Passive or Ability: Using enemy summoner spells. Ability: Long Range Sleep CC spell Ability: Back and forth with portal for aoe burst Ability: V curve with a shot going back behind then shooting forward. Ability: Autoattack amplifier ability.
From what I've heard, using the enemy summoner spells (and active items, you can see her pick up a protobelt and use it) is her ult.
If anyone plays Gangplank, this is the build you should go. Looks troll but trust me, it works. The Keystone procs on your q's and you get so much sustain in lane, gold, and random boosts that items that helps you from the keystone.
Considering the new update and changes in League, what would you guys consider a good rune set for Ahri and Syndra (I main them)?
Honestly, these new runes are very much like the old mastery system so you should read what every single one gives and pick them to precisely stick to your play style of those champs. Anyone who thinks that there's a "best" rune page in the current system is just delusional.
There is definitely a best page for every champion for different matchups, there will always be a "best" page that beats the others. Although during preseason you should just experiment with the stuff and get a feel for the new system, try out fun pages.
No. There's only a best rune page for every specific playstyle for every champ. The new system doesn't even give you values, just describes what it does. What he should pick is literally just by reading what it gives to match your playstyle. If I want to play my wukong tanky, the "best" rune page isn't the one I found on with extra damage for every champ takedown. Even the pros had a lot of variations in their masteries this worlds and they literally have analysts that pick it for them. Your rune should match what you want to do, and depend on your build path, not what others are doing with it. The main thing with this rune page is that it doesn't give you specific stats from each choice at selection. I'm not saying a meta won't develop with the new rune page, but there are way more viable options than runes before which gave you AD/Armour on select.
In a vacuum where bots that never make any mistakes are playing, one will always be the best rune page for a certain matchup/champion. Yes, you can and should experiment with different rune pages and playstyles but you can't say that there won't be a "best" one, there will certainly be one.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Probably one is a more efficient way to get vision, don't ask me I haven't really gotten into the new runes yet. I was just saying that there will always be a "best" setup.
Nigga no. That's the premise of balance of runes. If you destroy more wards, you get more vision from Eyeball collection. If you stay in bushes and jump, you get more vision from your back. That's how every single pick is. You get more damage based on your playstyle. Bots have a playstyle too. Your mf bot aint gonna get more damage from ability damage but LeBlanc bot will. You don't understand. The best option is your choice. You're exactly the type of guy I was saying is delusional.
The new runepage makes a lot of champions viable again plus it adds different playstyles to each champion. The new adaptive level mechanic makes it so that every single rune works on every single champion excluding the ones that requires a cc to activate. Go try every keystone out on your champion, find one that works best for you.
ahri page: main path: domination: electrocute, cheap shot, eyeball collector, relentless hunter 2nd path FLEXIBLE sorcery: manaflow band/ultimate hat & celerity/gathering storm precision: overheal & coup de grace syndra page: main path: domination: electrocute, cheap shot, eyeball collector, ravenous hunter 2nd path: sorcery: manaflow band/ultimate hat & scorch/transcendence/gathering storm this is all my opinion on what would be a good page for certain mages (i think all the sorcery keystones are shit) i can write an explanation as to why i chose this shit if you really want but i just quickly wrote this up i hope you like my lack of grammar.
I mean let a guy have his fun(Like I get more aids from playing against the bots than actual players)