. Making people uncomfortable = Harassment.

    He was making 'civilized' converstation about sensitive topics and it began to become a problem.

    Here is a compilation of topics he was talking about. nochill and NachoGril did not like his 'conversations' and they came to me with their converns and I followed protocol. I will leave it with my superior @Panda With a Gun to determine the overall verdict.
  11. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    as a witness, it was funny at first having a satirical jest about topics, but as these things do after a map or two it gets stale. Dex tries to get you to stop with the offensive stuff, but you just start up as you had before. it seemed to me that on 5 or more occasions dex politely asked you to stop or reel it in, you didnt and continued. this is nothing new, nilz is a master at baiting and an interesting convo is always welcome, but please dont be overly offensive, ignore requests to stop, and make other players feel uncomfortable/attacked. I felt uncomfortable, but I'll be damned if i show it, I'm there to have fun.

    PS: you were warned multiple times, were kicked, surely that wouldve hit home you were in the wrong.
  12. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    Sorry for the slight delay in this report. I am going to be marking this report valid on Dex.

    That is due to the fact Dex's recording software did not capture his initial warning for harassment on Big Rigs. Since this a report for a false harassment ban, that evidence of the warning and everything following would be required. I can see and assume where Dex may have warned in voice chat, however I would need to hear that warning for it to be valid.

    As for if Big Rigs was harassing, I can see where he took things too far and why he would have been warned and kick. However everything falls back to that evidence that is needed for that warning for that harassment protocol to be valid.

    Big Rig's ban ended a few days ago before this report was made, so it will only be voided and wont count towards his ban record. Before ending this report, I would like to ask you again not to make silly jokes on reports again in the future as these aren't meant for that. I hope you don't view Dex any less due to this situation, as he is a good moderator who made a small mistake.

    Report: Valid
    Thread: Locked
    Ban: Voided

    Thank you and have a nice day.
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