The servers currently run ttt_safetown_beta06 which has some problemas including an elevator glitch and a bodies falling through the map glitch, that were fixed on the new version. For anyone unfamiliar with the current version map, or doesn't remember which map it is, here are some screenshots: Spoiler: Sniper(T-trap)/Outside Spoiler: Barnacles(T-trap)/Main Lobby Spoiler: Elevators and one of the vents/Behind the stairs Spoiler: Antlion Guard(T-trap)/Underground Spoiler: Traitor Tester/Underground Spoiler: A way to the Sewers/Main Lobby Spoiler: Sewers The map was made by @Sirhymfer and the newest version(7), which was released in january, is available in his Official Map Thread and through this link:
Last I heard highwon didnt like the antlion as it apparently caused lag in my tests it dropped me a solid 2 to 3 fps
I don’t hve a clue what version were on i just came back and last i played on it it was a older version.
The thing is the current safetown is still in map rotation, which suffers from couple issues as iii mentioned. At least, update the map so it's not as buggy as it currently is if it's not going to be removed.
I know how to navigate it but 75% of new players don't and find it hard to navigate which in turn causes delay and isn't fun. The map should never have been added and was only added because it was made by a community member.
Glad you enjoy my first map in 9 years. I've been working on a big update for this map and one thing more Beta7 is old ! Current version is Beta8 aint out for public. Something big is lurking in the shadows.