What the title says. Moddorkrator here, checking in. Turning 20 soon, what a time to be alive. I'm a fucking idiot. To celebrate my idiocy, I'll be offering my shekels to two ('cause twenty) very special people in this absolutely, not-at-all, not-even-remotely rigged giveaway. What does that mean? You get steam games or ranks - or both. I don't even really care, my dude. Actually I do care, tops like €50 total. That's $60 to you Americans. Depending on the situation, I might accept a minor extra, but that's the baseline. So now that you know that I'm giving away my life savings, how do you get your filthy hands on the money? Rate this Winner so I feel like less of a loser lmaaaaaaaao Comments are optional but welcome You may only enter for yourself - it's rude to give your birthday gifts away to others. Giveaway ends on my birthday (16th of November; 10th day from now).
Oh, this is an interesting and generous giveaway, count me in. I'll pick my prize when it comes to that time.
You're supposed to get gifts for your birthday, not give. But much appreciated! Thanks for the giveaway!