Denied Canceled Fish's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Canceled Fish, Dec 4, 2017.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Canceled Fish
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:

    Why you should be unbanned:
    I wasn't being toxic lol I wasn't gagged or muted or warned for anything at all. How am I gonna get a 5 day global ban without being warned about anything? Wtf Wink.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Didn't do shit. Look at the death scenes or whatever for my two rdm reports if you want.​
  2. printscreen from a lead admin posting in shoutbox. apparently banned for dropping a t-weapon and killing someone who picked it up.

    how is this toxicity even though i clearly didn't drop the weapon for the guy and why wasn't i just given a slay and a warning? without doing anything purposefully malicious and being free of bans for a month or two i feel like this is not fair for me lol.

    it was clearly not done on purpose. i wasn't facing the guy when i dropped the gauss rifle. i was talking to T0M about being proven and getting him a health station because we were both hurt.
  3. ptownslayer21

    ptownslayer21 i'm better than ryan VIP

    You were banned by @wink be patient and please wait until he addresses your concerns
  4. Can I please get a screenshot of wink asking the lead admin for permission to ban me and what he said? This is fucking outrageous. Not a single fucking word to me and then a 5 day global ban after no toxicity or gags or mutes or anything?
  5. DarkMage

    DarkMage VIP

    • User was warned for this post.
  6. You don't get a 5 day global ban for killing one person who picks up a t-weapon no matter if i dropped it or not. Why not just 2 slays with discretion? I didn't fucking do anything else. It clearly wasn't malicious and I'm fucking baffled at how wink can do pathetic stuff like this and get away with it. It's not like I said "here pick this up" and then I shot him right after he fucking picked it up. I was talking to T0M the entire time because he's the one who killed the guy who I got the gauss rifle from.
  7. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Hey Canceled,

    Report & Deathscene
    Chat we had

    I'd like to firstly apologize to you for not mentioning anything in game prior to the ban; I felt this case is better presented with all the pieces in one place. With that out of the way, I'll address the ban and any concerns you've expressed:

    The ban itself is a 5 day Toxic Gameplay ban, something I issued taking a few factors into mind. First and foremost, is the case itself. As you can see above in my linked evidence, you killed the player for picking up a traitorous weapon you yourself accidentally picked up and dropped. This can be seen as toxic gameplay, as you dropped said weapon you held yourself, and then killed him for it's possession, essentially creating a reason to kill him as a detective. Other factors influencing the length of this ban include your history; it's no secret you have a history with this play-style as this is now your third loopholing/toxic gameplay offense.

    I feel, all things considered, this is a fair ban length. Any concerns of yours go unanswered?
  8. Okay you can see in your video how I approach T0M with the gauss rifle and drop it. Then from behind, the guy comes up and grabs the gauss rifle. Then I kill him for picking up the T weapon. Like you said, it CAN BE SEEN as toxic gameplay but even in your video I'm clearly not even facing the guy and dropping the weapon to him. Just because I pick up a gauss rifle (that was ALREADY on the ground) and drop it again doesn't mean it's not traitorous to pick it up. Common sense will tell you that I'm not being toxic or malicious or intentionally dropping the gauss rifle here to get a free RDM.

    It's clear as day. I'm not even LOOKING at the guy I killed until after he took the gauss rifle. i didn't "create" the scenario because the gauss rifle was already on the ground before I picked it up. I dropped it 5 feet away from where it was originally. there is no rule that i have to warn everyone around me not to pick up traitor weapons. he could have easily pulled out the gauss rifle and shot me and t0m and we would have both died instantly having low health already.

    and are you seriously going to tell me that you justify this 5 day global ban for this one rdm because i've had two other toxic/loopholing bans before? this is the only other reason you could come up with for extending what should have been two slays MAYBE to 5 days global? last "toxicity" ban I got was back in May and YOU were the one who gave me that ban.


    and other toxic bans have been from YOU. the other ones on my list were appealed. I'm feeling like this is a case of misjudgement on your part and being a biased admin.

    my concerns that go unanswered are this:

    why are you using bans against me that are over 6 months old and almost even 2 years old?
    and did you seriously look at that death scene and think that i dropped that gauss rifle just so that i could get a free rdm?

    Looks to me like that saw the death scene, don't like me because I've called you out on your admin abilities before, and are using it to make me mad and get me banned for 5 days because you're petty and you think you can do that. Even though I think it's clear that I am not being malicious in your video.

    **I literally even give the guy time to drop the weapon before I shoot him. If you had audio, you would be able to hear me say "DROP IT. DROP THE GAUSS RIFLE IT IS NOT YOURS."
  9. It looks like I'm finding a pattern here in your admin skills because you're the only one who seems to ban me for this and this time it's ridiculous.

    I would like to know why you pinpoint this one specific time to toxicity? How can you say this scenario was 100% toxic and malicious and then use it as grounds to give me a 5 day global ban, using my past toxicity bans BY YOU as a valid reason to make it global. Seriously?
  10. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    It doesn't matter where your looking honestly, you decided to kill a player for a traitorous weapon you yourself possessed as a detective one point regardless of which way your body was turned.

    I've looked the deathscene over several times, and I stick by my reasoning it's toxic gameplay; You knew exactly where the traitorous weapon(your own hands) came from and still chose to kill him based off this. Loopholing/Toxic Gameplay bans have no SoL. Keep in mind, I've considered these, the cases within, and their lengths, and feel I'm being fairly lenient in terms the length of this punishment.

    I'll hear out anyone who has concerns regarding my abilities as an admin, and won't let it affect my judgement of these cases. While your actions may of not been intentionally malice, think of it from an outside viewpoint: He was killed by a detective for possessing a traitorous weapon he knew the full story and decided to kill because he could.

    I'll deny this appeal.

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