I find it much easier to kill groups of people with an AK than with a Shotun, which baffles me. It does so much damage and it's recoil is easy to control. I understand VIP's and whatnot having advantages but it seems like too much of an advantage imo. Can we talk about this?
Well it may be OP if it wasn’t for the recoil that it has. Otherwise, it would be too overpowered over all the guns.
the recoil is so piss easy to control i need a new and FRESH argument also also hes probably a vanilla player so you cant say theres alternatives like acr thank
Doesn't change the fact that it's true though. Kinda silly how defensive vanilla players get over VIPs getting the most blatant pay2win this server has. xd https://www.seriousgmod.com/threads/make-ak47-spawn-on-the-ground-on-vanilla.40000/ My proposal from a while back https://www.seriousgmod.com/threads/feeling-balanced.44814/ Balancing update coming Soon™ which will hopefully do something.
I mean the rifle is a 1 shot to the head, shotgun can oneshot as well and even the deagle is good if you can aim. AK is an easier gun to use but like it's not really op. You just need to get good
AK has been a staple and sometimes is the only reason that people play Vanilla is because of the modded weapons that are on it. Do I think it needs a nerf? Yes. A removal? No. But im sure that we will make it more balanced with every weapon here soon.